Chapter 18

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"Albert! Albert let us out this is crucial!" I hear Race say, but it's already to silent in the building for someone to be there. I look up at him as my breath starts to quicken.

"R-race.. I'm gonna pass out." I say as black dots start to cover my vision. "No, no you's not gonna pass out." Race walks up to me and grabs my shoulder. "Look at me." I hear him say.

"Shit Albert." Race whispers as I stil look down at the floor, shutting my eyes tight. I feel Race putting a finger under my chin and forcing me to look up at him. "Alright, now breath with me. Alright?" I slowly nod as I look at Race his torso.

He starts breathing slowly and I follow the motions his torso makes. "Better?" He asks after 5 minutes. I slowly nod and let myself fall. Race sits down infront of me and pulls me in a hug.

I sigh but relax in the embrace. "Ya sure you's okay?" Race asks again. "I just wanna leave this place." I say softly. Race let go of me and looks at me trough the light of the lantern.

"Why is you's so afraid of small spaces?" He asks curiously. "I-I don't know if I'm ready to tell anyone..."

Race nods and it's silent for a few seconds, but not a comfortable silence. "How long does it take the boys to come back?" I ask slowly. "A few hours." Race says, looking around.

"What! Nonononono! Race please, I wanna leave this place!" I start tearing up as I try to reach for the door. "Howler listen to me." I don't respond, I still try to push open the door. "Howler." Race says again. "Howler liste- Maddison just listen to me! That door is locked! We're stuck here for the rest of the day!" Race suddenly yells.

I look at him, my eyes grew wide. Race expression suddenly turns soft again as he realized what he yelled. "I-I just w-wanna leave." I say in between sobs, shuffling a little bit away from Race.

"I's sorry, I shouldn't have yelled." Race says slowly. He looks at me, not sure what to do as I softly cry to myself. "Race I'm scared." I whisper.

Race shuffles towards me and pulls me in his arms again. "It's alright, I's here, nothin' can happen to ya." He whispers, his breath stroking my neck.

I look up at his sky blue eyes and smile softly. Race looks down at my eyes and returns the smile, we stay like that for a while 'till I see him slowly leaning in.

My breath hitches as I feel his breath against my lips before his toutch mine. I kiss him back as I feel his hand softly toutching my jawline and tilting my head a little bit. I smile as we pull apart and look at each other again.

"I really like ya Howler." Race whispers. "I like you too Race." I say before he kisses me another time. Race smiles and I find a more comfortable position against him.

The hours pass as Race helps me trough the time, calming me down everytime I get a panick attack. Eventually I hear the door of the closet open.

I bolt right up as I ran past the person who opened it and stepped outside, taking in every piece of air my lungs can take.

《《《Race's POV》》》

"Wow, she was im a hurry." I hear Albert say with a grin. I get up and push him out of the way. "Hey! Come on it was a great move! Did it work!" I hear him say behind me.

I turn towards him, a little bit of anger filling my voice. "Albert I love ya, but you's sick."

"Hey! I did nothin' wrong!" He yells after me. "Ya locked us up in a small closet for 7 hours! With no food and water at all! And if tha wasn't everythin', Howler is claustrophobic! She almost faded a few times!"

"I didn't know that.." he says slowly. I sigh and walk up to him. "Just think before ya do somethin' next time." I say to him. "Says the one talkin'!" I laugh and punches him in the arm. "Buuuut." He says playfully.

"We kissed." I say with a grin. "I knew it!" Albert says with a laugh. I laugh along with him before walking the way Howler run up to.

"Hey, ya alright?" I ask her as I find her sitting on the sideway of the road. "Yes, just glad to be out of that room." She answers, looking up with that smile of hers. I feel my face fluther and sigh.

Gosh woman, what are ya doin' ta me. You's makin' me all soft inside. She looks at me and I see her slightly frown. "Ya okay yourself?" She asks me. "Oh, yeah, I was just thinkin'!"

"Race! Howler! We searched for you all day! Where were you two?!" I look up to see Katherine walking up to us.
"Hey Katherine." I hear Howler say, kind of annoyed to see the girl.

"Wow, what's wrong?" I hear Kath say. "You're asking what's wrong? Remember the strike? When you just lied to all of the boys, while they thought you were the only one to trust? I don't get why Jack even loves you!" She yells at her.

"Well to calm your angry ass, Jack broke up with me because he likes someone else!" Katherine yells before running away. "That was pretty harsh Howler." I tell the girl. "Well she deserved it." She looked panicked but I brushed it of and walked with her back inside.

Words: 956
This chapter was a little bit different then normal, hut I hope you still like it.
I want to do a little contest.
Send me a character, tell me his/her name, hair colour, eye colour etc. Little background info and who you would like your character to be in the story. You can also base it of of yourself! Surprise me!

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