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Luke POV

I got to school and walked to my locker where I saw Lacy, I couldn't contain my smile when I saw her. I walked closer and she was talking to three other guys. I soon saw their faces and it was Calum, Micheal and Ashton. "So you managed to get him in bed!" I heard Calum say in surprise, "yea" Lacy said shyly. "So that's it then you lied about dating him and now you're gonna leave him" Ashton stated, "I didn't say that" Lacy defended. "I bet he wasn't any good anyways" Micheal snickered and I just felt so angry with myself and insecure. "That loner probably was crap" Michael laughed and I looked down at the floor and a single tear fell down my cheek.

"Lacy he's so disgusting, fat and ugly. He's gonna ruin your reputation so he's not worth it Lacy." Michael said. "Michael isn't that a bit harsh and we talked about this " Calum said and Michael scoffed, "no it isn't it's all true" Michael laughed. I heard Lacy let out a sigh as she looked at Michael, "Lacy do you remember what I told you" Calum said and Lacy nodded. What did Calum tell Lacy, "Lacy make your choice" Michael said with a smirk on his face.

Why was I letting this get to me so much, "look I'm going to dump him" Lacy said as she folded her arms over her chest and after that she looked up and saw me. Her hands flew over her mouth, I turned the other way and just walked. I knew this was all a dream, "Luke wait!" She called as she ran after me. "Luke I didn't mean it" she said, "no Lacy you were right and you know what just don't talk to me, I knew this was a lie at the start but I never thought it would end like this" I said and with that I walked away and just didn't go to my classes. I walked home and well dad would be at a bar somewhere getting drunk, I arrived home and threw my bag over the couch hitting the lamp. I kicked the stool letting it tip over and land on its side, I was just so disappointed in myself. I walked upstairs to the bathroom and locked the door behind me stripping of my clothes and hoping in the shower.

Trigger warning!
It was then where I just broke down, letting the water run down my skin. I just cried letting the water drown out my sobs. I knew this was too good to be true and now I just feel horrible and used, I looked up seeing a razor so I grabbed it. I rinsed it and then made the first cut, I hissed as the blade made contact with my skin. Just a few more and I looked down at my chest, I made a few down to my belly button then stopped. Rinsing off I saw the blood run down the drain, I let out another sob and just stood under the shower leaning against the wall.

Why am I so pathetic, I knew she could never see me the way I saw her and yet I convinced myself that she did. I fell more in love with her and now here I am hurt and just ruined, I soon turned off the shower and hopped out but as I did I heard the front door open. "Luke!" I heard a voice call and I recognised it to belong to Lacy.
End of trigger warning!

I dried off and got changed into a long sleeve shirt and sweat pants before heading down stairs. I turned the corned as I walked down the stairs and she looked over seeing me. I stood at the bottom of the stairs not knowing what to do and she ran over and hugged me. I flinched in pain at the fresh cuts that were on my chest and she pulled away. "Luke I'm sorry" she said and I just closed my eyes and looked away, "Luke I didn't mean any of it" she pleaded. "Really Lacy because to lie that you're dating someone then to have sex with someone along with then say your going to dump them. That hurts Lacy it really does" I said trying to hold back the tears.

"Luke please tell me you didn't" she said as she looked at me and I folded my arms, "tell you I didn't what" I said. "Cut" she whispered and I went to walk away, "Luke answer me" she said grabbing my hand. "What do you want from me?" I asked and she took a step back, "yes I did but it's not like you'd care" I said and she looked so upset.

Lacy POV

"Luke I do care" I said and he sighed, "I don't believe you" he said and that just broke my heart. I broke him and now this is the result, "Luke look at me" I said and he looked up at me. "I love you" I said and he didn't respond, "no you don't" he said and I placed my hand gently on his cheek. "Luke come with me" I said taking his hand and leading him to his room. I walked in and he stood at the door looking at me, "Luke come" I said and he slowly walked towards me. I led him onto the bed and laid down with him next to me, we were facing each other and I held his hand in mine. "Luke I'm so sorry" I whispered and he sniffled, I broke him.

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