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Hello my lovely readers. How do you like my story so far? I really hope you like it and that I didn't disappoint anyone. Please comment what you think or message me what I could do better or what not. This chapter contains some smut, so stop reading when this sign ~ appears if you don't like to read something like that. You can start reading again when ~ appears a second time. I love you and want to thank you, that you still read an vote for my story. It means so much for me. Please stay healthy and if you have any problems feel free to write me, even you don't know me. ~ The author 

He stopped and looked at me breathing heavily with a smile. It took me a few seconds to catch my breath and I suddenly became aware of our situation. He held both hands above my head, the T-shirt had almost slipped up to my chest and his face was so close that I felt his breath on my heated skin. We both breathed audibly and he now seemed to notice the position we were in.

"I didn't think it would be a good idea to sleep in a bed with you because I didn't know what I was going to do. Not because I didn't want to", it suddenly burst out of him and he let go of my hands so that he could support himself better. He didn't move an inch from me and I felt his heat, his weight on me.

"I will not take the first step again", I whispered, swallowed and looked deep into his eyes.

I noticed his breath faltering, but he didn't move a millimeter. He remained in this position and suddenly I thought that I had perhaps misinterpreted his explanation. At the moment I was often wrong about what concerned him and I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same now.

The blood shot into my face and I mumbled hoarse: "Get off me".

He blinked and looked confused. But I pressed my hands against his hard chest and tried to push him down from me. He wouldn't move a bit and now I tried with all my might.

"Hey, Kathie', he said and tried to fend off my attack.

"Go down,' I said again and tried again, but he kept pushing my hands away.

"Kathie," he now said in a rough voice, reaching for my wrists with both hands and pressing them over my head into the sofa cushion.

He laid himself over me again, so that I could hardly move and pressed his lips on mine. It took a few seconds, but then his lips softened and he waited for me to return the kiss. He came surprisingly and took me completely by surprise, I was confused and yet happy, I understood nothing and yet I understood everything. He detached himself from me when I did not return the kiss, looked at me and swallowed nervously. I saw the uncertainty in his face as he saw my shocked expression and I noticed the grip loosening around my wrists. But before he could get up, I raised my head and pressed my lips back on his. I freed my hands and laid them on his face, pulled him back down to me. The kiss became ever deeper, ever more passionate and my heart raced. I heard him sighing quietly and relieved and opened his lips with mine. Our tongues began to dance around each other, merging with each other. I buried my fingers in his hair and put the other arm on his shoulder, pulled him even closer to me. Suddenly he interrupted the kiss and I looked at him breathlessly.

"What?", I whispered and looked at him confused.

"You forgot to breathe," he said with a small smile, leaning on an elbow and shoving a strand out of my face before our lips touched again.

Gently I nibbled on his lower lip and heard him sigh again, this time not with relief. His hand wandered along my body, over my still exposed belly. When he drove his fingertips over my naked skin, I got goose bumps and I raised my hips towards him, as if out of reflex. He lay himself between my legs and his hand wandered further along my hip to my thigh, which he grabbed. His fingers clawed into the soft flesh and I pressed my knees against his hip. Leo interrupted the kiss again, kissed my cheek and wandered to the soft skin on my neck. He walked further down to my collarbone, but then something else seemed to come to his mind as he slid back to the sensitive skin on my neck and started sucking on it. It hurt, but it was a beautiful pain and when I felt his teeth on my neck, a moan slipped out of my lips. After a few seconds he left the throbbing spot with a contented smile and devoted himself to my lips again. My hands slid under his T-shirt and traced his muscles. Then I wandered to the loops of his trousers, hacked my fingers into them and pulled him closer to me. I could already feel his erection and crossed my legs on his back while my hands wandered across his chest to his face and hair. Suddenly he grabbed my hip, lifted me up with ease and sat me on his hip as he walked to the spiral staircase. I wrapped my arms around his neck, heard myself breathing loudly and leaned my forehead against his. His room door was already open and he gently laid me down on his bed. Then he straightened up again and pulled the T-shirt off his head while I watched him. He threw it into a corner and then lay over me again, closing the free space between us. His mouth found mine again and the kisses became more and more passionate. Leo hacked his fingers under the waistband of my sweatpants and pulled them up with a single movement. I grazed them off my legs and climbed onto the bed. Before he pushed me back into the sheets, he grabbed the T-shirt and pulled it over my head. He looked at me from top to bottom and his intense look was unpleasant.

"Sober it is so much better", he muttered, lay down on me again and kissed me, while a smile still surrounded my lips. 


My hands slid over his shoulder, over his chest and over his abdominal muscles while his hand had slipped under my bra and he started rubbing my nipple with his thumb. I clawed my hands into his back, left red stripes on his skin and I heard him moaning. Then I started unbuttoning his pants and it didn't take a minute for them and his boxer shorts to lay on the floor. I looked at his hard member and couldn't help but smile. Leo opened my bra with a skilful movement and slipped it off my shoulders so that I only had my string on. He started kissing my neck again, then my collarbone and then my chest. While he slid his hand under my string and pushed a finger into me, he started sucking on my chest. I moaned, stretched out my hips towards him and begged for more with excitement. He quickly pulled off my string, reached into the dessert next to the bed and took out a condom. He positioned himself over me after he had slipped it over and slowly glided into me. Leo suffocated my moaning with a kiss and began to move slowly. I sighed his name as he interrupted the kiss, kissed me on the cheek and I heard him wheeze next to my ear. His movements got faster and he didn't let me out of his sight for a second. He crossed his fingers with mine and pressed them into the soft mattress as he continued to approach his climax. Waves of excitement ran through me and I pushed my back through, trembling pressed me to him. When he came, he moaned my name, slipped out of me, but immediately pushed two fingers back into me and massaged my clitoris with his thumb until I trembled to climax.


Breathing heavily he pulled me to himself and I cuddled up to his chest.

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