Chapter 14

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"Elmer, Specs, Albert, Race! Get up! Those papes ain't sellin' emselves!" Jack yells trough the room. I laugh as I look up and see Race slowly waking up. "Let me sleep Jack!" He groans.

I laugh and pat him on the back. "There are new races today." I whisper into his ear. Race shots up and I laugh as he outs on his shoes. "Hey Elmer, Specs, Albert! Ya heard what Jack said!" I laugh again as we all walk towards the gates of the World.

I walk towards Mr. Weisel to get my papes when I notcie a certain boy standing next to him. "Ehm. The usual." I say, lying down my money. "Lost you tongue? Normally you speak 'till everyone is dead." Mr. Weisel says with a smirk. "Sorry Mr. Weisel." I say with a smile before walking over to Mike.

Mike hands over my papers making sure our hands toutch before leaning into me. "The brothers told me it's over between us. They lied, didn't they." He whispers into my ear with a threatening undertone. I shiver as I look up at the boy, not sure what to say.

"Leave her alone Mike." I hear Race snarl as he grabs my upper arm to pull me away from him. "It's not your business Newsboy." Mike spits at Race. "It sure is, 'cause you's talking to my friend right now." Race spits back.

"Race, leave it. Albert is waitin' on ya." I say, pushing the boy towards Albert. "See ya tonight Howler." He says, winking at me before running away. "See ya Loverboy!" I yell after him before walking towards my selling spot.

It was 5.30 when I finally sold my last paper. I figured Race and Albert would still be at the Sheepshead so I start walking towards it.

When I arrive I notice people whispering to each other while pointing at a certain spot. I look at the spot they're pointing at.

I frown as I see Albert leaning against a wall with his head in his hands, race is no where to be seen. I run up to him and lie my hand down on his shoulder.

"Albert? What's wrong?" I ask the boy infront of me. Albert looks up at me, he seems exhausted and.. sad? "They got him. Mike took Race."

"Wait what? I need a little bit more context Albert." I say to him, even tho I already have a small clue where this talk will go.

"The bulls came with tha Delancey's and Mike. Mike spotted Race and I, he took Race with him to tha Refuge. Howler believe me, I tried everythin'." Albert says.

I stare at him for a while before turning around and starting to run towards the refuge. "Howler! Think this trough before ya jump into actions!" I hear Albert yell after me, but I ignore it.

I run trough the gate that keeps the Refuge from the rest of the city and run straight towards the front door. "Look who we have here?" Morris says with a laugh punching his brother playfully in the shoulder.

"Where is Mike!" I yell in their faces. "Inside Snyder's office, we can show you if ya want." I nod and they take me with them inside.

We walk into an office way better than the rest of the building. Mike is sitting in the chair, his feet resting on the bureau. "You know, I already though you would be running after him." Mike says with a smirk.

"Where is Race! If you want your revenge throw me in one of those cellars, but leave the boys alone!" I yell at him. "You know, putting you in one of our rooms isn't a bad idea." He says with a smirk.

He motions to something behind me and as I turn around I realized I'm trapped. Snyder, the Delancey's and some Nulls surrounded me. Two Bulls grab my arms and I groan.

"I don't know what happened to you Mike, but you're not the boy I fell in love with anymore. Remember what you promised me that day in our house?" But before I could see his reaction I was taken away by the bulls, only to be throwed in a room.

I get up as quickly as I could, but the Bulls were already gone and the doors were locked again. I groan and when I look up I see around 15 boys looking at me.

"Howler? What are ya doin' here?" I hear one of the boys say. I look for the source of sound and see Race stepping forwards. He limps a little bit with his left food and he has a big black eye.

"Oh my gods! You're alright!" I say as I pull him into a tight hug. "Yeah yeah, you's happy to see me, I get tha. Everyone would be happy ta see Race. But why are ya here?" He asks again.

"It was a trap Race. They knew I would come aftha one of my friends. And getting ya instead of one of tha others was just revenge from Mike. I'm so so sorry." I ramble to him.

"Ya shouldn't have come aftha me, ya know." He says with a laugh. I smirk as I look up at him. "I know, Albert yelled tha same thing aftha me."

I look outside the small window before looking at the other guys around me. "Is Racetrack you boyfriend?" I hear a small boy say. I look at the 7th year old, my cheeks turning red. "Oh, no. We're not. He's just a good friend. Besides I'm in a relationship with Mi-" You know what I was about to say, for a moment I forgot that he was sitting at Snyder's desk at the moment.

"Just forget it." I say softly. Race grabs my wrist and takes me to a bunk bed in the back of the small room. "Ya can say it. Or we share a bed, or ya share one with one of tha otha Fellas." Race says with a smirk.

I look up and my eyes met a muscular boy, staring at my before growling. I swallow before turning back to Race. "I will share a bed with ya." I mumble.

Words: 1047
New chapter, hope ya still like it. Please leave a comment or vote and see ya in tha next chapter. Have fun!
~ Alex

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