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We got into my car and drove to the dance studio. It was great. No one was there, we had everything for ourselves. Only in one room, at the back light was shining and we heard soft music jingling. But the room in which I always practiced was completely empty. I quickly changed into the changing rooms and then connected my mobile phone to the boxes that were always here.

"Are we now working on your choreography for your dance," Leo asked and sat down on the floor in front of the mirror. He bent his legs and his arms rested casually on his knees.

"Sure, we can do it," I replied and gave him my cell phone so he could control the music.

We started thinking about dance steps to Get it from Kristian Kostov until we had the complete choreography at the end.

"I'm recording this so you don't forget," Leo said, but he reached for his cell phone instead of mine.

He started the camera again while I was dancing and tried not to mess up the steps. I stumbled a few times and got out of sync, but I got the footsteps to some extent.  When I was done and Leo put the phone down to clap, I was so warm that I quickly took off my top, wearing only my sports leggings and my sports bra. He tried to ignore the circumstance of my naked belly, but he could hardly look away.

"What am I doing this for," I asked indignantly. Hours of training, but I wouldn't perform my dance anyway.

"Who knows. At some point you might get an opportunity. And if not, then you did it for yourself. It's called a hobby," said Leo, reaching for his cell phone again and pointing the lens at me again.

"Are you filming me," I asked and put my fists in my hip.

Leo just shrugged his shoulders and I kicked him playfully against his legs.

"If you need it so badly, Tyler can certainly recommend a few pages," I said, covering my arms over my belly and my inviting neckline that the sports bra evoked.

"I don't need anything like that anymore," he said with a cheeky nose and zoomed in on me.

"Stop it," I said, walked up to him and quickly took his cell phone out of his fingers.

"Hey," Leo shouted and jumped on his feet within a second.

I turned on the inside camera and smiled broadly into the camera. When I saw that Leo had got up, I tried to run away, but he wrapped his strong arms around my naked belly and held me tight. Laughing, I stretched the phone away from me so that he had no chance to get it, while Leo held me with an iron grip and reached for his phone with his free arm. Through the screen I saw Leo's pinched facial expression and that the sight of both of us was actually relatively cuddly.

"We look cute," I noticed, and Leo stopped trying to reach his cell phone.

Instead he concentrated on the display with his head crooked and a smile appeared on his lips.

"That's up to you," he said, wrapping his other arm around my belly and putting his chin on my shoulder.

"Bullshit. You're definitely the pretty one here," I replied with seriousness in my voice.

Leo hesitated briefly, then turned his face back to a nasal swamp and said: "Yes, you're right".

Laughing I shook my head and Leo pressed a kiss on my cheek. I stopped the recording and said: "Let's take some pictures".

Before he could answer, I had already opened the camera and took a picture.

"I wasn't ready yet," Leo said with an outraged expression on his face. I shot a second one right away.

"Ey", he said and tickled me briefly on my stomach, as a punishment.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop," I said giggling and waited until he was done.

We both smiled into the camera, then we both stuck out our tongues, made a funny face. Another one he kissed me on the cheek again or buried his face in my neck bend. Then he suggested to make some through the mirror. He stood behind me, beside me, sometimes he held the mobile phone, sometimes I. I stood again times with the back to the mirror and embraced him, or stood on the toe tips to be able to kiss him. Once I even sat cross-legged in front of him and grimaced in the mirror while he was taking pictures. It was incredibly funny, I didn't know anyone who could grimace as well as he did. At some point he sat down to me, still with his cell phone in his hand, but he didn't take any pictures.

"Come here," he said, also crossing his legs to a loose cross-legged position and pulling me on his lap.

"I don't know what's worse, the sports bra or my T-shirt," he said and looked me in the eye hungry.

"I should try both," I said, putting my arms around his neck and kissing his lips.

The kiss was sweet, not a bit pressing. It filled my whole body with warmth and I noticed that I hadn't even thought about my problems the last few hours. I liked that when I spent time with Leo. It was as if my worries, fears and problems no longer existed, as if there were only Leo and me left. Without taking my arms from his neck, I cuddled my face in his neck bend and pressed him firmly to me. A hand rested on my back, with one of them he lifted up his cell phone and took a photo through the mirror.  Being here in his arms filled me with a feeling of peace and tranquillity that I had never experienced before. With him everything was new, everything different and I knew I would do anything to keep it. That I would probably break if I didn't have him with me anymore. 

I had a hard time pronouncing those three magic words. I had never said them to anyone outside my family before. But I didn't know why either. Was I afraid that as soon as I said it, they would let me down? But that could hardly be true for Leo. Besides, I was one hundred percent sure that I did. Why didn't the words want to cross my lips?

"It's already late. We were supposed to go home," Leo suddenly said and I nodded away from him.

Together we went to my car, he in the passenger seat and I drove him home. His hand was resting on my leg and when I wasn't shifting he never missed a chance to play with my fingers. As we stood in front of his house, he bent over to me to give me a long, passionate farewell kiss.

"Sleep tight," he said.

"Thank you," I said, and Leo smiled. I wasn't sure if he understood it, but with this thank you I didn't just thank him for saying goodbye. As always I thanked him for so much more.

"Good night', I said goodbye, Leo got out and I drove home.

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