Break My Heart and I'll Break Your Car. Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen.

    Denial was my mood, as we pulled into the parking lot of the Stacy's Flavors, it was the local Ice Cream shop. It had the best ice cream in the world, I could eat it for hours and hours and never get tired of it. "ICE CREAM!" Jane screeched from the backseat, as I sat silent in my seat. Thoughts racing through my head, that I didn't want to think about. "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM!" Jane began to sing on repeat, her voice rising and rising.

    "Let's go get the poor girl some ice cream" Zane joked, poking my arm which had me jumping about ten feet in the air. "What's wrong with you?" Zane asked giving me a weird look. Rider was also looking at me strangely, and I mentally slapped myself.

    "Nothing. Gosh. Let's just go get some ice cream," I mumbled climbing out of the car and helping Jane out. Her small hand in mine, I sped walk into the shop. She kept singing her song, on the top of her lungs as she skipped beside me. Once we got in we waited for Zane and Rider who were taking there sweet time getting in here.

    "KELSEY ZOE!" Jane stopped singing, and spun around. Ripping her hand away from mine, and running over to them. They seemed surprise to see us, as I took in the appearance of the two guys with them. I figured who Hayden was pretty quickly, he had very light brown hair, and bright blue eyes. He was built for a kid, and then Robbie was a ginger. He had green eyes to go with his red hair. There hair was shaggy, and both looked like football players.

    "Hey, Jane Doe" Kelsey said, as her and Zoe kissed Jane's cheek. I eyed up the boys, who were staring openly at me. I've never felt so...violated as those little boys stared at my bare legs and there eyes racked my body. When Rider and Zane walked in, I ran over to Rider and pushed him in front of me. Blocking most of my body, from those nasty boys view. Rider looked confused, as Zane looked amused.

    "Rider Buddy! I didn't know you had a beautiful older sister!" Hayden said standing up, and tried sending me a charming smile but it only looked creepy.

    "You've never asked?" Rider said looking like an idiot. "Hey Kels, Hey Zoe" Rider said and they both smiled small smile, as I motioned for Jane to come over to me. She did too, skipping and singing her song again.

    "Well, We would love to stay here and chit chat, but we have some ice cream to go buy," I said sending them all a small smile, and began walking away. I shuddered a bit, feeling those boy's gaze on me. Zane walked behind me, and I sent him a silent thank you. "I don't like your little friends," I whispered in Rider's ears and he laughed. His laugh brought a smile to my face.

    "Haha, I don't either" he said and smiled back at me. We bought our ice cream, and then made our way to a table far from Kelsey and Zoe. I noticed Zane keeping an eye on his little sister, watching as the Robbie boy flirted with her.

    I decided to be nice, and help him out. You know distract him. "Did you know, that getting a brain freeze is really just a myth?" I said twirling my spoon in my vanilla cookie dough ice cream. Rider was laughing silently beside me, as Zane ripped his gaze from his baby sisters, to me.

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