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"You're being adopted!" the caretaker told me, smiling widely, obviously happy for me, yet my face just dropped, "aren't you happy, Yoongi? They're coming in a few minutes, and I packed all your stuff already, so when they come you can just get up and go!" He ruffled my hair before walking off to help one of the other orphans.

"Yo, Yoongi, what happened? Why did he call you?" one of my friends asked, tapping my shoulder lightly, I immediately throw my arms around him, catching him by surprise. The rest of my friends crowded around me, asking what happened.

"They're taking me-" I sobbed, clinging onto his shirt, "I-I won't be able to see you, like, ever again-!"

The four orphans began to hug me, I couldn't believe it, we made a whole plan to when we were older, we were gonna live together and we were going to have the best time. But. I was the first to be adopted, it's the worse day of my life.

What the hell is adopting anyway? One of the orphans, Chanyeol or something got adopted a few weeks back and no one has seen him since!

"Yoongi! Your new family is here!" the caretaker then slowly pulled me away from my four friends, I looked up to see a boy slightly taller than me and two older people, a mother and a father I should presume.

The little boy trotted up to me, spreading his arms out widely, hugging me quickly, I stood in shock. He then pulled away, the boy smiled, two dimples appearing on either side of his lips, "I'm Min Namjoon! Your new brother, our family is really good, you're going to like it! I have tons of toys that we can play with and so many places we can go! It's gonna be great!"

My breathe hitched, "n-new family?"

"Yep!" he then nodded, running off to his parents.

I then staggered back to my friends. "I-I don't wanna go- I don't want to go with you!" I spat, alarming the older boy, who claimed to be my new brother, "I don't have a family, I don't have a brother, and I don't want to go with you!"

I shouted before shoving my friends aside and running away, the oldest of my friends shouted my name but I didn't look back.

It was a cold night, and it was definitely past curfew. I shivered as I past a huge steak house, my eyes shone as I saw a couple dig into a plate of lamb skewers in one of the outside booths. I walked up to them slowly, my legs shaking from how much I walked. I stood next to their table, looking up with nervousness.

The male of the couple looked down, "hmm? What do you need, sweetie?"

"I-I... I'm an orphan and I r-ran away... I... I didn't bring anything with me, a-and I'm really hungry, " I looked down, ashamed of what I was doing, I grabbed the hem of my dusty shirt and tightened my grasp, "w-would you be kind enough to-"

"Here sweetie, " the girl smiled, handing me a lamb skewer with a tissue wrapped around the base of the stick, "eat up, I recommend try to find your way back, don't get yourself hurt..." She ruffled my hair and I smiled, bowing quickly before walking off, nibbling onto the meat.

Somehow I found myself back at the orphanage, I stood in front of the large doors, I bit my lip lightly before sighing. I knocked on the door, one, two, three times. A minute passed before it opened, the night caretaker looked down and gasped before grabbing my hand.

"Aish, Yoongi, you scared everyone, Kansukie was really worried, he started crying and then fell asleep from exhaustion..." she laughed lightly. "And between you and me, I'm pretty sure Dohun did as well..."

She then pulled me into the room that I shared with Seung, tucking me in, not wanting to wake the older boy up. She sighs, "I wish that you have never been adopted..." The caretaker then shut the door and I then sat up.

"Yoongi..." Seung whispered, "come up here..." I followed the slightly older's request and threw the covers off, climbing onto the second bunk, sitting down to see his red face in the dark room. "Seung- Wrong words- I- I'm gonna miss you..."

I chuckled silently before grabbing Seung's cheek, carressing it softly, "you're doing well with speaking, don't scold yourself over it... You're going to do great, it doesn't matter if you speak like that, you'll learn, even without me teaching you..." A tear then slipped from my eye.

I kissed the top of his head before the door creaked open slowly, "h-hyung?" a voice whimpered.

"Come, Sukie, " I whispered, realising that two other boys followed him, I then smiled, climbing down, Seung following me. The door shut and I grabbed my flashlight from my drawer, I then pulled myself to the corner of the bed, Kansukie sitting next to me, his head resting on the older's head, Dohun sat on the other side of me, Minwoo then laid next to Dohun, finally leaving Seung to sit next to Kansuke, stroking his hair silently.

"Yoongi..." Dohun began, "it's pretty bs that you're leaving..." he sighed, "it shouldn't have been you, well- I-I mean I would have chose you- but-"

Minwoo then cut him off, "what Hyung is saying is that, you're amazing, it just, it shouldn't have been you picked to be adopted. That kid, Namjoon or whatever, he's a good kid, but not good enough for you, " he smiled softly.

"When are you coming back?" Kansuke whispered.

"I... I don't think ever..." I mumbled, looking away.

"Seung thinks... I think, that Yoongi will come, he'll come back, Seung knows..." he smiled, holding the youngest's hand, Kansuke hugging him in response.

"We... We should get some sleep, it's really late and I walked around a lot..." I chuckled, although disappointed, they nodded, somehow finding themselves comfortable.

I shut my eyes, feeling a small pair of lips peck the top of my head, completely not knowing who it was until he spoke, making my face pink. "Goodnight, Yoongi..." Dohun whispered, cuddling into me.


Yoongi then woke up, cold sweat running down his forehead, he looked around, to see Taehyung fast asleep. He sighed, laying back down to look away, the blonde watched as the stars glistened from outside the window next to the bed. He then sat up, his cold hand on the window.

As his eyes were a smokey black, almost the same colour as the night sky, he whispered.

"I'll find you, my friends..."

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