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"Hello", I still asked something out of breath after pressing the green button.

"Hey Kathie. It's me, Jess. Are you all right?" she asked and sounded slightly worried.

A smile appeared on my face and I quickly looked at Leo.

"Yes. W-Why?".

"Because you're not home yet and we got out so early," she explained and now sounded much more relaxed.

"Yes. No, I'm fine," I said, slightly distracted, since Leo had come over to me, his arms wrapped around me and had started to spread little hot kisses on my neck.

"Are you still in college?," Jessie asked.

"No", I just meant and gave Leo a bad look. But he just laughed silently into himself while he continued to give me kisses.

"Okay... Where are you?" asked Jessie now that my meager answers seemed strange to her.

"Um", I started, freed myself from Leo and shoved him on the couch with a powerful thrust, so that he finally stopped making my head crazy. "I'll explain that to you when I get home", I continued, trying to ignore Leo's outraged looks.

"Okay. When will you be home?" she continued.

"I don't know. Tonight', I suspected and hoped she would be content with that statement.

"All right. Because I wanted to talk to you too', she said and now I was worried.

"Are you okay?"I asked worriedly and heard Jessie sigh.

"Yes, I'm fine. It's just... I'll tell you tonight, Kathie".

"All right. Then I'll see you soon", I said goodbye.

"Until tonight", Jessie said goodbye and hung up.

"You are impossible", I said to Leo with my hands on my hips.

"I know," he said with a mischievous grin, still sitting on the sofa.

"Is Jessica all right?" he asked now, apparently he had recognized the voice on the other end of the phone.

"She said she was fine. But she sounded somehow sad," I noted thoughtfully and sat next to Leo.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" he asked, but sounded as if he didn't want to ask that question at all.

"No, at least not now. I told Jessie I was coming home tonight," I explained and saw a grin appearing on Leo's face.

"Does that mean I have you all to myself until tonight," he asked with shining eyes.

"Looks like it,' I said and returned his grin.

"And what do we do?" he asked and my gaze slid back to the games.

"We still like to play," I said with interest and looked back at Leos.

"Because it worked so well earlier," he asked, grinning broadly and his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Then we play something where we don't have to compete against each other," I explained.

"Do you know which game you like?" he said.

"Which one?" I asked curiously and waited for his answer.

"Beyond Two Souls. Do you know that?" he asked and looked at me with excitement.

"I once saw a poster of the game," I confessed and was ashamed of my ignorance of video games.

"It's about a girl who has a second soul like an invisible friend from another dimension. It's a game where you make the decisions and I think there are about 26 different ends for this game. I've only played it once completely so far," he explained with that glow in his eyes that he only had when he talked about something he liked very much.

The Truth UntoldOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz