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Slowly his eyes open, a bright white light shone in his eyes as he looked up at the light. "Hello...?" someone called out, his brain filled with pain.

"Hello~?" they spoke again.

Was it the voices in his head? Was it himself? Was it... God? No... It couldn't be, the voice doesn't sound familiar, the voice isn't one of his own, and he's sure that it wasn't God.

"Yoongi... Please..." they whispered, a hand on his cheek. Warm and soft, gentle and perfect, a large hand, a perfect hand, on his round cheek.

With his eyes now fully open, he sees a boy in front of him, holding his cheek. Yoongi moved back, blinking quickly as he looked at him, the boy smiled, "you're awake..."

Yoongi stayed silent, moving away from the boy, the boy pulled his hand away. "It's nice to see you up, babe, " he smiled. The hospitalized boy turned a light pink, completely noticeable by the boy.

He sighs, "do you remember me? Yoongi? It's me, Taehyung!" he grinned, "I'm your classmate and your roommate now! It's... Pretty cool."

Yoongi grabbed the boys' hand, entwining it with his own, he looked up, his cheeks more chubby than usual. Taehyung smiled, "cute..." he whispered. The younger's face grew slightly darker as he complimented him.

"You didn't hurt yourself that bad, as well as your brother, " Taehyung said, feeling Yoongi hold tighter onto his hand. "Just a few broken ribs and a busted lip..." He brushed his spare thumb over Yoongi's lip, feeling the bruise with the dried blood over it.

"You think I can heal your lip with a kiss?! Like a prince or a mother's special kiss?!" he chuckled, leaning in closer, the younger moved back, his rounded cheeks completely red. "You're so pretty when you blush, Yoongi..."

"I... I'm pretty sure the doctor said that when you wake up you can leave, so let's go, baby~!" he smiled. Pulling him up and out of the hospital bed, now holding both of his hands, both entwined.

"It's only been a few hours, so it's barely 7 o'clock, your mother said to drive you home, your brother hasn't woke up yet so I guess I can pick him up later..." Taehyung pressed his lips against Yoongi's forehead, smiling in the small kiss.

"Cutest damn thing I've ever seen..." he exhaled softly, pulling the boy out of the hospital room as he had his clothes under his hospital gown.


Yoongi sat in the car quietly, his head pounding as Taehyung drove, the younger hesitantly reached reaches his hand to Taehyung's as his hand was resting on his thigh.

The older looked up, away from the road. The light turned red and he looked over to him, he smiled. "You wanna hold hands with me, baby~ So cute..." he grabbed the boys' hand and glances over to Yoongi, chuckling at his now pink cheeks.

The light turned green and Taehyung began to drive again, one hand on the wheel, one Yoongi's. The younger held it tightly, squeezing his eyes shut as he breathed slowly. "What's wrong, Yoongi?" He stayed silent, eyes eyes still shut. "Is it because of before? With you and your brothers' crash?"

He just nodded.

He exhaled softly, smiling at the younger. "It'll be okay, Yoongi..." he raised his hand and kissed Yoongi's softly, chuckling at him turn pink in the corner of his eye. "I promise, baby, I will make sure that you won't ever get hurt ever again..."

Then Taehyung remembered Baekhyun kicking and hurting him. He sighed softly, gulping slowly. Tae sniffed, rubbing his thumb over the top of his hand.

"I promise, Yoongi, I'll protect you..."

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