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Friday passed without any special events. I tried to catch up on the missed stuff and wrote all the time with Leo. We arranged to meet for an unspecified day to see the last two parts of Harry Potter and he really wanted to invite me to his favorite Korean.

"You're not coming," Jessie asked me when she saw me Saturday night with a book on the sofa.

"No, I don't want to put my health to the test," I explained, and this time she didn't try to persuade me.

"All right. If something happens, you let me know, okay?" she said to me and I replied: "I can only give it back".

"Bye, Kathie," she said and disappeared from the apartment.

The silence enveloped me and I sank back into my book until my stomach growled. I went into the kitchen and took some of the couscous salad Jess had made. When I ate up and concentrated on my book again, my cell phone vibrated. Leo's name appeared on the display and I smiled automatically.

"Hey," I greeted him and heard loud music and screaming people in the background.

"Hi, how are you," Leo asked and suddenly the music and the people became quieter. Apparently he went somewhere where it wasn't so loud.

"Good, and you?" I asked back.

"Yes, too. Why aren't you at the party?" he asked and sounded slightly disappointed.

"I didn't want to put my health on the line. Besides, I have to work earlier tomorrow," I explained.

"Sounds logical. Still a pity. Had hoped to see you here," he said and I smiled again.

"So you haven't had enough of me yet?" I asked laughingly.

"No, I don't think I can get enough of you," he said and I heard him laugh.

"Do you know where I am now?" he suddenly asked out of the blue.

"I guess at the party," I said slightly sarcastically.

"Haha, very funny. I'm sitting by the pool," he explained, and the memory of the evening we met came back into my head.

"Remember?" he asked now because I still hadn't said anything.

"Yes, how could I forget our pool conversation," I said quickly.

"I think we should have more of these pool conversations," he explained, and I could only agree with him.

"I'm sure I'll be back next week," I said and he laughed.

"I'll write it down in my calendar: pool talk Katherine, nine o'clock in the evening," he joked.

"Don't Abandon me", I went into it and so we phoned for hours, until I fell asleep on the phone sometime and just understood a: "Good night, Kathie", from him.

Monday started normally. I took a shower, put on my clothes, put on make-up and had breakfast. Then Jessie and I went to university together, but got us a cup of coffee first. The lecture was quite normal and hanging out with our troop when we had free periods was also quite normal. But when Jessie and I headed towards them, I realized that there was one too many.

Only when we reached them did I recognize a strange girl next to Leo holding his hand.

"What is going on here," Jessie asked cheerfully, but I stood there stiff as a stick and stared at this girl.

"That's Yuna," Leo said and looked at me expressionlessly. Yuna.

She made a little bow and said shyly: "Hello". Her voice sounded squeaky and yet so tender that you could only find her beautiful. She was generally beautiful, long black hair, so thin and dainty that one could be afraid to break her and her face, with the lively sparkling almond eyes, had something so fine about it that it could not be described other than "pretty".

"Yuna flew here last night as a surprise and stays until tomorrow," he explained to everyone, but looked at me.

"Hi, Yuna. I'm Jessica and this is Katherine," Jessie politely explained, but I saw that she had to pull herself together. I was so grateful to her for doing the talking for me because any movement seemed impossible. There was nothing, no thought, no feeling in me. Yuna threw a dazzling smile at both of us and then pressed close to Leo again. Her cheeks were a little reddened, apparently the situation was quite unpleasant for her. Most likely caused by me, because I kept staring at her and Leo alternately.

Liar, was the only word buzzing around in my head. And there it was finally, the rage. Like a glowing iron rod she drilled herself into my heart and burned it. Before I made a scene in front of all the others, I turned around and went off. From the corner of my eye I could only see Jessie shaking her head slightly in his direction and Yuna giving Leo questioning looks. My heels thundered on the stone path and I didn't know where to put my pent-up anger.

He hadn't told her. He had lied to me. He didn't say anything. He was a liar. And I was as angry as I had not been for a long time. But there was another feeling drilling into me. It was excessive disappointment, about him, about my naivety, my stupidity. And this feeling of disappointment drove tears into my eyes.  Jessie was close behind me and followed me into the girls' bathroom, where I locked myself alone in a cabin and the tears began to flow silently.

"Oh, Kathie. I'm so sorry, you can't imagine that," Jessie said in front of the cabin door and the anger took over again. I wiped away the tears and threw the door open.

"I'm fine. You learn from mistakes and that was a big one," I said snorting and washed my hands in anger even though I hadn't been to the bathroom.

"This guy needs a good rubdown, if you ask me," Kathie said encouragingly.

"The lecture is about to start," I explained to show her that I didn't want to talk about it any longer.

Blindly I ran out of the toilet, but I didn't come two steps, I was pulled back. I wanted to yell at Jessie what that was all About, when I looked into deep, black eyes. I broke away, trembling with rage.

"Touch me again and it will be the last thing you have ever done, I swear to you," I hissed and would have loved to beat him up.

"Kathie, I'm sorry. Please, let me ...", Leo started, but I interrupted him with a gesture of my hand.

"I don't want to hear that,' I said and went back in the direction I originally wanted.

But Leo caught up with me and blocked my way.

"Kathie, I ...". I interrupted him again, I no longer wanted to hear his excuses and apologies.

"Stop it, Leo. Stop it. I don't want to hear the shit coming out of your mouth anymore. I'm sick of it,' I shouted snorting and tried to walk past him, but he wouldn't let me.

"Leave the crap, Leo', Jessie said behind me, but he also ignored her.

"Kathie, I didn't know she was coming', he explained now and his gaze pierced through me. But he left me cold and I sparkled back.

"That's not the point! Did you tell her?' I asked although the answer was obvious.

"No', he said, scratching his head and looking at the floor.

"When were you planning to do that? Can you explain that to me? Maybe if you marry someone else," I said angrily and noticed how a few students looked at us curiously.

"It's not that easy. I've been with her for two years, okay? It's a big part of my life. So I'm sorry this isn't so easy for me. The fact that she visited me spontaneously just went to shit," he said and also looked a bit angry.

"You make me sick," I said soundlessly, rushing past him and walking towards the lecture hall. Leo didn't try to stop me anymore.

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