Chapter 12

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Eventually I fell asleep on the rooftop against Crutchie, only to be waken up by Jack again.

"Jack, what are ya doin'? What time is it?" I ask him as I realize it's still dark outside. "A little past midnight. The guys waked up by rumours at the front door. I think it's ya boyfriend." Jack says, motioning for me to follow him.

"Mike?" I ask as we walk downstairs. "What would he do here at this time?"

"I dunno, but be careful. He looked... just be careful." I frown at Jack but step outside to be greeted by Mike.

"Hey lovely. I was already hoping for you to come out." Mike smirks and I frown. "Lovely? Since when the nickname." I say with a small laugh. Mike also starts laughing and the smell of alcohol tickles my nose.

"Are ya? Drunk?" I ask Mike. Mike smirks again, grabbing my waist and pulling me against him. "We're thrown out of the house. They couldn't pay the rent anymore. Went to the bar to drink for a while, met some fellas there." He says, nodding behind him.

I look over his shoulder and notice 4 guys standing behind him. "Told ya she's beautiful." Mike says with a smile, pushing me towards them. I let out a small squeal, getting my balance back before looking up at the 4 boys.

"She sure is Mike. She looks like candy." One of the guys say, taking a step towards me. I swallow the fear and take a step back. Mike grabs my waist again and pulls me against the wall.

"I missed you, Maddison." He whispers into my ear before kissing me. At first I kissed back, but he became more passionate and roughly and I soon felt uncomfortable with the situation. "Mike, stop. You're not yourself." I say, pushing him of me. "How do you know, you only know me for a few days, believe me. You're not the first one I'm kissing." He says with a smirk before kissing my neck.

I feel tears forming in my eyes as I realize what he just said. "Mike stop." I say again. The guys behind him start cheering and also walk towards me. "Jack!" I yell before Mike puts his lips back on mine.

I hear the front door open and soon enough they're pushed of me and pull me towards Jack. "Come back tomorrow Mike, I don't know you like this. May would be dissapointed if she founds out." I say before the fellas push me with them inside.

I slid down the door onto the floor, my back resting against the wall. "Are ya alright?" Jack asks, kneeling down besides him. I wipe away my tears and look up. "No, not really." I say softly.

The Fellas look at me for a while, before one of them pulls me in a hug. "It's alright Elmer. I.. I'm just gonna head to bed." I say softly, getting up before climbing at the rooftop again.

I grab my blanket and walk to the other side of the rooftop before lying down. I stare into the sky while slowly falling asleep.

The next morning I wake up by the morning clock. I yawn as I get up and walk downstairs. "Hey Howler! How ya doin'." I hear Race say as he jumps on my back. "Better than last night." I say, putting him back down.

He laughs and we all walk towards the World to get our papes. "Hey, if it isn't our girly." I look up after getting my papes and see the Delancey brothers walking up to me. "Get away, I'm not in tha mood right now." I say to the two boys.

The two brothers don't listen and follow me anyway. "Where is ya boyfriend Sweetheart. He's not around ya at the moment." Morris says with a smirk.

"I dunno, and I don't care. Now get a hold of yourself and leave me alone." But instead of doing as I say Oscar grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him. "If that means your single." He whispers into my ear. I shiver as I try to get away from him.

"That that boy isn't around doesn't mean that she has no one to back her up." I look up and see the Fellas standing behind me.

Oscar groans before pushing me towards the group. Albert catches me and when I look up the Delancey's are already gone. "Ya not have it easy, do ya." One of the boys says to me.

"Hm, not really, but I will get used to it." I say with a small smile. "Come one Fellas! Those papes don't sell 'emselves!" Jack yells trough the crowd of boys. They all cheer and start heading different ways.

"Hey Howler! Ya wanna sell with me and them boys today!" Race yells at me. "No thanks, I'm gonna go on my own." I say in response, heading a different way.

Words: 830
I'm gonna end this chapter here, even though it is short. But otherwise there would be to many time jumps and it would get even more messier then it already is. BUT I would give you a second chapter with this one.
~ Alex

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