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"We'll have to wait 15 minutes," he explained and dropped back on his chair.

"Well, Kathie. One reason why I'm here is that I want to invite you and now of course Leo as well," she said with a proud smile.

"What for?" I asked curiously and her broad smile infected me.

"On my wedding day," she explained, holding her right hand up to me, with a beautiful, shiny ring on her ring finger.

"Oh my God, really?" I asked two octaves higher and drew her hand closer to see the ring better.

"Congratulations," Leo said grinning and bent over to me, also to see the ring.

"That makes me so happy for you. The wedding will be madness. When did Kenneth propose to you?" I asked completely hysterically.

Even when we were little, we were raving about our dream wedding. And now Lydia would really get it. Lydia was older than me and hadn't been to university for two years. She had a steady and well-paid job as an art saleswoman and had been with Kenneth for three years, a successful employee of my dad's company.

"When we were on vacation. We went out for dinner at sunset on the beach. When we were done, he went to the beach and painted something in the sand. When he showed me what was there, I realized that he had written Will you marry me? and when I turned around, he was on one knee and ahh ... It was great," she raved and I listened enviously. Yes, this proposal suited Kenneth. A mixture of decadence and simplicity.

"You mean when you were in Hawaii? But that was half a year ago," I recognized outraged and looked at her shocked.

"I know. But I wanted to tell you personally. But somehow we both had so much to do and then it just wasn't the right moment," she said sadly, but I pressed her hand.

"That's great Lil. Honestly. I'm so happy, you can't imagine that," I said with a broad grin.

"I also wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my bridesmaid," she said, and hope shone in her eyes.

"You're still asking! Of course I do. I would be disappointed if not," I said touched and huged her over the small kitchen table.

"I knew you would agree', she said, also with a broad smile.

"There is one more thing I should invite you to," she explained, and we sat down again.

"What then?" I asked curiously.

"Granny is giving a big family dinner next week. Of course you and Leo have to come. Aiden will also be three months old and still not everyone has seen him," she said and I breathed out loudly.

"Saturday", I asked.

"Yes. Granny said you could stay in your room. You know she didn't touch it," explain Lydia and I nodded.

"Do you want to come next weekend?" I asked and looked at Leo, who had been listening to us the whole time.

"Yes, of course. Why not," he said and smiled.

"The question is rather whether he is ready for it," Lydia said and laughed.

"They will tear him apart," I predicted and saw nervousness flare up in Leo's eyes.

"I will protect you. Don't worry," I said cheered up and he nodded with a smile.

It rang and I jumped up to take the pizza.

We talked into the night because we really had a lot to tell each other. But at some point we had to say goodbye, as we finally had university the next morning. I gave Lydia her bedding, cleaned my teeth together with Leo and sank happily into my bed. Leo pulled his T-shirt over his head and slipped into a pair of short sweatpants.

"Give me the T-shirt," I begged, stretching out my hand.

"Why? I had it on all day," he said and looked at me amused.

I puffed my lips to a pout and said, "I know. You smell good".

Leo laughed briefly, but then threw me the T-shirt. With a broad grin I pressed the still warm fabric to my nose and breathed deeply. His scent almost knocked me over. Quickly I changed my clothes and cuddled myself back into my bed. Leo lay down behind me and wrapped an arm around my belly while he breathed gently into my neck.

"I'd have to take a shower here tomorrow if I could," he said and his breath tickled my skin.

"No problem. You can just use Milans again," I said and knotted our hands.

"Your cousin is likeable," Leo remarked and I had to smile.

"Really?" I asked incredulously.

"Yes, I am convinced that Kenneth must have strong nerves. But I still think she's nice. She is very similar to you," he said and I truncated.

"Her and I? In appearance, yes. But otherwise we are completely different people," I explained and drove my thumb over the back of his hand.

"No. The way you talk, you are on the same wavelength. And you think the same, you're both direct and honest. You both try not to be someone you are not. You are damn alike," he said and I turned so that I could look at him.

I smiled, bent over and gently kissed his lips.

After some time I detached myself from him again and said: "We should sleep, otherwise I won't get you out of bed tomorrow".

"Oh, you won't make it anyway," he said with a broad smile.

It didn't take ten minutes, we were both firmly asleep, deeply entwined in each other.

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