Chapter 29

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*8 months later, ofcourse😅*

"Race it's almost 5 in tha afternoon! Let me help!" Race grabbed his last papes and started walking away.

"Nope not gonna happen, what if ya explode?!" I laugh, walking up to him. "I's not just gonna 'explode' Race." I say, taking the three papers.

Race sighs but let me do my thing. I walk towards the closest woman and start to shiver. "Can you please buy my last pape, I really need tha money." I say in a soft voice, rubbing iver my blown up stomach.

The woman immediately hands me a dime. "Ofcourse honey!" She says before taking one paper and walking away.

I turn towards Race and grin. "And that's how ya sell papes." I say, about to walk to the next victim. Race walks with me and whines. "I's still not happy about it! Ya need ta rest Howler, not work on tha streets."

I turn towards Race and smile at him. "I can rest aftha work Race, we need tha money." I smile at the next person.

"Madame, do ya wa-" I stop dead in my tracks, let go of the papers and stumble backwards. "Howler!" I hear Race yell as he grabs me by the shoulders. "Are ya alright, what happened? What's wrong?" He asks.

I look at him, fear filling my eyes. "I think my water just broke." I whisper at him. The woman I was about to sell my paper to walks towards me.

"Is she alright? Do I need to get a doctor?" I shake my head and look up at her, tears streaming down my cheeks. "No! No doctors! I'll be alright!" I say to her.

The woman hesitantly nods before walking away. "We's goin' to Medda's." Race says, helping me towards the theatre. As we get in and Miss Medda sees the sitiation she instantly turns into mom mode.

"Take her to my dressing room!" She says, Race nods and a few minutes later I'm being places on a chair.

Race stands in the doorway, not sure what to do as Miss Medda kneels down next to me. "Are you okay?" She asks softly. I look up at her and nervously shake my head. "It hurts so much. I-I's so scared." I say, my voice breaking.

"Those are the contractions honey, you're doing great." She turns towards Race and smiles at the sight of the messy looking boy. "Go get the others."

"But-" Race starts, looking at me with a painfull expression. "She'll be fine, I promise. But I need some more hands." Race nods and 30 minutes later he comes back with a handful of boys.

Race instantly walks up to me amd grab my hand. "You's gonna be alright. I promise." He whispers as I squeeze his hand. After two hours of pain Miss Medda looks up to me.

"You can start pushing honey." She says. I nodded as I did what she told me and started screaming in pain. "I can't do this!" I cry out, holding onto Race tightly.

"You's doin' fine." I hear Race say trough his tears. After 5 minutes I hear a small 'poff' and hear some of the guys laugh. "Albert fainted." I hear JoJo say with a laugh.

5 more minutes later and Miss Medda hands Race a small, covered in blood, child.

"Here, clean him with this, and make sure you hold him like this so his head can rest on your arm." I hear Miss Medda say to Race.

I smile as Race sits down next to me and shows me the small boy, brown hairs already covering his head and 2 sky blue eyes looking up at me.

"Hey Griff." I whisper to the boy, trying to calm him down from crying. A sudden wave of pain flashed trought my body as I started to scream again.

Miss Medda looks at me, shocked, before she realizes the situation happening infront of her. "There's a second one." I hear her whisper. (I dunno why, but while editing this this sentence was way to funny.)

And not even 5 minutes later I'm holding a small girl. Brown hairs also covering her small head and 2 big, bright blue eyes looking up at me.

Race also hands me Griff and I look at the two small childs in my arms. "Those are our children." I whisper.

Race laughs, but nod his head as I hear some commotion at the door. "No ya can't come in!" I hear Jack yell. "Come one Kelly! I just wanna check on her!" I recognize that voice..

I turn towards Race and swallow my upcoming fear, seconds later Mike is standing in the room. His eyes grow big as he sees the two small children in my arms. "Can I have a moment alone with him, please." I tell the other boys, not loosing eye contact with Mike.

Race hesitates but soon enough I'm alone with Mike. Mike just stares at the twins, not knowing what to say.

"Those are my children." He stammers eventually. "Mike-" I begin, but he cuts me off. " I know what you're gonna say, I don't wanna hear it. They have mine DNA."

I sigh, motioning for Mike to sit down on the chair next to me. "Mike, ya raped me." I start, suddenly feeling all tired. "Yeah, and see what came out of that." He says with a grin.

I sigh, rubbing circles over Alex' small hand. "Ya were once the nicest boy I knew. What happened to tha Mike I fell in love with all those months ago."

"He's gone." Mike says, suddenly the cold voice ringing trought the room again. I shiver, looking at the older boy.

"I just don't understand. Ya loved me too, I know ya did. And suddenly ya start beatin' me? Rapin' me? Just explain it!"

"You don't understand what happened to me!" He yells back. "If ya would just tell me!" I yell back at him. I sigh, reasoning myself before looking back up at him.

"Look, these two, they're my stars. They're tha burning fire in tha black abyss that was once my life. Ya need ta find your star Mike." I tell the boy.

Mike laughs and get up. "Maybe in a next life." He says before walking away. Race walks back in and takes Alex from me. "Your burning fire huh?" He asks with a chuckle.

I laugh, lying down with Griff, exhausted from giving birth. Race lies down next to me and places Alex next to Griff. "I like that, our burning fires."

*16 years later*
*Alex' POV*

"Come on Alex! I don't wanna be late for school!" I hear Griff say. I look up and see my brother standing a few meters infront of me.

"Go on without me Griff, I wanna save this kitty cat." My brother just laughed and took me by the arm.

"After school okay, I's sure it will wait on ya." He tells me. I laugh, looking up at him. "You're sounding like dad."

"Oh I's not!" He says, punching me playfully in the shoulder. I laugh again as he walks away, leaving me behind.

I was about to walk after him when I felt someone grabbing my upper arm. I winced when I felt the strong grib around my arm.

When I turned around I was met with an older man. Short black hair covering his head and the same eye colour as me and my brother, hazel brown.

I swallowed my fear and took a deep breath as I looked at the adult. "C-can I help you sir." I mumble.

"Is there a problem?" I hear Griff say, now standing next to me, and sounding a lot more confident then me. "Oh, there sure is Griff." I frown, trying to free myself from the man's grip.

"How do ya know my name?" Griff asks, raising one eyebrow. The man started grinning from ear to ear. I have to say, there's something about this man I just don't trust.

I looked at my brother and I instantly knew he thought the same thing. "Let me introduce myself." The man said. "I'm Mike Dillinger, your biological dad."

Words: 1337
Omg! That was it guys! That was the last chapter!!!! I hope you all like it! Please answer the question I put under the chapter 'Important question', and I hope to see you all in my other books!!!

Lots of love, Alex

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