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After exchanging each other's phone numbers, Taehyung had finally pulled Yoongi away from his two orphanage friends. He was mad. Really mad. As Dohun and Kansuke had all of the attention for the rest of the night, Taehyung was jealous as they were being paid attention to, especially after Yoongi had fucked the older just before they were introduced.

Yoongi was smiling to himself as he looked down at his phone, messaging Dohun and Kansuke. With every smile and small giggle that was brought to Yoongi, made Taehyung even more irritated. He then pulled over to the side, letting the now black-haired boy look up from his phone, confused.

Taehyung then parked the car, looking over to the younger, "uh... You good Tae?" The boy just glared at him, grabbing his phone and throwing it to the back of the car, "what the fuck?!" he then tried to lean over and grab it but Taehyung pushed him back to the seat, making him down lightly. "Tae..hyung?-" Yoongi muttered before having the older smash his lips against his.

The black-haired boy pushed Tae off, puzzled as he was scared, "what's wrong with you? Fucking pulling over, throwing my phone and wanting to make out with me?! Like- Are you good Tae?"

"No! Of course I'm not okay! I leave you at the party and aPPARENTLY you start to go fuck random guys who are your old orphan friends!? Okay, I'm sorry about your phone I guess? But if you would just think about me and not about your stupid fucking friends, maYBe I wouldn't have done it!" Tae yelled, borrowing his eyebrows as he looked down at the younger.

Yoongi just looked up at him, on the verge of crying and falling into Yoonie. "I-it isn't my fault o-okay!? I-I didn't want to be ad-adopted! I ju-just wanted to f-fucking st-stay with my friends!"

"You know what. Fucking get out of my car! Go back to the fucking house and find your friends! Because obviously, you'd care about them more than you care about me!" the older shouted, completely oblivious to the younger's feelings at that moment.

"Well, fuck you too Taehyung! I c-can't believe I actually liked you..." Yoongi grumbled, grabbing his phone from the back and jumping out of the car, slamming the door behind him, just for Taehyung to speed away, only leaving a puff of dust behind him.

Yoongi then sat by the side of the road, his head in his knees as he pulled them closer to his chest, sobbing softly. He then lifted his phone, speed-dialling a number quickly.

"C-can you come pic-pick me up?" he sniffed. Yoongi's face was pink as he talked to the boy on the other side of the phone.

"Yoongi? Wh-what's wrong?"

"I'll explain when y-you come..." he hiccupped, "I-I'll send you my location, H-Ho-Hobi..."


"How could he just do that to me?!" Taehyung yelled, tracing his steps over and over again as he walked in the room. Seokjin glanced at him, he then stood up, touching Tae's shoulder softly and turning the raging boy to him. "Tae..."

Seokjin looked up at him with saddened eyes, "listen. You love him right?" the younger looked into his eyes, his eyes slowly softening from the older's. Tae nodded. "If you love him, then you can't be mad at him, like you have reasons at times, but because you haven't told him, then he doesn't feel the same way.."

"And Tae..." Jin starts, pulling his dongsaeng into a soft hug, "it was never his fault he got adopted, he never wanted to be separated from his orphanage friends, " he pulled away, "let him be happy about finding his friends, let him be happy because they were once his..."


not to be that bitch but follow me and sub to my channel 🙈

i make edits sometimes 👀

this is the fugly edit i made ten years ago 

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