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Luke POV

"Luke!" I heard Lacy call out and I turned the stove off and finished the stack of pancakes, I placed the plate to the side and chuckled. "Yes baby" I answered back, "I need help!" She yelled and I went to the bedroom to find her sitting on the edge of the bed. Holding her arms out smiling, "what is it?" I asked and she still kept an innocent grin. "Carry Me?" She asked and I laughed, "but baby you can walk yourself" I said stifling my laughs. "No I can't I'm sore" she whined and I could feel my cheeks heating up and turning red, "did I really do that hard on you last night?" I asked quietly lowering my head. I heard her start laughing and I could feel her eyes on me. "Yes you did but it was amazing" she said and I looked back up at her. "Well if it was that amazing what if I don't want to help you out of bed" I said with a smug grin on my face, "Luke Robert Hemmings get me off this bed right now" she demanded with a glare. I leaned down so I was towering over her and she looked so nervous it was cute. Her cheeks went pink and she bit her lip, I smiled as I hurried my face into her neck and placed gentle kisses down to her collarbone.

"No" I said as I grinned against her collarbone, "you're nasty" she remarked. "That pretty little mouth of yours is foul" I said and she poked her tongue out at me. "Why am I dating such a nasty person" she grumbled and I bursted out with laughter. "Me nasty?" I questioned and she nodded, "I guess I'll leave you on this bed then" I said getting up and she pulled me back down towards her. "Oh no you don't" she said with a stupid grin. "You're such a dork" she said brushing the tip of her finger down the tip of my nose, "but you love me" I said with such confidence. "Do I love you?" She asked and my confidence disappeared, "I'm joking Luke" she giggled before pecking my lips repeatedly and I picked her up bridal style and took her to the kitchen for breakfast.

Putting her down on the couch I bought over a tray of breakfast for her and made her a cup of black tea with some chocolate original Tim tams on the side. "Mr. Hemmings is the chocolate Tim tams your attempt to ask for something" she joked as she took a bite on each end before dipping it in her tea. "Well yea but also I have a surprise for you tonight" I said as I winked at her, "a surprise?" She asked and I nodded eagerly. "Yea a surprise" I said and she smiled widely, "is it tacos?" She asked and her eyes lit up bright. "No it's better than tacos" I said and she huffed, "what could be better than tacos" she whined. "Um me of course" I joked and she bursted out laughing, "yea not so fast Luke" she said with a cheeky smile. "What am I not better than tacos?" I asked and she shook her head, "no you're not" she said trying to stifle a giggle.

"Rude" I said and she got up and I watched her waddle to the kitchen, "this is all your fault" she said fake glaring at me as she turned around. "What did I do?" I asked and she went to speak but instead she found herself covering her mouth and trying to run as she stumbled to the toilet. Next thing I heard was the sound of her vomiting, I ran in after her and crouched down beside her holding back her hair. I reached over pulling some toilet paper handing it to her and she pulled away wiping her mouth. "You okay?" I asked as I pressed the top button on the toilet to flush. "Yea I'm fine" she said standing up and going to rinse her mouth and brush her teeth. "I'll see you tonight then" I said and she looked at me confused, "where are you going?" She asked. "Calum wants me to help him with something I'll only be a few hours" I said and she nodded giving me a kiss before I left.

Lacy POV

After Luke left I got changed and made the bed before getting started with the day, Luke was gone and so I had this house to myself. I did wonder what Luke had planned for tonight and I didn't pester I just let him do his thing. I made myself a cup of tea in the kitchen and cleaned up the dishes from this morning and wiped the bench clean, I went back into the bedroom went into the closet trying to look for a new top and I found a royal blue cocktail knee length dress hanging up. It was sweet of him on how much he went out of his way to do things like this. I found a little card hanging off the dress and grabbed it to read seeing Luke's handwriting.

'Hey beautiful wear this tonight and their should be heels sitting on the floor beneath it. Love you gorgeous'

Luke xx

Always the romantic he was and I loved it.

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