Chapter 19

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A/N, to avoid confusion. This is from Howler's POV again.

"Where have you two been all day?" I hear Jack say as we walk into the common room. "We were in this building the whole day." I say, glaring at Albert.

"Really? Why didn't ya tell anyone? We were searching for ya all day." Jack asks again. "Oh, but I'm sure Albert, Elmer and JoJo knew where we were." I say, motioning for the boys to tell Jack what they did.

Jack and Davey look at the three boys as confused parents. "Well?" Davey asks. "We kind of locked them up in tha closet tha whole day." Albert says slowly. "Ya did what!" Jack yells. "Oh to my office! Now!" He yells. Walking after the boys to the small room.

I sigh as I look over at Davey. "Are you two alright?" I hear him ask. "I'm just hungry, and thirsty. I'm gonna grab somethin' ta eat and head ta bed." Davey nods and Race follows me into the kitchen.

"What is it between us?" He asks. I grab a piece of bread before turning to him in confusion. "What do ya mean?" I ask him. "Well, we kissed. But is tha it? One kiss and then movin' on?" He says, sounding panicked and scared at the same time.

"I still don't think I really understand Race.." Race huffs, fiddling with his fingers. "Did tha kiss meant something for ya? 'Cause it did for me! Are we like... boyfriend/girlfriend now or?" I chuckle at the mess the boy infront of me was.

"Do ya want me tha be your girlfriend?" I ask him. "Yes! Do ya?" He asks carefully. "You bein' my girlfriend?" He looks at me as if I'm dumb and I chuckle before punching him playfully in the chest. "I would love to." I say to him.

"Thank god." He whispers, kissing me softly before grinning. "Ya didn't make it easy for me, did ya?" I grin, walking towards the fire escape. "Nope, get used to it higgins!" I say, climbing down the roodtop and into my bed.

"What were you doin' with Race on tha roof Howler." I hear Albert say. I look over at the smirking boy and feel my face heat up. "Nothin', go ta sleep Al." I say before turning around and falling asleep myself.

That night I wake up by a nightmare again, but this time I made sure no one heard me. I shiver as the cold air toutches my skin when I walk out of bed towards Race's.

"What's wrong?" Race mumbles as he wakes up by his bed moving. "I can't sleep. Had a bad dream." I whisper under my breath. Race sighs and trows his arms around my waist. "Need a cigar?" He mumbles.

I chuckle at the boy while shaking my head. "It's midnight Race, I don't need a cigar right now."

"So ya want one in tha mornin'?" He asks, still not opening his eyes. I smile softly while nuzzling my head into his chest. "Maybe." I whisper. Intertwining my hand with his. "I love ya Howler."

I sigh as I relax in his embrace. "Love ya too." I respond before falling asleep again.

"Wake up Fellas! Those papes don't sell 'emselves!" I groan as I hear Jack's face echoing trought the bunkroom.

"Hey, where's Howler?" I hear Crutchie say as he sees my empty bed. "She is in bed with Race." JoJo says. And I can already see the grin spreading across his face.

"Mornin' babe." I hear Race say after yawning. I feel ny face turning a bright shade of red as I look at Race. "What?" He says, having no clue why I'm so embarrassed. "Y-y-you just called me babe..." I say slowly, trying to avoid eye contact with the boy.

"So?" He asks, not quite sure what the problem was. "W-well, i-it's kinda cheesy. Don't ya think?" I was one blushing, stammering mess at this moment and I hated that Race enjoyed it so much.

"No, I think it's cute babe." I lied my head down on his chest, turning an even brighter red. "You're a idiot." I whisper against his chest.

Race laughs, ruffling my hair before getting up. He get's down the bunk bed to get ready, leaving ne behind.

"Something wrong? You're completely red? Should I get you something?" I look up to see Jack looking at me with a worried expression. "N-no. I-I'm fine." I menage to say.

"Race just made out with her." Finch says, looking up from his shoelaces. "That's not true!" I yell at him. All of the guys in the room snicker and I groan.

"You guys disgust me." I say before locking myself up in the bathroom to get ready. When we're all ready we start heading towards the Newsies Square. Race grabbing my hand in the progress.

I look up amd smile at him, not letting go of his hand. "Oh! I see what's happening here!" I look up and see Mike walking up to us once we walked trough the gates.

I instantly take a step back, squeezing Race's hand in the progress. I see the Delancey brothers standing behind him, grinning mischievously. I swallow my fear as I look back at Mike.

"Leave us alone." Race says, pushing me behind him. "Mind your own business Higgins, or I'll throw you back in the Refuge with a finger snap." Mike spits at him, pushing Race out of the way.

Mike walks up to me and gets a hold of my blouche before pushing me against the fence. "Leave her alone Micheal." I hear Jack say.

Words: 951
Please please please leave some requests! And check the author nite from the previous chapter to join the contest!!!
~ Alex

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