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——— time skip/ 3 months later———

Luke POV

So lacy and I had been fake dating for a few months now and I don't know how it's been so long however slowly I've forgotten this is a fake relationship. It feels more real then fake honestly, we do everything a normal couple would do and she comes over to my house still even though the projects finished and handed in. I try to ignore all the doubts I have about us being together, I try to ignore  the voice in my head that tells me she's going to leave me in the most awful way possible. I know all good things must come to an end but I don't want this to end.

I've been hanging out with Ashton, Calum and Michael a lot at school and obviously they're girlfriends along with Lacy. It's a change still getting used to but it's making progress, Crystal always looks so worried when I'm around the boys. I don't know why she's worried though I mean nothing bad has happened yet, I've probably jinxed myself now. This fake dating it's taking toll on me and I just want to be able to treat her freely, I wish I could kiss her without any conditions, to hold her hand when she feels unsafe. To hold her when she's crying. I just wish I could treat her how she deserves, "Luke!" Lacy calls out as she runs towards and wraps her arms around my neck. She smiled brightly as I wrapped my arms around her waist like it seemed so natural now. I look over and I see Michael looking our way, we're friends but he still seems off about him. Calum and Ashton seemed off to but more suspicious like they knew something, who am I kidding it's a little weird that all of a sudden they wanted to be friends with me. "Luke come on let's go to lunch" Lacy said as she grabbed my hand.

Lacy POV

It's been a few months now since I started fake dating Luke, well actually it's been 3 but it feels like more. I feel horrible that it's all fake, I really like Luke a lot and I guess progress is good right. He's friends with Michael, Ashton and Calum but Michael is still up to something and I don't want Luke to get hurt. I don't have a doubt about us but I do feel guilty that it's not real, I do wish it was real. Luke hasn't been bullied or not that I know of, he's still so quiet about everything that goes on.

I've never met his parents and he's never mentioned them, I should ask Brad because I know he'd know something. We were sitting at a table for lunch and Luke seemed quiet, "Luke is something bothering you?" I asked quietly. He was silent, "I gotta go sorry" he said and I was worried. He went to stand up and I grabbed his hand to stop him, "Luke what's wrong please tell me" I pleaded with him. "Lacy I just can't do this" he said before escaping my grasp and leaving the lunch room. I watched him walk off and he rushed past Ashton, Michael and Calum. "Hey dude" Michael greeted and Luke went to go past them but Michael pushed him back. "Hey don't be rude!" Michael said with a smile, I could see Luke trying to push past to escape. He kept trying to get through but Michael grabbed him by his arm and threw him down to the ground. "Leave me alone Michael!" Luke yelled and I quickly got out of my seat and ran over, "Michael what's the meaning of this?" I asked from behind and Luke saw me.

"Just Luke being rude is all" Michael snickered and I looked at Luke who seemed quiet still, "isn't that right Luke?" Michael taunted. "Michael stop!" I yelled and I saw Luke attempt to get up, "Lacy why are you dating him!" Michael yelled at me. "That's none of your business!" I yelled back at him and he kicked Luke's side, "Michael what are you doing!, stop this!" I heard Crystal yell and she looked furious. "Crystal" he said as he looked over at her, "why are you doing this?" she asked slightly annoyed.

Crystal POV

I stared at Michael in complete disappointment, "Crystal it's no big deal" he said and that just annoyed me. "No big deal why don't you tell Luke what's really going on because Lacy knows she was there when you spoke that night at her house!" I yelled at him. "What are you on about?" He asked and I pushed him away from me, "tell me why then would you randomly just become friends with Luke?" I asked and he tightened his jaw and pushed past and helped Luke up. Lacy helped too and we took Luke away leaving Ashton, Calum and Michael behind. I looked at Ashton thinking I was seeing things when I noticed that hint of guilt in his eyes, was I seeing that right. "Let's go to class" Lacy said and the three of us went to class together. "Thanks Crystal" Luke said and I showed him a friendly smile, "you're welcome" I said and Lacy smiled too. "Can we just go home" Luke said as he turned to Lacy and she nodded, "Crystal I'll take it from here" Lacy said as she supported Luke. "Oh Luke here" I said handing him my number, "when you need to talk to someone other than Lacy" I said and they both smiled.

Luke POV

——— 6 hours later———

I was lying on my bed and Lacy was over to hang out, most of the time she was at my house when dad wasn't home. "Luke do you want something to eat?" Lacy asked as she walked to the kitchen, "um-" I started to say when I heard the door slam. "Hide" I told her and she seemed confused, "he can't see you" I said in a panic and she crawled under the bed and hid there. "LUKE!" my Dad roared and it made me jump, his footsteps came marching down the hall and the door swung open. I looked my dad in the eye and he looked at me furiously, shit. One slap to the face and I fell down to the ground, he grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me towards him. "You worthless little shit" he hissed and he pushed me to the floor, he kicked my side and grabbed me by my hair dragging me. Repeatedly kicking my side as he threw me against my draws, I groaned in pain as he continued his violent rampage.

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