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The whole week went by like clockwork. Leo and I met more regularly on campus and went out for coffee. We stayed so long in the coffee until the barista told us that she would like to close. I hadn't laughed as much that evening for a long time. He told me a funny story from his childhood, for example how he had accidentally thrown a girl to the ground because he was so nervous to ask her for a date. But nothing more happened. I had my dancing lessons, went to work and wrote all the time with Leo. Until the weekend.

"Is the discussion going on again," Jessie asked me. I had been lying on the couch reading for half a Saturday, wearing my thickest sweater and cuddliest pants, and was prepared to leave the couch only when I went to bed. But Jessie had something else in mind.

"You'll come to Henry's party again," she explained, standing over me with her arms crossed.

"And there we have it. This little word 'again' makes me stay here. I was already there last week, it was shit. I'm not up for it", I explained and tried to concentrate again on the letters in front of me.

"I'll give you two reasons why what you just said is a complete bullshit," she said, and I got fed up with the book.

"First of all, last week wasn't a complete failure, you finally met Leo. So stop saying that," she said and I rolled my eyes.

"And second of all, young lady, I happen to know that Leo will be there today, too," she said triumphantly and I suddenly became keen-eyed.

"There she is," Jessie said, rather to herself than to me, and smiled confidently.

"I'll come with you," I admitted.

"Oh no," she said and her voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Under one condition," I continued and saw Jess raise an eyebrow.

"Don't get drunk like that again and if you do, you can see for yourself how you get home," I explained and before she could say anything I quickly disappeared into the bathroom. This time I decided on a black short skirt, a silver backless top and black knee stumps to which I wore black bootees.

Same crap as last time. Loud music, many, many people and it was tight. But this time Milan, with whom Jess must have got along well again, took us straight to the kitchen, where Sarah and Patrick, friends of ours, stood with tequila and lemons.

"Oh, no, Jess, you know I can't drink tequila", I tried to talk my way out and tried to get away, but her grip on my wrist was iron.

"I know. But since you've been complaining all the time that you missed out last week, I'm going to fill you up today".

She pressed the short one into my hand, stroked the lemon over the back of my hand, sprinkled salt on it and on three we tilted it away. I thought that was it for now, but Jessie made her threat and so I tilted five shots down in seven minutes. It didn't take long and I felt the alcohol. Milan pressed another cup of his self-mixed stuff into my hand and I had the stupid habit that as soon as I had drunk something I drank everything else too fast and could be full within seconds. But I pulled myself together and began to look around, looking for a certain face.

"Come on, Kathie. We're playing," Jessie said and dragged me with the others to the sofa in the living room. I was too tipsy to defend myself.

"Anyone else wanting to play," Jess asked and everyone called.

"Wait a minute, Jess," Tyler said and disappeared into the crowd.

When he came back, he had Leo in tow and as soon as I saw him, I couldn't take my eyes off him. Jessie had noticed my reaction and gently popped me in the side.

"Sit down," Tyler challenged him and when Leo saw me, he grinned and sat down next to me me. He had his white shirt on again and I bit my lip at the sight.

"Hey, I was looking for you. I thought you wouldn't have come," he said and looked at me from the side.

"How could I miss something like that", I said and pointed to the round, whereupon he laughed.

"And do you have to play chauffeur again today," I asked.

"Nop, they have a room available at the moment where I can sleep tonight. So today I have the free drink ticket," he explained, and on his red cheeks I recognized that he had already drunk something.

"Otherwise I would have advised you not to take part in this game," I said casually.

The game went his way, she kissed him, he drank that and so on and so forth. I used to like to play along, I found it exciting, but so slowly it really got on my nerves. It struck me strongly that Jessie tried to fill me up. For the fact that I was relatively thin and small I tolerated a lot. Leo seemed to be her target as well, though. She was planning something and whenever one of us had to drink because of her, I would sparkle at her.

"Cathie, truth or dare," Tyler asked me at some point and grinned insidiously.

"Dare," I replied without thinking.

"Kiss me," Tyler demanded, and I immediately regretted my choice.

"Absolutely not," I said and disgusted my face.

"Why not," Tyler asked and flashed over to me.

"I'm not drunk enough to kiss you yet," I explained angrily.

"Come on, otherwise you won't have a problem kissing other guys," he teased me and I looked at Leo in horror.

"Don't worry, Kathie. Leo knows your stories," Tyler said with a sneaky smile and the blood shot into my head. Sure, I used to like to make out with boys and, admittedly, often did, but Leo didn't have to know that.

"He told me very little, Kathie, honestly," Leo tried to appease me, but inside I was boiling with rage.

"Before I kiss you, I'd rather die," I said angrily to Tyler.

"Well then, have fun," Tyler said and handed me the penalty shot. The penalty shot was punishment for those who weren't telling the truth or refusing to do a job, and consisted of vodka, tequila, and some brown liquid, I was guessing whiskey.

With glowing eyes I took the shot and without thinking much about it I tilted it down. I coughed with disgust and had to pull myself together not to vomit.

"So I would have preferred to kiss myself," Tyler said to a buddy and I gave him glowing looks that he ignored.

The game went on, the level rose and at some point I noticed Leo putting an arm around my shoulder. My heart started beating faster immediately, but I didn't dare to see him, afraid he would put the arm away again.

"Leo, truth or dare," Jessie asked when it was her turn.

"Dare," he said without hesitation. Jessie's gaze scurried to me and I knew what she was up to.

"Kiss Kathie for 15 seconds," she said and smiled proudly.

Leo stood up surprised and my mouth remained open.

"I count of course," Jess added, and I cursed her inwardly.

Leo looked at me, a bit clumsy, because he didn't know what to do.

"If you don't want to, you just have to say something ...', he started, but, as I said before, I was a little drunk and when I'm drunk I'm just different.

Without thinking, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. He breathed in surprised, but then relaxed and his lips became softer, moving with mine. My heart was racing and I had the feeling that it was jumping out of my chest at any moment. He put one hand on my hip while mine rested on his chest and I felt the heat emanating from his body, his wild beating heart.

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