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Only when Eddie had pronounced the name did I discover Leo next to the table, his hands in his trouser pockets. He had styled his hair differently. They didn't hang in his face like usual, but he had made a side parting and fixed his hair with gel. It looked damn good. I said nothing, just looked at him and he did it too.

"Come on, Kathie. We'll finish them off," Jessie said and pulled my arm next to her.

I heard Leo laughing mockingly, looking at Jessie and saying, "Pff, we'll finish you off".

"You'd like that," Jessie said aggressively, but grinned anyway. It was a stab in the heart that he didn't exchange a word with me but fool around with Jessica, as if nothing had happened.

"I'll start," Eddie decided and put himself in position.

"Ladies first," I protested and indignantly put my hands on my hips.

"It was worth a try," Eddie said, beaten and threw the ball at me. The garden was relatively dark, but a lamp on the wall of the house illuminated enough for me to see where I had to aim.

"So, when the ball touches the table, I am allowed to beat him away, no changing and the losing team had to drink the cups of the others", I decided the rules of the game and everyone nodded.

I aimed, threw, and missed.

"Weak start, darling", said Eddie and grinned confidently.

"Do better," I replied and saw the ball land in one of our cups a few seconds later.

"Fuck", Jessie said, fished the ball out of the cup and handed it to me. Without thinking much, I started and distorted my mouth after the first sip.

"Uuahh, that's no beer," I said and shook myself.

"Peppermint liquor," Jessie explained with glowing eyes.

"Vodka pong," Eddie yelled from the other side of the table.

"You must want to kill me," I mumbled into my cup and dumped the last of the rest.

I'll spare you the cruel details. Fact is, we lost and the boys drank far too little. Another fact is that the more dizzy my head got, the more often I saw to Leo. His laughter sounded in my ears like the most wonderful sound I had ever heard. I caught myself remembering how his lips felt on mine and could have slapped myself for it every time. But the most important fact was that after the game I was drunk after drinking all our cups and many of the opposing team. I couldn't see clearly, it was hard for me to concentrate on one thing and I tried to stand straight. Jessie and I talked to some people outside after the game. Fourth fact that night: They put a shot of rhubarb schnapps in front of Jessie and me and I couldn't resist. One shot more or less didn't look like much now anyway. Speaking became more and more difficult for me and I decided to get a glass of water from the kitchen. I stumbled into the house and hit someone halfway to the kitchen. I almost fell over, but I could lean against the wall and mumble: "Idiot".

I looked up to see who I had almost run over and recognized Leo.

"Ha, a big one even," I giggled and looked at him crookedly.

"Damn it, Kathie. You're drunk," he noticed and I grinned.

"Exactly," I said and leaned my back against the wall to have a better hold.

"That's why ... I have to go to the kitchen", I mumbled and pointed towards the kitchen.

"Why do you have to go to the kitchen for that", Leo asked confusedly and looked at me from top to bottom.

"Water', I said and he smiled.

"I'm coming with you so that you can even make it to the kitchen, Kitty," he said, putting an arm around my hip and we, or only I, staggered into the kitchen.

"Sit down. I'll make you a glass," he explains but I decided to stand and leaned against a wall again.

He pressed a glass of water into my hand and I made a face.

"What?" he asked and looked at me questioningly.

"Don't call me that,' I babbled and took a sip of water.

"How?" he asked and looked confused.

"You just called me Kitty. Don't call me that," I got out without babbling.

"Why," he said and looked amused.

"Kitty is too sweet to me. I don't want a sweet nickname. I want something hot", I said, put my head crooked again and bit my lip. My brain had obviously switched off completely.

"Something hot?" asked Leo and could hardly hold back his laughter.

"Yes," I said and stroked my hair back. Oops, I fell into old patterns.

"You're cute when you're full, Kathie," he said shaking his head.

"I can be different too," I said lasciviously, gently stroking one hand over the white fabric of his T-shirt over his strong chest, while I put the glass away in the other hand.

"Kathie," he said admonishingly, but I ignored it.

"Leo, I miss you," I said sadly, grabbing his collar and pulling him sulking closer to me. He now stood so close in front of me that I could feel his breath, which went immediately faster, on my face.

"Me too," he admitted, although he was much more sober than me, if not complete.

"Where is the problem then', I asked without letting him go, for fear he could leave me again. I didn't want him to leave. I wanted him to hold me tight and never let go again.

Leo snorted desperately and said: "There are many problems. I know you'll regret it tomorrow".

"What if not,' I said and looked at him with big eyes.

"You will. I know you so well now slowly. Besides, you explained to me the other day how used you felt,' he said sadly, but I could see him fighting with himself. His eyes drilled into me and wouldn't let me go again.

"Because you did not tell me that you had a girlfriend. That is something else. Use me. I'm always so terribly decent when I'm sober," I said, stroking my fingertips over his neck, to his cheek. We were so close, we were already breathing the same air.

"Kathie', he said and it sounded almost like a plea.

"Leo', I pleaded back and then his lips gently touched mine.

It was enough. A conflagration ignited in me and I pressed myself against him. He put his strong arms around me, pulled me even closer to himself, so that no more leaf would have fitted between us. Our lips moved in perfect harmony and I put my arms around his neck, messed up his hair. God, I had really missed him, had missed the feeling of his hands on me, his lips and his smell.

He interrupted the kiss and whispered on my lips: "You know I can't stop, Kathie,".

"Then don't do it,' I said, assessing his eyes and our lips melted again. But the kiss became more passionate, he pressed me against the wall and he opened my lips. Our tongues danced and his hands wandered under my top. The feeling of his hot hands on my skin drove me crazy and slowly I let my hands slide down. I just wanted to grab him between his legs as he grabbed my hand and finished the kiss.

"No, Kathie. That's not a good idea," he muttered, still so close and suddenly so far away. Despite his words I could feel how his heart was racing and how hard these words were for him.

"I should take you home. You look finished," he said hastily and disappeared.

I missed him immediately, his warmth, his touch, everything. But my brain had apparently decided to go back to work and blood was pouring into my cheeks, realising that I had just theoretically seduced him. Giggling, I sank down against the wall and leaned my head back. Tiredness flooded me and I closed my eyes, just for a moment.

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