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The fact that Leo and I were now actually together still made Jessie go crazy. And when the news came that he was driving me to school on Thursday, it didn't make it any better. Of course Jessie was allowed to go with me. I got in the front seat, while Jessie slipped onto the back seat.

"Hey," Leo said with a broad smile and leaned over to me to give me a quick and fleeting kiss on the lips.

"Hi," I said with a bright red head. Apparently I first had to get used to the public expressions of love. As I said, I had only had a relationship behind me and it had been completely far from the standards. But I had noticed the butterflies in my stomach.

"I don't know if I should find that cute or vomit," commented Jessie from behind, after we hadn't been able to separate our glances from each other yet, bringing us back to the ground.

"Shut up," I just said to Jess and Leo left with a broad grin.

I hardly saw him again during the day, only when my and Jessie's last lecture was over and we went to the parking lot, where Leo was already waiting for us at his Audi. I walked up to him while Jessie jumped back to the back row of seats.

"I missed you," Leo muttered in my ear as I stood in front of him.

With a smile I leaned against him and said: "This could be a hard time if you have to wait until tomorrow evening until you have me back".

"How am I supposed to survive," he said close to my lips, putting his hands on my hip and kissing me.

"We should get in or Jess will have another crisis," I said after our lips had separated from each other.

"That's not good for the baby at all," Leo said and entered with a cheeky grin.

"You're worse than Milan and I," Jessie said as soon as we got in and I snorted amused.

"Oh no. You were at least as horrible," I said, but I couldn't help grinning.

Leo left Jessies remark uncommented and put his hand on my thigh.

"Is it okay if I stay with you until the cinema?" Leo asked after a while of silence and my stomach started to tingle.

"Of course. Are we going to have something to eat before the cinema?" I asked Jessie and she nodded.

"As far as I know, yes," she said.

"Perfect, then I don't have to cook anything," I said relieved.

"Do you only like to cook when you wear my T-shirt?" Leo asked quietly but loudly enough that Jessie could hear it. I saw her big eyes in the rearview mirror. As an answer I only gave him a slap on the arm in shame, whereupon he giggled quietly. Leo found a parking space right in front of our house and when we were in our apartment, Leo dropped on my bed while I fetched a bottle of water from the kitchen.

"Are you sleeping?" I asked when I came into my room and saw him lying on my bed with his arms and legs stretched out.

"If you lie down with me, it won't take long," he said and opened his eyes.

"I had something else in mind, but if you want to sleep" I said provocatively and sat on him after I had put the bottle on my desk.

"And what," Leo asked interestedly, putting his hands under his head and looking up at me.

I put my hands on his chest, bent down to him and said, "This, for example".

Gently I kissed his neck and sucked on the sensitive skin while Leo put his hands on my hip. A thought occurred to me and I straightened up abruptly. Leo's disappointed facial expression made me smile.

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