Chapter 25

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Two days had past, and tonight we would go back to Manhattan. I grin at the boys infront of me. Yep, I was playing poker with some of the Brooklyn boys and Race.

I hear the front door burst open and see Silver backing into the living room. "Ya can't just burst in here!" Silver says, trying to hold someone back. "Where is Race? I haven't seen him the whole freaking week."

I shot up as I recognize the voice, I look over at Race who is starring at the door. I see Silver getting pushed aside and see Jack stepping into the building.

"Kelly." Silver groans as Race and I shot up. Jack looks at us, at first he is furious, until he seems to recognize me.

"Howler! Thank god you's alright." He says before running up to me and pulling me in a thight hug. I wince as he toutches all my bruises and cuts. "Eh.. uhm Jack? Can you please.."

"Ah right, sorry." He says as he pulls away. "I was so worried about ya, I didn't know what ta do." Jacks says softly inspecting me. I hear Race huff as the blonde boy turns around and walks upstairs.

"Race wait." Jack says, following the boy. "I didn't know what ta do, really Jack? Weren't you tha one who said ya didn't want ta help 'er? If it was for you she would still be at tha Refuge! She would be dead!" Race yells at his leader.

"Oh come one! Ya know we would 'ave done somethin' sooner or later!"

"Ya should 'ave done somethin' when I asked ya to." Race says before walking upstairs. "Did ya really say tha?" I ask Jack softly. "Howler.. I.. I wanted to help you, really.. I just.." I give him a weak smile before also walking towards the stairs.

"I know tha I said I didn't want Race ta search me, but I had my last hopes up at tha Manhattan Newsies." And with that I walked upstairs, leaving Jack behind.

A small tear fell down my cheek as I walked into the bedroom Race and I shared. I looked up as Race punched the wall, his knuckles already bleeding.

Three days past, and those three days we stayed in Brooklyn, not feeling the urge to go back. I slowly open my eyes as I feel Race getting out of bed. I groan, not feeling to well this morning as I get up.

"What's wrong? You's completely pale." Race says, looking at me worried. "I feel a little bit ill, that's all." I say, getting out of bed as I feel my stomach twist.

I gulp as I run towards the bathroom and start vomiting. Race rushes in after me, holding my hair as he rubs circles on my back. It stays silent for a while as I take a few sips water before getting up.

"I already feel better." I say slowly, loosening the grip around my torso. Race frowns, saying nothing, and I was about to walk out of the bathroom when he stopped me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him slowly, noticing that also Race went completely pale, his eyes widen. "Morning sickness." He whispers. It takes me a few seconds before I understand what he means.

"No, no it can't be. Race tell me it isn't what I think it is? I's 16!" I yell, tears streaming down my cheeks. Race slowly looks at me, swallows before grabbing my wrist and taking me downstairs.

"We's going to Katherine." He says. And as much as I dislike that kid, I nod. "Where are ya two goin'?" I hear Spot say. But we ignore him and soon enough we're infront of Katherine's house.

On the way there I started crying, Race soflty squeezes my hand before ringing the bell. As the door opens we see Joe Pulitzer standing in the door way, raising his eyebrows as he sees us.

"What do you want, I thought I made clear I didn't want to be around you kids." I wipe away some tears as Race squeezes my hand another time. "We need Katherine." He says looking up.

Pulitzer looks at Race, to me, back to Race and groans. "In her room." Race nods as he takes me inside the house and into a big bedroom.

Katherine looks up, suprised as Race and I walk into her room. "Hey, what's wrong?" She says as she sees me crying, Race being conpletely pale and us still holding hands.

I let out a shaky breath as I look up at her. "Do ya have a pregnancy test?" I ask her. Her eyes grow big as she looks at Race. "Did you- did she- you-" she stammers looking from me to Race.

Race suddenly turns red as he shakes his head, even I start to blush a little. "Howler got take to tha Refuge.." Race starts. "Mike raped me, and we think I's pregnant." I say slowly.

"Oh dear! Hold on it's in the bathroom." She says, motioning for me to follow her. Afterwards the three of us sit on the bed, waiting on the result.

Two minutes later Katherine looks back at the pregnancy test. "Guys.." she says slowly, looking at the test. I follow her gaze and go pale again. "No.." I whisper as I see it's positive.

"It's okay Mads, we'll figure it out. And if ya want ya can do an abortus..."

I look up at Race in pure disbelieve. "Race! We live in freaking America! In 1899! And you tell me to do an abortus?" I say, shaking my head as I jump up and run out of the house.

"Howler wait!" I hear Race yell behind me, but I just ignore him. And keep on running, just to be alone.. me.. and the baby growing inside of me...

Words: 979
So.. this story is coming to an end.. But! I hope you still like it and keep steady for the next chapter!
~ Alex

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