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I was far away, in a completely different world where nothing and nobody could harm me. But this peaceful world was disturbed by a constant, annoying ringing, which just wouldn't stop. This ringing brought me back to reality and annoyed I pulled the blanket over my head. At least on my birthday I wanted to sleep in. It rang... and rang... and it didn't stop. Why didn't Jess answer? With an annoyed moan I got up, ran into the living room and still completely clouded picked up the receiver.

"Hello", I mumbled with a scratchy voice and blinked so that my eyes could get used to the sudden bright light.

"Happy Birthday! All the best, my sweety," someone shouted too enthusiastically into the phone and I quickly held it a few inches away from my ear. That was too loud, way too loud so early in the morning. Looking at the clock told me we already had half eleven, but still.

"Who is there?" I asked confusedly, since I could not arrange the voice up to now anybody and rubbed my eyes.

"Here is Lydia! Were you still asleep?" she asked now slightly surprised.

"Yes, I was' I mumbled and had to yawn.

"Then I'm happy to be the first one to wish you all the best for your birthday," Lydia said satisfied.

"Um ... Thank you", I mumbled, because otherwise I couldn't think of any other suitable answer.

"Well good. You must surely eat a lot of cake. I don't want to disturb you. Give my regards to Leo. Wish you a great birthday. Bye," she said and before I could say anything, she had already hung up.

Slightly confused I put the phone back on the charging station and shuffled yawning into the kitchen to make me a coffee. It had all been way too much for my tired mind. The cup finally stood under the coffee machine and hot, fragrant coffee flowed into it. The first sip and I felt much better. Nevertheless something was wrong. It was quiet. Very quiet. Too quiet. There was a used coffee cup in the sink, which told me that Jessie was already awake, but there was no trace of her. I braved the living room and knocked on Jessie's door. Nothing moved behind it.

"Jess?" I asked now, but received no answer.

I pushed down the handle and opened the door, but the room behind it was deserted. Her room looked like always... and somehow not. Something was wrong here, but I couldn't say exactly what. She wasn't in the bathroom either. She was not there. Not that I was surprised that she was gone. I was just a little bit sad that she didn't think it necessary to have at least a coffee with me on my birthday. Maybe she had written me where she had disappeared to. I'm sure there was an understandable reason. On my mobile phone were various messages from various people, but none from Jessie. And none from Leo. Well, I forgive Leo because he would be here any second. Still, I would have written him even if I saw him five minutes later. Shrugging my shoulders, I put my cell phone down and drank my coffee empty. I had just dropped the last sip when it rang at the front door.

"Hey," Leo said with a broad smile and pressed a fleeting kiss to greet me on the lips.

"Morning" I said and let him into the apartment.

"Sleep well?," he asked and went into the kitchen without paying attention to me.

Slightly irritated, I looked after him and closed the door.

"Yes. You, too?" I asked and watched him from the door as he made himself a coffee.

"Like a stone' was his answer and then he said nothing more.

I crossed my arms and looked at him steadfastly as he took milk and sugar and sat down at the table. Had he forgotten? Had he forgotten it was my birthday? But last week we had talked about it. Great, Leo forgot my birthday and Jessie was swallowed from the ground. Great birthday.

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