Chapter 11

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The next morning I wake up once again by the morning clock. My head is still resting on his torso and I feel him moving underneath me.

I smile and cuddle up closer to him. "How are you doing?" I hear him ask, his voice full of tiredness. "Better then last night, but it hurts when I move."

"Any plans for today?" He asks. "I'm still gonna sell papes. I have to make money in some way." I say to him. He hesitates but nod.

After a few more minutes we arrive at the World. "Howler!" I hear someone happily say before he hugs me tightly. I let out a painful squeal before pulling the boy gently off of me.

"Slow down Les, everything still hurts." I say to the small boy. "Hey Howler, how are ya doin'?" I look up and see Jack walking up to me. "Good enough to sell some papes." I say with a smile.

"Talking like a true Newsie." He says with a grin. "Show me the wounds, I have something that will help." I hear Katherine say. I nod and pull up my old blouse.

I see the guys cringe as they look at my stomach. I frown but see that it is covered in blue and purple bruises. Katherine puts something on it before I get my papes.

I walk over to my usual selling spot, Mike following behind me. As I sell the papes Mike starts teaching me some grammar.

"I hear all of you saying I's, or I is. Use I'm or I am instead. You only use is with she, he or it. She is, he is, it is, we are, I am. Get it?" He asks.

I think for a moment before nodding slowly. "I think. So... I am selling papes at the moment? And Jack is also selling papes at the moment?" I ask Mike.

"Exactly!" He says happily. I laugh and look up at the next 'costumer' "Excuse me sir, do you want to buy a pape? Headline is goin' hot today." I say with a grin before taking a good look at the person infront of me.

"Maddison?" The boy infront of me asks. "Sean? But.. I- how?" I ask, letting go of my papes in the process.

"Oh my gods! I missed ya so much! I thought I would nevha see ya again! How are ya!? How is mom?!" I ask him while pulling him in a tight hug.

"Mads." Sean says slowly. I look up at him and frown. "Sean? What's wrong?"

"Mom died Maddie. She got ill and didn't survive it." He says slowly. I shake my head, starting to sob while taking a step back. "She can't be dead. She can't. S-she promised she would look after me. S-she promised to see me again. Sean tell me she isn't dead?"

I ask him, taking another step back. "I'm sorry Mads..."

"Hey, it's alright. We're here." I hear Mike say who pulls his arms around my waist. "Why can't anything go good one time." I mumble before turning around and walking away.

"Maddison wait!" I hear my brother yell. He pulls me in a tight hug and I begin to cry. "I missed ya Sean."

"Missed you too Mads, and I'm still singing our song. Every Monday at exactly midnight." I let out a small laugh and look up at my brother.

"Are you coming with us?" I ask him hopefully. "I can't. Dad is waiting on me in the park." Sean says, looking over at the park.

I nod and smile at him. "Please stay save."

"Always." He says with a grin, pushing some money in my hand palm before running back to the park.

I look after him for a few seconds, blink and then look at the money in ny hand. 10 dollar.

"That's a lot of money." Mike says with a whistle. He kisses my cheek and helps me sell my last papes before he walks me to the lodging house. "See ya later Mads."

"Later Mike." I say before walking into the building. "If it isn't my favourite sisstha!" I look up to see Race walking up to me. "I'm your only sisstha, Racetrack." I say with a laugh.

"Hmpf, where have ya been all day?" He asks, grabing his cigar and putting it in his mounth, not even lightning it.

"Sellin' with Mike. He promised to learn me some grammar so he did it while I was sellin'. Where is Jack?" I ask looking around the 'living room'. "Katherine." Elmer says, looking up from his card game. "Ah, ofcourse." I say softly.

"Hey Fellas, anyone who had Snydah aftha him thoday?" I hear someone say. I turn around and see Jack walking up to us. "Ah! Talkin' 'bout the devil!" Race says with a laugh.

I laugh at him before turning back to Jack. "Why are you so happy?" I ask him. "I just had tha greatest time with Katherine." He says with a smile. I look at him for a few seconds before blinking. "I really don't know what ya did with Katherine." I say, still starring at him.

The boys around me start laughing and Jack's cheeks turn red as he realizes what he just said. "No that's n-"

"I'm gonna go to bed Jack." I say with a laugh, interrupting the boy infront of me.

When I walk on the rooftop I notice Crutchie already sitting on his 'bed'. "Hey Crutch." I say with a smile to the smaller boy. "Hey Howler, what's wrong? You seem sad."

"I saw my brotha today, for the first time in two years. I was... suprised.. not to say that I couldn't belief my eyes. He told me my mom died, and he still lives with dad. I just hoped that I could have a normal family one day, but that all.. changed the moment I saw him. I dunno, I always wished that I would see him again, but now I'm not sure if this made it any better."

Words: 1014
I have an idea for this story. So if I ever mentioned Spot and Race being in a relation, forgot that. It's over. Didn't happen. 😝 sorry for the shippers there, but it is. Now see ya all in the next chapter!
~ Alex

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