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When I woke up the next day, it was pouring rain outside. Damn it. I had my driver's rail for almost two years now and yet I was afraid to drive in the rain or fast. Even without rain and snow I often felt quite insecure when driving. Jessie was not there and it rained really badly. I took my cell phone and typed in the number.

"Everything all right Kathie?" Leo asked me after the third ringing and sounded slightly worried. How sweet.

"Yes, I just wanted to ask you something," I said with another look outside.

"What then?" asked Leo.

"Do you think you can drive me to university today?" I asked and tried to sound as kind and friendly as possible.

"Yes, of course. Is something wrong with your car?" he asked now and I sighed relieved.

"Um, no. My car is fine".

"Then why should I pick you up?" he asked and I regretted having asked him somehow. He would certainly make fun of it if I told him that I didn't want to drive in the rain.

"Well ... I don't like to drive in the rain," I confessed with a sigh.

I heard him laughing and snorting.

"How sweet," he remarked amused and I twisted my eyes, although he couldn't see me at all.

"I'll be at yours at half past seven', he said and hung up.

I quickly changed my clothes, put on make-up and ate a toast. At five before half past seven I got the message:

I am there

Quickly I slipped into my Converse, took my beige rain jacket and hurried down the stairs. In front of my front door stood Leo's white Audi and quickly I slipped into the passenger seat.

"Ew, only dry people are allowed in my car," he teased me with a disgusted facial expression.

I shook myself so that drops of water flew around everywhere.

"Stop it," Leo shouted in horror and wiped the dashboard with the sleeve of his jacket. I just laughed and shook my head.

"Men and cars," I noticed and Leo drove off.

"I thank you Leo, beyond all measure, for driving me in such a dicey situation," he mimicked me and I hit him on the shoulder. Then I looked outside sulking as I heard Leo giggle.

"Thank you', I said reluctantly after a few seconds and looked at him.

"Gladly, gladly," he said and turned on the radio.

"Shall it rain all day?" I asked him and looked out in disgust. I didn't really like rain, only when I was in the mood for it.

"I think so," Leo replied and concentrated on a cyclist in a rain cape in front of him.

"Do you think you can drive me home, too?" I asked with a blink of the eyes in the same sweet voice I had used to ask him if he could pick me up.

"I thought that was clear," he said without thinking.

I smiled and said once more: "Thank you".

When we arrived at the parking lot of the university, I looked outside again.

"Do you have an umbrella?" I asked hopefully.

"Nop, I didn't think of it," he confessed and scratched his head.

"Would have been too nice", I said, took my courage together and got out of the car.

I went towards the entrance, which was much too far away, when Leo suddenly appeared next to me, grabbed my wrist and pulled me with him.

The Truth UntoldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora