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Calum POV

The next morning I woke up in such a happy mood that I couldn't stop smiling, I rushed out of bed and got ready for school. I looked at my appearance and realised something, Ashton never asked me to be his boyfriend. So what were we at this point, none the less I went to the kitchen and grabbed my lunch before heading out the door for school. I walked down the road and passed the street where Lacy lived but I just kept walking to school and not stopping. A few minutes later I arrived at school and went to the library to fit in some study, opening up my physics text book and my note book I took down some notes and read through each thing in detail.

When I felt two hands place themselves gently on my shoulders, I looked behind me and I saw Ashton smiling brightly. "Hey" he whispered, "hey Ashton" I said and he pulled out a chair sitting across from me. "What are you studying?" He asked as he looked at what I was writing in my notebook, "physics" I said and he scratched the front of his head. "We have an exam soon for that don't we?" He asked and I nodded, "yep" I said as I turned the page of the text book. "I haven't thought about study" Ashton said and I shook my head, "well better cram some in" I said and he kissed my temple. "What's that for?" I asked and he showed a cheeky grin. "Just a kiss for my cute boyfriend" he said and I could feel the blush on my cheeks become more visible.

Ashton POV

The way he blushed when I kissed his temple just now and called him my boyfriend was adorable. His smile is contagious and his commitment to what he sets his mind to is cute. He closed his books and stacked them on top of one another leaning his elbows on top of them. "Do you have anything better to do other than distract me?" He asked with a giggle at the end, "well I mean I could stare at you all day" I said and he poked his tongue out at me. "Or you could find something better to look at" he said, "no what could possibly be better to look at?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders. "Um I don't know a text book" he said and I rolled my eyes. "That's boring I'd much rather look at you all day long" I said and he blushed a deeper shade of red, "You're cute when you blush" I said and he hid his face behind his books.

"Come on Calum I wanna get out of here" I whined and he giggled at my childish reaction, "fine" he said laughing as he packed away his books. Together we left the library and left to walk around campus until classes began which weren't for a while. Holding Calum's hand for the first time in school was sure something strange but natural at the same time. I never thought he'd even say yes to me in the first place, walking towards the lockers we saw Lacy and Michael and they looked to be arguing.

Lacy POV

"Michael get over yourself!" I yelled at him as he was currently arguing with me about my popularity status. "Lacy you could lose everything because of Luke!" Michael said and I rolled my eyes at him in annoyance, "Yes well Michael What if I don't care about my popularity" I said and his eyes went wide in shock. "What if it's not important to me" I said and he looked at me confused, "hey guys" Calum chimed and we both looked behind us to see Calum and Ashton. I looked at them to see they were holding hands and I smiled at them but Michael didn't have the same reaction at first.

"You two are dating" he scoffed and I could see the smile on Calum's face fade, "seriously" I said to Michael. "Calum and Ashton I'm very happy for you both" I said and Calum's smile reappeared, "Michael do you seriously have something against people being gay?" I asked in an angry tone. "It's weird" he said and I pushed him back against his chest. "Nothing is weird about love no matter what form" I said defensively, "so you're telling me your fake love for Luke there's nothing wrong with that because there's so much wrong he should be dead!" Michael said raising his voice and I balled my hands into fists. "Michael!" I yelled at him in anger this time and he folded his arms, "How was your Friday night?" Michael teased and I slapped him. "That's none of your business" I said, "admit it you convinced him to have sex with you" Michael laughed and I looked over seeing both Calum and Ashton looking at me in disbelief.

There's no point in fighting I may as well act and play this off like it's not a big deal and fake that Luke's no big deal. This is so screwed up to the point I'm needing to make someone look bad just for Michael to feel some satisfaction.

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