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Leo had written me in the morning that we probably wouldn't see each other today and I had replied that I had to prepare for the exams anyway. It was probably quite good that we didn't hang out 24/7. Throughout the day, however, an idea developed in my head and with every minute that passed, I was more determined to do it. I knew when Leo would end today and wrote him a message shortly before.

Stand with the car in front of the building and wait for you.

The minutes passed and finally I saw some people leaving the building. I also discovered Leo, who was now heading purposefully for my car. He opened the passenger door and sat down on the seat.

"Hi. Are you all right?" he asked immediately and looked at me from top to bottom.

"Yes, I'm fine," I said with a scratchy throat. The crying yesterday had visibly left its traces.

"All right. I'm here by car myself, so you didn't have to pick me up," he explained gently and with a little smile. His hair still shone a little damp, probably he had just taken a shower.

"Are you still up to something today", I asked uncertainly and without going into his previous remark.

"No", he said now and looked at me anxiously again. My direct behaviour and serious facial expression probably made him suspicious.

"I would love to go somewhere with you," I said without explaining where.

"Um, okay. Where are we going," Leo asked and buckled on without letting me out of his sight.

"You'll see," I mumbled quietly, stubbornly looking forward and starting the engine.

"Kathie, you're scaring me," Leo said after we silently drove along the streets for five minutes.

"Why," I asked, but I could already imagine why. None of this was typical for me. But the words got stuck in my throat when I thought about where we were going and what we were going to do.

"You're funny," Leo said and put his hand on my thigh. His touch calmed me down immediately.

"Let's just get this over with," I said and turned on the radio.

The longer we drove, the more my heart began to beat and I noticed how my hands sweated. The ride was silent and when I finally stopped, Leo looked outside interested.

"Kathie", he merely meant, he almost whispered, and now looked at me.

Without looking at him I got out and when I was sure that Leo was behind me, I walked towards the big, flat building. In front of the entrance there was a wonderful garden, with small paths in between that could be walked along. Flowers blossomed everywhere, water splashed in the small ponds and the air was filled with the buzz of bees. The whole property was surrounded by trees, as if one wanted to shield it from the outside world. There were many people on the small sidewalks and on benches scattered all over, enjoying the sun's rays.  I walked along the familiar path that led through the middle of the garden and was slightly wider than the other paths. The white façade shone towards me in the sunlight. Leo was right behind me and occasionally grazed my shoulder with his arm. We went over the porch to the entrance door and entered the bright and inviting reception area. I went to the bar on the right side behind which a young woman in light blue work clothes stood and smiled to us friendly.

"I would like to go to Ren Green," I said with a faint smile.

"Ah, Miss Green. Her aunt was here the other day. It's nice to see you again," she said politely, but to me it sounded like a reproach. I remembered my aunt's message on the phone very well. She said that the nurses had told her that I hadn't been here for a long time and that I should please visit him.

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