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When we finally arrived and I had gotten out of the car wearing my high shoes, we entered the house together. Once again there was a lot going on and we started looking for the others.

"Where is Jessica," Sarah asked me in surprise when we found our group.

"She didn't feel well," I lied to Leo with a quick glance.

"Oh no, I've heard that gastrointestinal tract is supposed to be bypassing at the moment. Wish her a speedy recovery from me," she said friendly and gave me a red cup that Tyler had just brought over.

"I will. How's the university theme going with you right now," I asked her, knowing that she had read Storm Heights and didn't like it at all.

"I'm boxing my way through," Sarah said with a smile. We both sat down on the couch and talked. I hadn't talked to her like that for a long time. Sarah had a lot of problems with her family recently and was very fixated on Mike, which had always made it hard to talk to her. But now she told me how things were with her family, with Mike and showed real interest in me. Apart from Jessie, Sarah had always been a very good friend and I had missed our conversations. But at some point Mike joined us and I also talked to him, but Sarah's focus was now more on him and I didn't want to disturb them at all. As they talked excitedly about a topic I couldn't talk about, I got up and went into the kitchen to get a drink. When I came back, I saw Leo leaning against the wall and typing on his cell phone. And when I heard the song, I had an idea. I walked up to him, grabbed the phone from his hand, turned it off and put it in the little bag I had with me.

"Want to dance?" I asked and smiled as I saw his outraged face.

But then he sighed and with short nod to the side: "I don't know".

"Oh come on," I said, reaching for his wrist and pulling him to the temporary dance floor where other people were already dancing.

I began to move to the rhythm of the music, closed my eyes and enjoyed the beat, which I felt to the bone. He also loosened up bit by bit and his movements became more and more supple. Leo was really good at that. With him you could see that some people were just born for something like this. Sarah and the others joined us and like a pulsating mass we absorbed the music and went down to the bass. I found it a pity that Jessie wasn't there, but I was glad that I had left. As the dance floor got tighter and tighter I clashed more and more with Leo. Until someone bumped into me from behind, I stumbled forward and collided with his chest. He put his arms around me to hold me tight, but I immediately pushed myself away and shouted with a laugh: "Sorry. I didn't want that. It had really been an accident".

Leo said something back, but one person in the background had caught my attention, so I couldn't hear what Leo said between the noise and the people.

"Excuse me a moment, Leo," I said, pushing past him through the people until I reached my goal.

"Milan," I asked and tapped him on the shoulder.

He was talking to another guy and looked around confused as I touched him.

"Kathie, hey," he said when he discovered me and hugged me as a greeting. "Where is Jessie? I wanted to talk to her. Is she all right?" he pierced me.

"Listen. Do you think we can talk to each other outside?" I asked quickly before I answered any of his questions. As he nodded, I walked towards the garden, to the pool.

"Does it have something to do with Jessie? She hasn't written to me since yesterday," Milan said when we were outside and I heard from his voice that he was worried. Milan was well two heads taller than me, well built, with dark skin, a typical high school footballer. I remember the first time I saw him, he almost scared me a bit, but now I knew he couldn't even suffer a fly.

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