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"Who's that?" Seokjin asked, watching an unfamiliar boy walk through the gates of the school. His dark eyes dull with no spark, his arms holding onto his bag straps tightly, he looked side to side fearfully.

"Dunno, our teacher did say we were getting a new student, " Taehyung shrugged, taking a bite of his apple. He watched the boy with curiosity.

The bell rang and the two watched as younger students ran to their classes, "come on, hyung, let's head to class." The older nodded and the two boys walked to their homeroom class.


"Today we have a new student, " Mrs. Kim called, a cheerful smile on her face as always, "he is the son of the principal, so make sure to be extra nice to him! Mr. Min? Would you please come up and introduce yourself..."

The new boy looked up, seated at the back of the class, he walked to the front and handed the teacher a piece of paper, then walked back to his seat. Mrs. Kim furrowed her eyebrows before reading the paper to herself. "Oh-"

"Mr. Min doesn't like talking, so he wrote something to all of you something instead, " the boy rolled his eyes and the teacher read the note out, "Suga- Hmm... Suga is his name, don't hurt Suga, don't be rude to Suga, or Suga will hurt you, Suga will make you sorry- Uhm- let's get started, shall we?"

"He writes like a four-year-old, " one of the boys in the front snickered, "who writes like that? Who introduces their-self in third person?" he then laughed, a few of his friends joining him.

"Now, Baekhyun! Don't say those types of thing! All of you! Stop laughing at him!" the teacher shouted, his posse immediately shutting up, but the boy just rolled his eyes.

"Please! You know it, he's probably an idiot, he doesn't even know proper grammar, I bet he doesn't even know how to speak! Suga, or whatever the fuck his name is, is an actual dumbas-"

"BAEKHYUN! Stop being disrespectful to our new student, we do not use foul language in this classroom and we especially do not speak rudely about another student!" Mrs. Kim snapped.

Suga then stood up, "Baekhyun, you are first on the list..." he said aloud, then sat back down in his seat.

"Well, now we know he can speak-" he boy mumbled.

"Principal's office! Now!"

"Whatever the lady says!" Baekhyun smiled, he grabbed his bag and walked to the door, "also, fuck your list, Suga." Then he walked out.

The teacher sighed, "let's... Start our class..." She then put on a smile and began to teach the class, pretending that nothing happened the last few minutes.

Taehyung smiled to himself as he looked to his left to watch the new boy write in his journal, his words written with ease, the ink flowing onto the page softly. Tae then ripped a piece of his own page and wrote a few words onto it before handing it to Suga.

Confused, the new boy read the paper, 'I think it's so cool that you did that, that guy is a total ass. I'm Taehyung, nice to meet you :)' Now knowing that the paper was useless, he crumpled the small paper up and threw it back to Taehyung.

Pouting, the boy ripped a new piece off, wrote on it and placed it onto his small desk. Rolling his eyes, Suga read the new note, 'that was mean :( I just wanna be friends, Suga isn't your real name is it? Doesn't seem like it, who would name their child Suga :)'

An irritated sigh left Suga's mouth, he flipped the paper over and wrote quickly onto it, slamming the paper onto his table, catching some people's attention, but then looked away quickly as Suga glared at then with piercing eyes.

Smiling, Taehyung grabbed the paper and read it, 'go away, you tall child. do not ask about suga.' He then frowned. Ripping another piece of paper, the teacher calls on him.

"Mr. Taehyung, can you answer the question? She pointed to the math equation on the whiteboard. "628 divided by 5 is 125.6, done!" he smiled.

Astonished by Taehyung's quick thinking, Suga then smiled lightly, letting the ends of his lips perk up slightly.

'He may be useful...' a voice said in the young boys' head.

'Maybe, he seems like a weird one though...' another spoke.

'We're even weirder, that doesn't matter to us...' the first reminded the second voice.

'Right... We shouldn't hurt him, should we?'

'No, he's a good one, he's one that can be useful to us...'

'I want to hurt him... I want to break him so badly, he seems like an easy person to hurt, seems fragile and frail...' a third chuckled.

'No, we need him, he'll be useful, especially to the one that's on the list. You can break the one on the list, it'll be easy, he definitely seems stupid enough to kill, ' the second spoke sternly.

The third voice laughed, 'he'd be easy, I just want to toy with this one's heart, It'd be sweet and simple I tell ya'...'

'Can you all shut up? We're in school now, we might as well learn a thing or two, okay?' the first sighed. The rest of the voices murmured an agreement.

'... When are we going home...' a forth voice asked, sounding the most innocent out of the four voices.

'Hopefully soon...' the first reassured before sighing softly.

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