Chapter 1

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It's been two years since Sean trew me out of the house. Ever since then I live on the streets, stealing money to get some food.

And even though I knew he stayed behind to take care of mom, I was so angry at him for just leaving me.

I tried getting in contact ever since, but I never saw him again...

I looked at my arms and saw all the old scars my dad left on me. I sighed as I walked trough the streets of New York.

I was wearing an old pair of pants, a white blouse (well not anymore..) and a Newsboy cap. My brother insisted me to wear those clothes, and I never took them of ever again.

I walked around one of the corners into the street that leads towards Newsies Square. I heared commotion comming from it and frowned.

I run towards the sound only to see the newsboys fighting with the cops and some guys from the Refuge.

My eyes grew wide as I saw the look of horror in some of the boys eyes. A boy with a crutch was trying to get away from two guys around my age but failed.

As I turned to my left I saw Snyder walking up to the boy with the crutch. I cursed before hiding behind a tree.

I made myself as small as possible and put my hands over my ears, trying to lock out the screams of those poor boys.

I wanted to help them so badly but if Snyder saw me I was dead. Ever since I escaped from my father Snyder is after me. My father ordered him to get me and put me into the Refuge 'till I would starve to dead. And Snyder took it as a christmas present.

After a while I saw some of the boys running away. I looked up and a few meters away a boy running on his own in the complete opposite direction.

I frowned but got out of my hiding spot and run after him. 10 minutes later the boy stopped infront of a large building. A theater if I was right.

I frowned but watched as the boy walked into the building trough one of the stagedoors. I followed him quickly into the building.

I looked around and saw I was standing in a large hallway with a LOT of doors. I lost the boy. He was probably in one of those rooms, but still.

For a moment I just stood there, looking around in awe. It sure was beautiful here.

"Hey! We don't want scum hanging around here!" I heared someone angrily yell. I turned aeound to see the man who yelled it was speaking to me.

"Oh! I'm sorry sir!" I said, already turning around when I heard something fall in one of the close by  rooms. I looked over my shoulder to see that the man was already gone.

I shrugged and walked into the room. It was full with paint, paintings, props and pencils spreaded across the room.

"Wow." I said to myself as I look trough the room. "It is beautiful in here." I heared something shot up and when I look up I saw the biy from earlier standing infront of me.

"Hey! Hey, you aren't supposed to be here!" He yelled in a thick New York accent.

I took a step back at the sudden hate and blinked a couple times. "I's sorry. I shouldn't have interrupted what you were doing so quick, but I was at Newsies Square earlier and saw you ran away." I say, apologising.

He sighed, grabbed some paint brushes, paint and walked towards a huge painting that looked like it was almost finished. "Sit down and shut your mouth." He says before starting to paint.

I did what he told me, but after 10 minutes I didn't hold it anymore. "That painting is beautiful." I say to him.

He took a step back to see the whole thing before sighing. "It's just a bunch of trees." He says.

He lied down everything he was holding and walked up to me. "Jack." He simply said, holding his hand out for me to shake. "Maddie." I say in response, shaking his hand.

"Oh, how 'bout lettin' a pal know you're alive!" I hear someone say. I quickly turn around to see a tall boy standing in the doorway.

"Ya eva think I didn't wanna be found." Jack says in response, looking annoyed. I just looked at the floor, not wanting to interrupt them.

"Who's that?" I heard the tall boy ask. "Some goil that followed me here. She was at tha strike." Jack says.

I ignore him and walk up to the taller boy. "Maddie, nice to meet you." I say to him. "Davey." He response with a smile.

"I don't even know what she's doing here. Don't ya have a family to go? And what's with tha clothes" Jack says to me, kinda harsh.

I feel my face lights up because of the anger that is starting to boil inside me. "Well I's sorry 'mr. Iknoweverything' but shouldn't you know better! If I's not wrong ya live on the streets yaself! No I don't have a family! I live on tha streets! And I just heard some commotion on Newsies Square so went to see what was wrong! I was just checking up on ya! Sorry darling!" I yell at him before turning around and walking out of the door angrily.

"Hey! I told you to get out of here!" I hear the same man as before yell. "Yeah! Shoo!" I heard the woman behind him yell.

"She belongs to us Miss Medda! It's alright!" I heard someone say. I turned around, only to see Jack and Davey standing in the middle of the hall.

"Jack! Get here and give me a hug!" The woman called Miss Medda yelled. Jack laughed before running up to her and hugging her.

Words: 1006
New story! I had this idea for a few days now and though, let's do it!
The first chalter is a little chaktic but it will gett better! Trust me!
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