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Luke POV

I woke up and turned over seeing the time was 9pm, wow I was out for that long. I looked over seeing Lacy wasn't sitting beside me like she was before. I sat up placing my hand against my forehead and shaking my head lightly, "Luke" a soft voice spoke and I looked over to see Lacy. "Lacy" I said in a tired voice that soon was covered by a yawn, "you've been out for a while" she said as she placed the back of her hand on my forehead. "Oh" I said as my eyes wondered the room before closing briefly, "Luke I'm sorry" she said and I turned my head to the side to see Lacy holding my hand gently.

Lacy POV

I look at Luke's features as he looks at me while run my thumb over the top of his hand. "Lacy you know you don't have to stay if you don't want to" Luke said, "what makes you think I want to leave?" I asked him and he sighed in defeat. "I mean you probably have other people you'd rather be with" he said bluntly, "Luke if your implying that I'd leave you like I said to Michael I was lying" I admitted. "Lying?" He asked and I nodded slowly, "yea I needed to say something so he'd drop the subject and also there's something you should know" I said and he looked at me tiredly. "What's that?" He asked and I leaned over and gently kissed his lips, he bought his hand gently to my cheek and I intertwined my fingers with his. I slowly pulled away and we just stayed there silent looking into each other's eyes.

"I never lied about being in love with you" I whispered and his cheeks went a light shade of red, "you didn't?" He asked and I shook my head. "Nope never Luke" I said and he sat up and looked at me affectionately brushing a piece of hair behind my ear, he placed his hand gently beneath my chin and kissed me one more time. His lips were so soft against mine and the kiss was gentle yet passionate at the same time, turning my body slightly so I was more comfortable and now straddling him. He sat up and wrapped his arms around my waist holding me securely. He pulled away smiling and bobbed his finger on my nose, "well Miss Lacy Simpson I have a question for you" he said and he was so adorable the way he smiled. "Ask away Luke Hemmings" I said, "will you go out on a date with me this Saturday?" He asked and I was surprised that he even asked. "Um yes I'd love to go on a date Luke" I said and he was surprised but smiling brightly, "really?" He asked and I nodded giving him reassurance. "Yes" I said kissing his cheek, "I promise it will be good" he said. "There's no doubt about that Luke" I said giggling and he adjusted his position and laid me down so he was now straddling me.

Luke POV

"You don't doubt me?" I asked and she shook her head, "nope because seeming as I've fake dated you for a while I believe you could pull of a real one" she challenged. "Okay" I laughed and she poked her tongue out at me. I laid down beside her and pulled the covers over us hugging her waist, "Luke let go" she laughed. "No never" I mumbled and she poked my cheek, "please?" She asked and I shook my head. "No please stay beside me" I said and I could hear her say awe, "okay" she said before getting snuggled next to me. "Goodnight Luke" she whispered and we both fell asleep.

The next day I woke up and looked at the clock, it was noon meaning it was the weekend so that means ya more sleep. I looked beside me seeing Lacy still asleep beside me, her hands holding on to my shirt tightly as she cuddled me. I just lay beside her stroking my fingers through her hair gently being careful not to wake her up. She looked so peaceful that I didn't want to disturb her, she soon moved and moaned in her sleep. Then her eyes fluttered open and at first they looked drowsy then they were very awake and alert, "good morning" she said with a yawn at the end as she turned on her side and wrapped her arms around me.

"Come on we gotta get out of bed" I said and she whined stuffing her face into the pillow, "no" she said and I moved my hands to her waist. She smiled thinking I was leaving her alone but I had other plans, tickling her sides she squirmed beneath me. I sat up and she just held up her hands giving me the finger laughing, "wow this is what I get" I laughed. "Yea this is what you get for being an ass" she said laughing, "but you love me" u said and she laughed harder. "That's true and you still need to take me out on that date" she said and I rolled my eyes, "ugh fine" I said pretending to be annoyed.

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