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Lacy POV

Later that evening I began getting dressed and doing my hair so that I was ready by the time Luke got home. I soon heard my phone start ringing so I went to answer it seeing it was Crystal's caller ID showing on the screen. "Hello" I answered and she squealed on the phone, "Lacy Simpson today is your lucky day" she said in excitement. "Is it that after summer break we graduate" I said and she laughed, "yes that but silly you have a surprise awaiting you" she said. "Another one?" I asked and she laughed again, "I'm sure Luke said he had a surprise for you" she said. "He did" I said and she squealed again but a little louder, "calm down" I said. "I shall not calm down" she said in a tone full of sassiness, "are you getting ready?" She asked me. "Yes I am" I said, "great I'll be right over" she said. "Crystal wait" I said and before she could even listen she hung up the phone.

I finished getting dressed and all I had left was my hair and make up to be done, "hello anyone home!" I heard crystals voice shout out. "Bedroom!" I called back to her and she came running in, "well would you look at you and how hot you look" she said with a grin. "I'm doing your hair and make up" she said before walking me over to a chair and sitting me down in front of the mirror. Drying my wet hair she platted a fish braid on the top half of my head and let the bottom half flow loose. Tightening a few strands and ruffling the bottom up a little, "now to make up" she said. "Don't do anything too over the top" I said and she wiped a make up brush in the back of her hand. "I won't it will be super light" she said as she pumped a few squirts of foundation.

"That's so much" I said and she rolled her eyes at me, "no it's not trust me now look up" she said and I did as I was told. "I don't know why I'm trusting you to make me look decent right now" I said stifling a laugh, "would you rather me or go with nothing at all" she said. "Well I'm sure Luke would love seeing me with no clothes on" I laughed and she crinkled her nose, "you're so dirty minded I swear to god" she said trying to not laugh. "And you aren't?" I asked and she gently hit the back of my shoulder, "I'm perfectly responsible" she said. "Responsibility has nothing to do with it although speaking of which you've gained a little belly fat" she said, "you trying to tell me I'm fat" i said and she laughed. "No but I will ask if you're pregnant?" She asked and my face went pale. "Well I was vomiting this morning" I said and she leaned over the chair looking at me, "You what?" She asked. "I was vomiting this morning" I repeated, "did you take a test?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Once you're ready I'm going out to buy you a test or two and you're taking one" she said as she continued with my make up. A few minutes later Crystal was finally done and she had rushed out of the house to the store leaving me at home. What if I am pregnant though how would I tell Luke, 30 minutes later Crystal came back and passed me the tests she bought so I went to the bathroom to take them and read the instructions. After 20 minutes of waiting I looked at the results on all four of the tests, each of them said positive. Walking out of the bathroom with one of the tests in my hand, Crystal was sitting on the edge of the bed. "And what do they say?" Crystal asked as she ran over to me, I handed her the test showing it to her and her eyes went wide. She ran into the bathroom and screamed when she saw the other tests sitting on the bathroom counter. "YOU'RE PREGNANT!" She yelled and I couldn't believe it myself, "6 WEEKS!" She yelled and my eyes widened I didn't even read the weeks I just saw the word pregnant.

"Shut up!" I yelled back at her and she ran up to me hugging me so tightly, "you're going to be a mother" she squeaked. "What if I'm not ready to be a mother, I still want to go to uni and continue studying" I said. "It'll be fine you'll work it out just like you'll work out how to tell Luke" she said. Then the door bell rang and my palms began to sweat with nerves. "Lacy!" Luke called out as he entered the house, "Lukey you're home" I said walking up to him and giving him a tight hug. "We going now?" I asked and he nodded, I walked back to the bedroom to put my shoes on and grabbing my purse before meeting up with Luke again by the front door.

"Have fun you two" Crystal said as I walked past her and she gave me a wink as Luke put his arm around my waist. We left the house and Luke was a gentleman opening and closing the car door for me before driving us to our destination, "where are we going?" I asked as I looked at him through the review mirror. "It's a surprise my love" he answered back to me, "aren't you already full of surprises" I said and he laughed. "Well yes but I'm sure this surprise will be better than me" he said. "Sounding confident I see" I said and he took hold of my hand, "wasn't I always" he said. "Nah you weren't" I said with a smirk, "that's rude and hey I got you so give me that much" he said in fake disappointment. "Okay true you did" I said leaning over to kiss his cheek as he continued to drive.

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