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Lacy POV

Just another day at school, people adore you or hate you. Jocks asking out the cheerleaders and the mean girls ruling the school with them. Yea well not quite me, I'm popular but I have this crush on a boy who is the loner of the school. Luke Hemmings is his name and well he's cute with his neon green glasses, the blonde haired boy who sits in the middle row of the class. He's kinda hot if I say so, it's just I've never properly spoken to him at all.

The bell rings for class and first up is English, Luke's in my class which is good and my friend Jess told me we get to choose our partners. I wonder if I can get away with choosing Luke, he's always studying and I mean it's kinda better than me doing all the work like I would normally because my friends do nothing. I walk to English and I see him sitting in his usual spot, I look over at him and he notices before he puts his head back down. I walked over to Mr. Reynolds and he looked at me seeming pleased, "yes Lacy" he said and I adjusted my bag strap. "Um sir I know we're picking partners so I was wondering if-" I started and he gave me a weird look, "you aren't choosing I'm choosing for you" he said. "But the previous class choose theirs" I said, "yes but that class is an even class and this one everyone is picky and sticks to their groups" he said and well he had a good point.

"But sir I came to ask if I could work with Luke" I said and he looked at me surprised, no one ever wants to work with him by choice and I guess I'm the first. "You'd like to work with him?" He asked and I nodded, he showed me a smile and gave a single nod. "Very well then you may" he said and I smiled back at him then everyone else started walking into class. I looked over seeing Luke making his way to his seat but then Micheal tripped him, "watch it four eyes" he yelled at Luke and I watched Luke just take his seat and lay his head on his desk. "Class has began" Mr Reynolds announced and I sat by my friend Kirstie, some time passed and we got to the part where we were given partners only I already knew mine.

Luke POV

Listening to Mr. Reynolds read out the names one by one of our partners I was already expecting to be on my own. "Luke and Lacy" Mr. Reynolds read out and my eyes widened as my head shot up, "pardon sir?" I asked thinking I heard him wrong the first time. "Luke you'll be working with Lacy" he said and I slowly nodded. Lacy walked over to my desk and sat across from me, she looked Gorgeous like she always did. "Hi Luke" she said sounding delighted, "hi" I whispered to her. "Um do you know what to do for this project?" She asked me and I nodded, "so who's house are we gonna work at?" She asked me.

"Mine I guess" I answered and she smiled, "great" she answered as she pulled her notebook out. We did a bit of planning and then agreed to meet up tomorrow to do more work. Once the bell went I was out of there, "Luke wait" she said and I turned around to look at her. "Yes Lacy" I said and she held out a small box, "this fell out of your bag" she said and my eyes widened. It's the box that has my blade in it, "um thanks" I stuttered and she showed me a soft smile. "No problem I'll see you around" she said and I nodded, "yea see you around Lacy" I said and with that I left class and was on my way.

Lacy POV

I watched Luke leave class just admiring him until someone snapped me out of my thoughts. "Hello earth to Lacy" I turned around and it was Kirstie, "babe are you smitten over Luke" she said with a grin. Kirstie was my best friend and she knew I had a crush on Luke much like I knew about her crush on James my brothers friend. "Shut up" I laughed and she poked her tongue out at me, "come on you need to talk to him" she encouraged. "I did though and I even asked the teacher for him to be my partner" I said, "wow your braver than I thought" she joked.

"Come on let's head to the skate park" Kirstie said as she pulled my hand, "Lacy!" I heard someone call and it was Luke. "Yes Luke" I answered with the feeling of butterflies in my stomach, "um here's my address for tomorrow" he said nervously. "Thanks Luke" I said and then off he went again, "lucky girl" Kirstie teased and I hit her shoulder lightly. "Come on let's go" I said and off we went to the skate park.

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