Chapter 5

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I feel someone grabbing my arm and pulling me further into the wing. "Jack?" I say as I see who it is.

"Jack where were you?" I ask him. "Even Mike was here! And he isn't even a Newsie!" Jack puts a finger on my lips and shushes me.

"Listen, Katherine is the daughter of Pulitzer. I was there, she was there also. It's a long story, but I wanted to tell you." Before I could say something else Jack walks onto the stage.

"No Jack! Wait! Came back here you assh-!" I wisper yell after him, but Mike shuts me off by putting his hand over my mouth. "Language." He says with a grin.

I shake him off and watch as all the Newsies fall quiet once they see Jack. I bite my lip, Jack is furious because of Katherine.. this is not gonna end well..

"Listen Newsies of New York! How many days can we go without working! Without any money!" Jack yells into the theater. "It doesn't matter! 'Cause Pulitzer can do it way longer! If we stop now Pulitzer will lower the price again for 2 years!"

It stays quiet, except for some murmurs here and there. "Pulitzer has given me his word! If we disband the Union!" He yells.

Oh he has to be kidding me. I think by myself as I look over at all the angry teenagers. "Disband the Union!" They yell towards him.

"He will even write it on a piece of paper! All you have to do is vote no!" He yells then. I see a few of the Newsies start to walk way in disappointment. Even Miss Medda shakes her head before walking of the stage.

I see Jack walking over to the wings opposite of me, I see him taking some money from a man standing there.

"He's a sellout!" I hear one of the Newsies yell. All of the Newsies start to walk away. Where have you gotten yourself into this time Jack. I ask myself.

"Hey!" Jack yells to all of the Newsies, but they ignore him. I see Mike looking towards me. I look up at him and he gives me a sad smile.

I nod and look back at the stage. Jack and Davey are now the only one left. "Davey.." I hear Jack softly say. Davey tries to say something, but ended up just walking away.

I sigh and walk with Mike onto the stage. "Jack.." I say slowly. "Say no more." He says before storming of.

"If you don't mind me asking, who is he exactly?" I hear Mike behind me ask. I sigh and sit down at the edge of the podium. Mike sits down next to me and looks at the ground beneath us.

"He's named Jack. I don't know much about him. I found out who he was yesterday. I followed him after a huge fight on Newsies Square. He's the leader of the Manhattan Newsies. And he just lost his best friend. That guy has it rough, and I have no idea how to help him."

"The best thing you can do at the moment is be there for him. He needs a friend." I hear Mike say next to me. "You're right." I shake my head as I look up at him. "It's ridiculous. I'm getting advise from a guy I don't even know. Not really at least."

"Alright then." He turns towards me and holds out his hand. "Hello, I'm Mike Dillinger. Nice to meet you." He says while I shake his hand. I laugh shaking my head.

"I'm Howler, but you van call me Maddie." I say with a smile. "Now tell me some more about yourself Dillinger."

He seems hesitant for a moment before smiling. "Ofcourse." He says softly. "As I already told you, I'm mike. I'm 17 years old and I live with my uncle and aunt since I'm 14. My parents are both in jail after killing my younger sister, and abusing me. Almost killing me while doing so. The Newsies seem like a nice group of fellas, but no, I don't wanna join. I don't want to make friends, only to dissapoint them, or to leave them once I decide to go away." He says, not looking me in the eye.

"Mike, that wouldn't happen. I only know these boys for one day, but even if you would go, they wouldn't be dissapointed, they wouldn't be hurt. They would appreciate your choices, and stay with you, here, in your heart." I say to him as I put my hand on his chest. He smiles before taking my hand of off his chest.

"There comes a day that I know you're right, but at the moment, I just can't feel it." He says before getting up.

"Shall we go and find Jack?" He asks. I look at him for a few seconds before also putting a smile on my face and getting up. "Ofcourse, I think he is at his penthouse."

"His penthouse?" Mike asks, not understanding how a Newsboy lives in a penthouse. I laugh before grabbing his hand and start to run towards the lodging house.

A few of the Newsies watch me and Mike run past them while we try to get on the roof. I pull myself onto the ladder, Mike following close behind me.

I'm almost at the top when Mike pulls at my shirt, motioning I have to wait and listen. I nod as we both peek over the edge of the roof.

We see Jack and Katherine standing there, Katherine has her fist under Jack's chin. "Oh yeah! Don't let that stop you, huh! COME ON GIVE ME YA BEST SHOT!" Jack yells at Katherine. They take a few more steps backwards, but looking fierce as hell.

And before I can blink another time Katherine puts her lips on Jack's.
I sigh as Mike and I climb back into the bedroom I was supposed to sleep in.

"That guy isn't thinking straight anymore." I mumble to myself. "What do you mean?" Mike asks, sitting dow on one of the beds.

"I talked with Race about this earlier. Jack and Crutchie, they're more then just friends Mike, they aren't just brothers. The only problem is is that Jack doesn't know that yet. Crutchie knows that guy since he was 7, he has a huge crush on him since 2 years ago. But he's to affraid to admit it, he was affraid of being put into the reguge because it's illegal. And look where he is now. If that boy comes out of the refuge the only thing he need is his best friend. And if that kid sees his best friend in a relationship with a girl, he would be broken."

"Who told you all of this?" Mike says softly after a few seconds of silent. "Race, Crutchie had a talk with him about Jack a while ago. Race only told me tho. It's now just up to Jack to realize this..."

Words: 1167
Hope you all like it! Please leave a vote or comment! And if there are any tips you guys want to give me, go ahead!"

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