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The week went well, better than the previous ones. Leo and I got along great, we laughed a lot together, but we didn't get any closer than a quick hug. We didn't drink coffee either.  After my lectures on Thursday were over, I immediately went to the dance studio and listened to music on the way there. I was completely immersed in it, but suddenly the song Get it by Kristian Kostov played. In my head dance steps suddenly formed and I noticed that one could dance well to this song. All the time while we were rehearsing our actual dance, I imagined in my head what the choreography for the song could look like and I decided to stay a little longer today. When everyone was gone because it was already late and I was the only one in the rehearsal room, I connected my mobile phone to the big bluetooth boxes and played Get it on an endless loop. It didn't take long until I had the dance steps to the chorus and I knew exactly how I'd start him at the beginning. A movement in the mirror caught my attention and with a short cry I turned around.

"Are you crazy?" I yelled at him and ran to my mobile phone to make the song stop.

Leo guiltily scratched his head and said, "Sorry, Kathie. I really didn't want to scare you".

"Since when have you been standing there?" I asked him and noticed how I turned slightly red? I really hoped he hadn't noticed my reorientation and staggering steps at the beginning.

"Five minutes," he said shrugging his shoulders.

Since five minutes? And I hadn't noticed him?

"What kind of dance is this?" he asked quickly as I folded my arms.

"Why,' I asked skeptically and frowned.

"That is not the dance you are performing with," he said and it sounded like a statement, not a question.

"How the hell do you know that," I asked astonishedly. Leo couldn't even know what this dance looked like.

"Well, first of all ...", he began, stood in front of me and raised his index finger: "you rehearse alone. And secondly, that's not the song you're dancing to," he said and now held the index and middle fingers in front of my nose.

With a single movement I pushed his arm down.

Leo just smiled, but gave in and asked: "Get it from Kristian Kostov?

"Yes, you know him?", I asked and looked at him curiously.

"I like his music," he explained with a caught grin.

"Me too. Must be the soul mate thing," I said, with a little irony in my voice.

But then I stuttered and had to think about what Leo had said.

"Wait a minute, how do you know which song we're dancing to?" I asked and again outraged folded my arms in front of my chest.

Leo pulled up his upper lip so that his face looked all wrinkled.

But then he sighed humbly and confessed: "I watched you rehearsing once".

"Stalker", I said and pushed him slightly, but smiled.

"Don't act like that now," he said and pushed me back playfully.

"What does that mean?" I asked indignantly and looked at him with his brows raised.

"You also watched me dancing once. Exactly, I saw you," he said contentedly and I started to turn fiery red. All the time he had known this.

"Whatever," I said to change the subject and threw my arms into the air.

"You are incredible, Kathie," he said shaking his head.

"I know,' I said with a cheeky smile.

"Well distracted from the subject," he said and came back to the main reason for our playful argument. "So what kind of dance is this?

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