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"You look pretty wet," Leo said amused and drove off.

"Just say, Sherlock", I mumbled and sparkled at him briefly.

"Are you cold?" he asked me after a look and I shook my head.

Nevertheless, he turned the heater one degree higher.

"Why are you out in such weather", he asked now and blinked to see the traffic in front of him between the drops.

"Jessie has my car since yesterday and I was forced to take the bus," I explained and nodded.

"It's a little early for you to go home, isn't it," he asked now.

"The professor is sick", I said shrugging my shoulders.

"And what are you doing here,' I asked when I noticed that he was supposed to be somewhere else.

"I took time off," he replied.

He stopped and I wondered why we were already there. We would have had to drive at least another five minutes.

"This is not my house', I noticed when I recognized the building I knew in front of me.

"Just say, Sherlock," he mimicked me and got out.

Together we ran to the entrance hall, his apartment building and dripped to the ground when we arrived.

"What are we doing here," I asked confusedly, but followed him to the elevators.

This time the entrance hall was empty, no man in a suit behind the counter.

"My apartment is closer than yours. It would have been irresponsible to drive to your apartment. We would have endangered ourselves and pedestrians," he explained when we reached the elevator and I looked at him as if he were the strangest person I had ever met. I didn't believe a word he said.

"Aha," I said soundlessly, looking at the elevator door that was just closing.

"Don't say that," Leo suddenly said and looked at me.

"What?" I asked confusedly and returned his look.

"'Aha'. I hate that," he said and looked forward again.

"Aha', I meant to annoy him and it worked.

He gave me a sparkling look and snorted.

"You can really drive a man to white heat," he muttered.

"Aha', I said and backed away laughing as he turned to me.

Before he could say anything or do anything, the doors of the elevator opened with a pling and I quickly fled into his hallway. I took off my shoes and Leo disappeared wordlessly upstairs, just to come down again a few seconds later with a pile of clothes in his hands.

"Here. I picked out some dry clothes for you," he said and pressed the heap into my hands.

"Thank you," I mumbled and quickly disappeared into the bathroom upstairs.

I somehow tried to dry my hair a little, but it didn't do much. They were still hanging from my head flat and stringy and I wrinkled my nose badly.

"I look like I haven't had a shower in a week," I said when I came down the stairs in Leo's clothes and saw him sitting on the couch. Leo had given me a plain white T-shirt again, which I had tied into a knot at the front so that it didn't look as slabgish on me, and the same grey sweatpants that kept slipping off my hips like last time.  He turned his head to me, looked at me for a second and then said, "You look as good as ever.

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