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When I opened our apartment door, a quiet whisper and giggling from the living room came towards me. I remembered the party when I sent Milan to our apartment to finally have a clear word with Jessie. Apparently he was still here. Silently I went to the living room and saw them both lying on the sofa while the TV was on, Jessie's head on his shoulder and Milan's hand on Jessie's belly. A feeling of relief spread through me. Milan stayed with her, not leaving her and his baby alone. I'm honest, I wasn't sure what he would do, if he would stay or if it would have been too much for him and let her down. But a stone fell from my heart when I saw both of them so united on the sofa, giggling happily and hiding everything around them. Jessie was the first to notice me still standing in the doorway and her face brightened.

"Kathie! Where were you? We were worried," she said and it almost sounded like a reproach.

"Of course," I said in disbelief, but with a broad smile on my face and leaned against the door frame.

"She almost called the police," Milan confirmed Jesse's statement and she crossed her fingers with his.

"What stopped you from calling me," I asked and Jess turned bright red.

"Oh ... öhhh ... various things," she said with a mischievous smile to Milan.

"I'd better leave you alone", I said disgusted before I found out what they had done and quickly went to my room.

Before I closed the door, I heard them both laughing because of my reaction and I shook my head. I was afraid that it might become unbearable with the two of them as a couple.

I quickly took a shower, changed my clothes for work and went back to the living room ready to leave. They were still sitting there, in the same pose and still giggling like fifth graders.

"I'm working," I said casually and put my keys in my pocket.

"Wait, Kathie," Milan called from the living room and went to me as fast as he could.

I looked at him in amazement.

"You knew that, didn't you?" he asked seriously and I put on my shoes.

"What do you mean?" I asked, slightly confused.

"That she is pregnant', he explained and I nodded.

"Thank you, Kathie. You have something good with me," he said and I heard the gratitude in his voice.

"I found it was becoming so slowly due," I meant with my typical sarcasm to cover up how unpleasant this declaration of thanks was to me. I guess I did it for Jessie and the baby rather than for him. He was a good friend of mine, but if it came hard, I would stick with Jessie no matter what. Milan nodded with a smile and went back to the living room while I left the apartment. The work went by quickly, but it was jam-packed and so I fell exhausted on my bed when I got home. I heard footsteps tapering from the living room to my room and I asked: "Where is Milan?". I knew it was Jessie and Milan's shoes were no longer in the hallway.

"At home. How was your day?" she said cheerfully and lay down next to me on my bed.

"Exhausting. Yours?", I asked back while we both stared at the blanket.

"Cosy," she said, and we remained silent.

"Where did you sleep?" Jess asked curiously. I had already thought that this question would come sooner or later.

"At Leo's," I replied bored.

"You were at Leo's house? And what is his family like?" asked Jessie and I sighed.

"He lives alone. Penthouse apartment. His father gave it to him as a present. His father is rich," I said in choppy sentences.

"No," Jessie said, still staring at the ceiling.

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