Chapter 17

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"Hey! Ya Fellas ready for anotha play of true and dare?" I hear Albert say as Race and I walk in. I look at the boys for a few seconds before shaking my head. "Sorry guys, I'n headin' to bed." I say softly before lying down.

"Is she alright?" I hear one of the boys whisper. "Probably down because of the Refuge." Another kid whispers. "Remember Hunter? When he escaped from tha Refuge he wasn't himself for weeks. Eventually he trew hinself of the lodging house because he couldn't take it anymore."

"I's also goin' to sleep. I'll play anotha time." I hear Race say. I tremble slightly as I slowly fall asleep.

I wake up, screaming loudly, sweat covering my body. I shot up to see some boys gathered around me, Race holding my hand.

I blinked a few times, realizing the situation I'm in. "It's okay guys, just had a nightmare." I say to the boys around me, motioning them to go back to bed.

"No, you's obviously not alright. What did ya dream about?" Albert asks me. "Nothin' really, just go back ta bed." I looked over at Race and he sighed. "Ya know I's havin' those dreams to. I talked about them with tha Fellas, believe me it helps."

"It was tha Refuge." I say slowly. "What about it?" Albert asks slowly. "I- I keep having flashbacks. Flashbacks of Mike knocking me almost to death. Mike's grin when he twisted my ankle. T-the screams o-of tha otha boys when they got beaten to pulp in anotha room." I looked over at Race and swallowed my last words.

"What were you about to say Howler?" I look up at Jack. "I-it was n-notin'." I say to the boy. "Come one Howl. I know ya longer then today, you can trust us. I promise ya." He says, all of the boys nodding in agreement. I feel Race slightly squeezing in my hand and I nod.

"And everytime I see Race's terrified face when he sees me lying on the floor, almost unconscious. Or hear his screams. I can't take it anymore. " I look up at the boys with tears in my eyes.

"You's our little sistha, we won't let anything happen to you ever again." I hear Elmer say. "Yep, we got ya back. And yours." Albert says, pointing at me and Race. I smile sadly at him and Albert sighs.

"Come here." He says before pulling me in a hug. I hug him back and start tearing up again. "Albert she's crying again!" I hear one of the boys say. I laugh and look up at them. "I love ya all so much." I say to them.

"We love ya to Howler." They say with a laugh before all kissing me on the cheek. I laugh and the boys start walking back to their beds 'till I'm alone with Race.

"Please forget about Mike." He whispers. "Everythin' about him. Tha beatings. Your first kiss, your first meeting. Everything he told ya. His promises. Next time ya see him, do as if ya never seen him before." Race says softly.

"Some things are not easy ta forget Race. Believe me, I wish they were." I say, looking down at our intertwined fingers. "Promise me you'll try." I nod and Race let's go of my hand. "Have a good night Howler." I sigh calmly as I turn around to fall back asleep. "You too Racetrack." I whisper after him.

The next morning as I wake up I notice some of the boys walking around in only a boxer. "Guys! Wear some clothes! My eyes are bruning." I see a few of them snicker before they walk up to me. "Don't ya think we's really handsome?" Elmer asks with a grin. Showing of his muscles.

"Oh shut up lover boy! No, even if I had the change ta choose between dyin' or seein' ya guys naked I will choose dyin'." I say with a laugh, putting on my shoes.

"Oh I's sure there's someone she likes to see naked." Albert says with a wink. "What do ya mean?" I ask confused. Albert points at something behind him and when I look up I see Race. He is just wearing his pants, no shirt.

I feel my face lit up and I angrily trow a pillow at Albert. "That's not true!"

"Suuuuure." JoJo says, nudging my shoulder. I huff and start getting ready for the day. As we were about to walk outside I hear someone calling me. "Howler! Albert said that Jack asked us ta get some bags out of tha closet! Ya comin'!"

I nod and run up to the boy to help him get the stuff. "How much do we need." I ask as I walk into the small closet. Race walks towards me and we both look around for the bags.

"I dunno, they didn't really say that." Race says as the room turns dark. "I think the door closed, hold on I open it." Race says. "As soon as one of us comes back from sellin' you two can get out! Have fun! And put on your clothes after doin' it!" I hear Albert say.

Wait? We're locked in a small room with almost no space to turn for one person! For the next couple hours!

"Race. I need to get out." I say slowly, taking deep breaths. "Wait? What's wrong?" I hear him ask. "Race I need to get out!" I yell. I wanted to walk past Race to try and open the door, but there was no space for me to walk.

Race finds a lantern and turns it on. "Ya okay?" He asks. I ignore him as thoughts keep rolling trough my mind. The walls start to get closer as my breathing got quicker.

"Race tell the walls to stop movin' please!" Tears of fear start streaming down my cheeks. "Shit! You have claustrophobia!" I hear Race say in the distance.

Words: 998
Hey hey, another chapter. Hope you like it.

Special thanks to newsies_fan123 to support this story so much!

'Till next chapter!
~ Alex

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