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As the bed was shaking softly, Yoongi moaned quietly, biting on his lip as he finished in the older's hand. Hoseok smiled with a hint of lust on his tongue as he whispered, now laying on the bed next to the minor, both boys huffing softly. "You were so good babe.. I-I love you..." the younger turns to him, his hair flopping to the side. "Your hair looks better black, it looks cuter and fluffier..."

Hoseok trails his hand on Yoongi's body, from bottom to top, finally reaching his messy hair, grasping it softly in his large hand not too tightly. He then carefully pulled the boy to him, kissing his plump but swollen lips. It was always magical for Hoseok, as he had loved him for so long, but to Yoongi, it was just a plain kiss, nothing more, nothing less, but Taehyung's kisses... They set off fireworks everytime their lips touched. And both Yoongi and Taehyung felt the same about it.

The black-haired boy pushed his elder off, receiving a sad pout from Hoseok. Yoongi sighed speaking up, "I think I'm in love with Taehyung..."

'Wait, yo what-' D says, in a half joking tone.

'Why is he talking to Hoseok? He barely talks out loud to himself...' Minwoo mumbled, hoping from a response or answer from Suga, yet there was no reply, 'Suga?'

'He's giving up on us...' Suga muttered.


'Yoongi. He's going to get rid of us, when you grow older, your DID can start to fade and all your personalities disappear, that's why Yoonie isn't here, his spirit and his outside self is gone, just because we met Kansuke and Dohun, ' Suga explained.

"W-what?" Hoseok stuttered, taken aback from the sudden words.

"I-I'm in love with Taehyung..." Yoongi repeats, sitting up quickly, looking away from the older, having him follow. "But how could you like him!?" Hoseok shouted, startling the black-haired minor, "h-he made you cry last night! Why would you love him?! Especially w-when I love you..."

"I'm sorry Hobi, I just do..." the boy pecks Hoseok's cheek before standing up to grab his clothes, stepping into the bathroom to take a shower, leaving the door unlocked as usual. Yoongi throws his clothes on the cold tiled-floor and stepped into the shower, feeling a pain in his head as he wobbled from side to side, turning the shower knob.

Yoongi then held his head in pain, feeling extremely nauseous, thinking it was from the water, he turned it off, not even having it on for a minute. He held the wall as he felt like he got shot in the head, slowly the boy stepped out of the shower, tripping over and collapsing, knocking himself out.

Hoseok heard the water turn on and off in a matter of seconds, thinking that Yoongi doesn't have a towel, but then he heard a thud. Quickly wiping his tears and stepping to his bathroom, knocking lightly, hearing the light drips from the shower head. Yet there was no response.

Yet again, Hoseok knocks on the door one more time before opening the door to see Yoongi knocked out on the floor, blood on his head as he slowly bled out.

"Oh fuck me..."
short chapter today because i have been incredibly tired this whole week
also, just for clarification, this was set the day after the party in the morning

Not edited
:) <3

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