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Dahyun loved the night time. She loved the way the moon would hover above town and how the small, shiny stars would accompany it on the dark and mysterious sky. The girl liked the way the temperature would drop, especially on summer, where you could easily take a walk out without sweating. It was the right time for everything, she thought, but at the same time was reluctant to go out late at night.

She has always been told that criminals came out at night, just like wild animals, patiently waiting for their prey. She has always been told that they attack silently, at a time you would not expect them to and has always been reminded not to trust strangers, even if they try to lure you into their trap. Even if they play nice, show you the affection you've benen craving, or perhaps turn into the perfect person for a while.

That was Dahyun's mistake that night, trusting them. And now she limbed through an emtpy street, tears streaming down her face as the moon's light slowly faded in between the big trees.

She was dumb, Dahyun internally screamed. She was truly dumb and deserved what she had been through just now. Momo told her, she warned her, but Dahyun didn't listen. She got caught in his trap and felt the nightmare she first experienced a few years ago all over again.

"Hey," Myungsoo smiled, opening the door to his car for the girl "You look really pretty."

"Thanks." Dahyun muttered, getting in his car that was parked outside of her dorm.

It was another night where she had gotten out for an assignment. She had been doing quite good in class and was enjoying herself, although Momo had been annoying her about the guy she was going out with.

"Are you ready?" he asked as he started the engine "Let's have fun tonight!"

Dahyun was sure that Myungsoo meant no harm. Even if he had been acting like a complete douche in class, he was a complete sweetheart outside of it. He was very kind to Dahyun, tried making her laugh and succesfully broke the ice. The girl didn't know what about him Momo despised so much or how she came to the conclusion that he would hurt the younger.

"Where are we?" the girl asked as she stepped out the car, looking around at the deserted place.

"Don't be afraid," Myungsoo laughed, offering his hand to Dahyun "This is my meditation place."

Dahyun raised an eyebrow as the boy led her to a tree house that was barely seen in the dark shade the big trees surrounding it provided. It was rather simple, nothing too extra like all those tree houses you see in movies. Strangely, the girl felt an urge to get in. Probably because she had never done anything like that before, she had never imagined of someone owning a tree house.

"My father built this when he was around my age," Myungsoo spoke as he assisted the girl up the wooden ladder "This is where he and my mother would meet while in their youth."

The boy opened the door that revealed a simple yet cute place. There wasn't anything special about it, it was as the girl expected it to be. It had a few lamps to provide light during the times where the sun was falling asleep, a stack of comics, and an old guitar.

"You know how to play?" Dahyun smiled, motioning at the guitar while sitting on the hard, wooden floor.

"I do," Myungsoo breathed out, reaching out to grab the instrument "My mother taught me how to."

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