Chapter 28

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*one month later*
I laughed happily as Race, Albert, Jack and I ran towards Medda's.
As we ran into the theatre I saw Finch and Elmer sitting on one of the props.

"Hey Holwer!!! Elmer and I are betting what it's gonna be! And when it's getting born!" I looked over at Finch and chuckled. "Ya can't even pay for ya own bread." I tell the two boys.

"Oh please, we's Newsies, we gamble all tha time." Elmer reacts, waving away my comment. "And that's why I's gonna join tha two of you." Race says, walking up to them.

"Same here." Albert also says before following his friend. I turn towards Jack and see him laughing at the sight of his boys.

Oh, did I mention Jack actually trowing a whole 'yeah Howler is pregnant let's celebrate it!' Party without telling me? Well he did, and now all the Fellas know I'm pregnant. Not a bad thing I guess, and they took it as if the child is Race's and I.

"Howler! Can I talk to you for a moment?" I turn around and see Miss Medda standing in one of the wings. I frown, my expression suddenly getting worried, but nod and follow her into her dressing room.

"What's wrong Miss Medda?" I ask, sitting down in one of the chairs. "Oh please call me Medda! You're like my daughter! Besides, Miss makes me sound old, doesn't it?"

I giggle softly, looking back up at the woman infront of me. "But really Medda, what's wrong?"

"You need to see a doctor honey, you need medical help for the pregnancy." She says, grabbing onto one of my hands. I quickly get up, backing away.

"No, I's absolutely healthy Medda. I's okay, really."

"But Ho-" I frantically shake my head no. "I don't have tha money Medda, and if I had I'd help tha Fellas, not payin' for somebody just checkin' up on me." I say, mather of factly, but Miss Medda is taking none of it.

"No, you don't even have enough food to feed yourself, let alone the child inside of you. It's unhealthy, and you're gonna feel it after a few weeks. Let me help you, I can pay for th-"

"I don't want your money Medda, and there are many woman before me who gave birth to a healthy child, not dying in the process. Let me handle this on my own, please." I beg as tears start streaming down my cheeks.

"But what if you don't survive giving birth.." She asks slowly. I softly smile at her, grabbing the doorknob. "Then I's sure Race will take good care of them." I say before walking out of the door.

As I walk into the hallway I see Race leaning against the wall. I sigh, wiping away some tears as I walk up to him. "Ya heard everythin', didn't ya?"

Race nods standing up. "And I's glad I did. Ya sure it's gonna be okay without medical help?" I nod, grabbing his hand. "And I also spoke tha truth about me dyin'. I want ya to know that whatever happens, I don't want ya ta give up, evha."

Race just looks at me for a few seconds before slowly nodding. "I promise." He says, softly kissing me before leading me out of the theatre.

I smiled at him as we kept walking trought NYC. It was when I heard someone call out my name that I realized it was already evening.

Race and I turned around and saw Oscar and Morris walking up to us. "What do ya two want?" Race asks, looking over at the two brothers.

"Just wanna know how our cousin is doing." Oscar says. I frown as I see him walking up to me. "What are ya doing?" I ask as Oscar fows his hands around my stomach and start talking to it.

"Like I said, I'm checking how my cousin is doing." I slap away his hands and take a step back, looking at the two brothers. "They are not ya cousin, and besides, how do ya know?" I ask, waving Race away who was trying to 'protect' me.

"Oh come one, everybody in New York knows. And everybody also know who the dad is." I nod and looked over at Race. "Yeah, everyone knows Race is tha dad." I say, taking his hand in mine.

"You didn't told the Newsies did you?" Oscar asks with a smirk. I swallow the truth in, looking back up. "What? That Race is their dad, believe me they know."

"Keep on telling yourself that, you haven't even toutched each other. Just accept that Mike is the dad." Morris said before the two brothers turned around and walked away. I tried to run after them, telling them otherwise, but Race held me back.

"Let them, they's just messin' with ya." He tells me, taking me back to the lodging house.

Words: 823
Hey everybody! Next chapter is gonna be the last one... I can't believ it, I actually came so far woth this story, and now we're here! But I'm not gonna cry, nope, not happening...
~ Alex

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