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A look into the kitchen showed me that Aunt Zoey had obviously joined my uncle. Since I didn't know exactly where to go now, I fled to the first floor. Granny had bought a new kitchen, a new living room and new floors. Even the walls had got a new colour. More modern and chic. The ground floor hardly resembled the one I knew from my childhood. But up here everything was the same as before. Dark brown laminate and white walls. One side was lined with photos of our whole family and of places Granny had visited. On the other side were works of art my grandparents had collected. Everywhere doors led to the most different rooms, of which a few were also with pleasure from time to time locked. And at the end of the corridor was a door that had always been open since I could think. The door led into a large and high room. One side consisted completely of windows and cold moonlight illuminated the room. Ceiling-high cupboards had been embedded in a wall. In former times two guitars stood here, a harp and at the now empty wall, a shelf had stood, full with the most different instruments. My granddad had collected them and had been a musical all-rounder. Even a violin had once had its place for her. Now the shelf was gone and the room was completely empty. Except for a shiny, impressive grand piano that stood in the middle of the room. The favourite piece of my granddad. After his death Granny had donated the musical instruments to a school because it had been my grandfather's last wish. Even though Granny never had much to do with musical instruments, she did not want to part with the grand piano. Now it was the only thing that adorned this once full and happy, now empty and lonely room. Granddad had taught each of his children and grandchildren a different musical instrument. He had shown me and my mum how to play the grand piano. And I had loved it. So many pieces I had learned and played to my family. For Elise from Beethoven I had been able to play in my sleep. But when I had separated from my home, I had also had to separate from playing the piano. From time to time, when I had been here, I had strummed a few melodies, but it hadn't been the way it used to be. With my fingers I stroked over the varnished, shiny wood and sat a little reverently on the stool. Gently I lifted the key cover and revealed the shimmering keys that looked like ivory. You might think it had never been played before. The grand piano showed no sign that it had ever been used. Although it had been played almost daily for years, the keys showed no discoloration and not a scratch was visible on the entire piano. It was as if he was defending himself against time and trying to prove that he had never been used. Hesitantly I pressed a key down and the familiar sound of the grand piano broke the silence. I remembered a melody I had once invented. It was crazy that I could remember it after all these years. Slowly and hesitantly I began to play it and had to smile.

"I didn't know that you could play the piano", a voice cut through the room and I drove together shocked. I had been so sunken that I hadn't even noticed Leo entering the room.

"My Granddad taught me," I said, but I didn't look at him and fixed the keys.

I moved a bit on the stool to make room for Leo. Here two people fit loosely on it.

Without looking at us we remained silent for a few seconds until Leo asked: "What was that melody?"

"I thought it up myself at some point. I named it 'First Love'.I was surprised myself that I still know how it works", I explained a little embarrassed and shoved a strand behind my ear.

"Do you play it for me," he asked and I nodded.

I took a deep breath, positioned my feet above the pedals and exhaled again. And then I played. So fluid, as if I had never stopped. When I played a thought came to me. At that time I had not been satisfied with the song. A destiny was missing, a meaning. But now I found it to fit him perfectly. As if I had composed this song alone for him. As if it was just for him. When I let the last notes sound, I looked at him. But he did not return my gaze.

Again silence resounded in this empty room.

"You couldn't look at the pictures," Leo said out of nowhere and it sounded like a statement.

I bit the inside of my cheek and exhaled deeply.

"No," I said and my voice failed.

"With every day that passes, I understand more why it hurts you so much".

He took a break.

"Your family is absolutely great," he said and grabbed my hand.

"Yes', I said, but my voice broke again and it sounded so quiet that I nodded because I wasn't sure if he had heard me.

"I wish I had been there then and could have helped. I wish I knew what is going on in you. I wish I could take the pain away from you," he also said more quietly and pressed my hand very hard.

Tears shot into my eyes, I looked at him and muttered: "Many people would not understand why I did this. I am grateful that you are trying".

"I love you', Leo whispered after a few seconds of silence and I smiled.

"And I love you more,' I said and now I pressed his hand very hard.

He laughed briefly and then said, "I don't think that's possible". At his words he stroked the back of my hand with his thumbs.

"Come with me, I want to show you something', I announced and stood up.

Holding hands we left the room and I pulled him to the stairs leading to the second floor. There I opened one of the many doors and we entered the room behind.

"This is my old room. My Granny has left everything unchanged in here since I left," I explained and watched Leo look around with interest. In the shelf on the wall stood all my favorite books and under the television on the wall stood my extensive film and series collection. On the desk was a folder full of music sheets and stories I had written. On the walls and on the shelves were old class photos, photos with my friends and photos I had taken of things I had found interesting. There were two picture frames on my bedside table. One was a picture of my parents and me and the other was a picture of Alex and me.

"Here I still sleep when I visit my Granny. How good that I liked already at that time large beds" I explained to loosen up the tendency a little.

Leo turned to me and came smiling to me.

"A sweet room," he said and kissed me.

It was a sweet, tender kiss.

I abruptly detached myself from him and said accusingly: "But no indecency in my old bedroom".

"Not? What a pity', he said and kissed me a second time, but this time he lasted longer.

"I think I must lie down the picture with my parents in reverse soon', I said as we separated from each other.

"It is better. After all, I want to make a good impression," Leo said with a worried look at my bedside table.

I giggled and pulled him back to me.

The Truth UntoldOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz