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Lacy POV

I watched from under the bed as Luke was thrown around by his father and kicked repeatedly, I had no idea this is what life was like for him. I could see the bruises already forming on his skin, all I could do was watch as Luke helplessly tried to defend himself. "You should've died instead of her!" His father yelled, it was harsh but then I thought to myself I hadn't seen Luke's mum at all. The footsteps soon left the room and the door slammed shut. I crawled out from under the bed and I just saw splatters of blood on the floor and Luke's beaten body lying on the floor. I crawled over to him and tried to help him up to try and get him to the bed and he was slow but he got to the bed.

He sat on the edge slumped and I went to my bag to find something to help clean his injuries and treat them. "Thanks" he groaned in pain as he placed his hand against his forehead, "you need to get some rest Luke" I said and he nodded slowly as he closed his eyes. I finished cleaning his wounds and moved my hands to the hem of his shirt pulling it off slowly. I sat on his lap and looked at Luke carefully, I moved a stranded piece of hair from his eyes. "You need some rest" I said and he rested the side of his head against my shoulder. "Come on" I said moving off his lap and he moved to the centre of the bed, he laid down facing me and I went to turn out the light before turning on the lamp.

I grabbed a blanket and went to prepare a duvet on the floor, "lay with me" Luke whispered as he watched me set up my sleeping space. "Please Lacy" he whispered and I bought the duvet with me and laid down beside Luke facing him as I laid my head on the pillow. He reached out and gently took hold of my hand, his thumb gently brushed over my knuckles. "Goodnight Luke" I whispered and he closed his eyes, "love you" he whispered softly almost like a mumble. I felt horrible because this fake relationship wouldn't last much longer. I closed my eyes and fell asleep holding his hand hearing his soft snores.

Luke POV

"No...no please Lacy don't leave!" I yelled and cried as I watched her go, something was sticking to me. "Luke it's all a lie" she whispered and I shook my head, "no you're not leaving me Lacy please!" I cried. "Luke you're not good enough" she said and my hands were shaking as I reached out for her. "Please Lacy don't leave me you're all I have" I pleaded to her, "Luke I never liked you I only pitied you" she said and her voice sounded bitter. I tried to reach out more and it felt like someone was holding me back and they had such a strong grip. Holding her hand she removed my grip and I fell backwards as I screamed her name.

Lacy POV

"Luke wake up" I whispered as I watched him twist and turn, a thin layer of sweat coated his body. He had tears streaming down his face, whimpering, crying, yelling and struggling. I placed my hand on his cheek gently and hold his hand squeezing it gently, "Luke" I whispered worriedly soon his cries turned to sniffles and his eyes opened. "Lacy" he whispered and the tears kept falling on his face, I squeezed his hand gently and he cuddled me. "Luke what happened?" I asked and he broke into a sob, I leaned in and pulled him into a hug. He cried into my shoulder and I rubbed his back gently to soothe him, "Don't leave me" he sobbed. I hugged him tightly and he returned hugged me back tightly, I pulled away so I could see his face and wiped away his tears. "It's stupid" he whispered as he rested his head against my shoulder, "nothing's stupid Luke" I said as I ran my fingers through his hair and it slowly calmed him. "But this is stupid Lacy" he said with his voice breaking at the end. "Luke look at me what was the nightmare about?" I asked and he closed his eyes and I could see the pain in his face.

"You'll leave me one day and this fake relationship will come to an end" he said with his voice quietening down at the end. I wrapped my arms around Luke and he took a deep shaky breath in and let a shaky breath out, his face was pale as he tried to calm down. I gently kissed the back of his shoulder and he was so vulnerable. "Luke I'm right here" I whispered and he grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers, "I'm not going anywhere Luke" I said and he sniffled. "I wish that was true" he said and I hugged him tightly, "I will I promise you" I said and I turned to look back at me. "Promises are made to be broken" he said with a yawn, his cries became muffled as he hurried his face in the pillow.

Luke POV

'I'm so pathetic' I thought to myself and I could feel Lacy drawing small circles on my back with her fingers. I know she's gonna leave but as much as I tell myself she won't I keep having these nightmares. I wish this reality wasn't the way it was now, "Luke I'm here for you" Lacy whispered and I hugged her arms tightly which wrapped themselves around me. I closed my eyes and tried to calm down, "try and rest Luke" she whispered and I found myself falling back to sleep.

The next day I woke up to see Lacy gone and she wasn't beside me, I looked around trying to find her but she wasn't around. I got out of bed and stretched my arms out to the ceiling before making my way to the bathroom lazily. As I walked closer I heard humming but I thought nothing of it really, I opened the door and my cheeks went red when I saw Lacy in front of me in the shower. She peeked behind her and I quickly closed the door, fuck she saw me. Shit I didn't mean to intrude on her I just, shit I can't believe I just did that.

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