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Lacy POV

The next day Brad gave my a lift to school and I looked out the window seeing the school gates. "You looking for someone?" Brad asked and I absently shook my head until someone caught my eye and it was Luke. My expression changed to sadness when I saw him getting beat up. "Hey what's wrong?" Brad asked and he looked out my window to see the same thing I was witnessing. "Oh no they don't that's not on" Brad said taking off his seat belt. "No Brad" I said trying to stop him but he left, I got out running behind him and I watched him seperate the boys from Luke. I looked at Luke seeing bruises forming and his lip busted, he was groaning in pain too.

The boys soon ran off and I helped Luke sit up as he held his stomach. "You good mate?" Brad asked as he looked over Luke. Luke stayed quiet and didn't say a word, "Luke?" Brad repeated and this time he answered. "I'm fine" he said and Brad looked at him unsure about to speak but I just looked at him saying to lay off. "Luke come on let's get you cleaned off and head to class" I said and he stood there for a minutes before answering me, "okay" he answered and I took hold of his hand and dragged him to the bathrooms. We entered the disabled bathrooms because it was just easier and i looked the door behind me, Luke sat on the bench by the sink and i got a roll of toilet paper. I looked back at Luke and he looked so discouraged and I mean after going through a beat up was normal. I wet the tissue lightly so it was damp and then went ahead on gently dabbing and cleaning the blood away.

Luke POV

She gently cleaned my cuts and sores that i received from Michael not to long ago, him telling me to stay away from Lacy. I mean I still can't wrap my head around the fact she's my partner for the project. "Luke what happened?" Lacy asked as she threw out the used bloody tissue, "it's nothing" i said and she stopped what she was doing and frowned at me. "Luke you were beat up that's not nothing and also it was Michael beating you up" Lacy said as she grabbed more tissue. "Lacy it's nothing to worry about I promise" I said and she shook her head, "Luke I already am well aware like everyone else that you're bullied so why not be honest" she said as she continued to get rid of the blood.

"Lacy there's nothing to say besides the fact it was Michael and Calum" i said and she shook her head in disappointment. "I would've never thought Calum would act that way considering he's crush get bullied and Michael doesn't know about it" she said and i looked at her confused, "what?" I asked and she bit her lip as she focused. She's kinda hot when she bites her lip, "Calum has a crush on Ashton?" I asked and she nodded. "Yea Calum has a crush on Ashton and you'd think Calum would know better considering his best friend is bullied but i guess not" she said in disappointed. "I would've never guessed Calum was gay" i said and she shrugged her shoulders, "he doesn't talk about his relationships and he's very private about his sexuality" Lacy said as she washed her hands. "All done" she said and i stood up and looked in the mirror seeing all the blood gone. "We should get to class" she said and i grabbed my bag before following Lacy out of the bathroom.

Lacy POV

We left the bathroom and a few students were staring at us, people whispered get their opinions as they stared at us. "Move it" i said to the group of girls blocking the walk way and they scattered. Luke continued walking behind me, "looks like loser Luke is hanging with miss beautiful queen of the school" Benji said as he walked up with his brother Joel. "The madden brothers what are you trying to say?" I asked and Joel laughed, "why hang out with that disgusting existence than one of us good looking ones" Benji stated as he tried to make himself look good and i looked at Luke he looked upset and uncomfortable. I smirked as i turned my head and looked back at Benji and Joel. "Is there anything else you want to say about my boyfriend" i said and they both looked at me shocked. "Wait what?" They both asked in shock, "you heard me" i said and i took a hold of Luke's hand and pushed past the two of them.

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