Chapter 2

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"Jack! Get here and give me a hug!" The woman called Miss Medda yelled. Jack laughed before running up to her and hugging her.

I frowned at the sudden mood change of that guy. I look up when I felt someone standing still besides me. It was Davey.

"What?" I said, and this time it was my turn to be harsh. "Don't blame him. He just saw his best friend taken to the Refuge, and he couldn't do a single thing. Besides, he don't know what to do anymore. If you didn't heard yet, the Newsies are on strike." Davey says.

"Wait really?" I say. "But that's still no reason to be harsh." I say, looking over at the boy. "I told you they were here!" I heared a small boy yell.

Both Davey and I looked around to see a girl around my age and a young boy walking up to us. I look back at Jack and see him sigh.

"Where's a fella gotta go to stay away from ya people." He says, kinda annoyed again. "Have you told him already!" The girl says happily.

"No!" Davey says before turning to Jack. "That's what I came here for! Jack we're in the papes! Above the fold!" He yells happily.

"Good for ya, but it's hopeless Dave." Jack says, walking back into the atelier. We all followed him closely.

"Oh light up! No one died!" Davey yells out. I take a step back, kind of afraid of the sudden explosion. I stand back next to the girl and young boy who are also looking a little bit... afraid?

"Oh is that what ya aiming for?" Jack yells back at Davey. Davey slowly shakes his head.

"No, no, go on! Call me a coward! Call me a quitta! Ain't no way I'm putting tha kids back in danger!" Jack yells.
"Specs bought me a letter from Crutchie, in tha Refuge! He couldn't even come up to tha window 'cause he's beaten up so badly!" I hear Jack's voice starting to break.

It's silent for a few seconds before Davey speaks up. "Tell me how quiting does Crutchie any good." He says simply. "Aghldywb." Jack tries to say. The girl and I laugh softly as we watch the scene.

"Exactly!" Davey yells happily. "Wait, he's not gonna sing is he?" I ask the girl next to me. She shrugs her shoulders with a smile.

"So! Here's how it goes, once we win, and we will be winning! Make no mistake!" Davey sings out loudly. "Oh great he's actually singing." I mumble under my breath.

"We'll be what?" Jack says, still sounding annoyed. "We're already winning!" Davey then says, way to happy.

"Oh, right." Jack says sarcastically. "And we'll tell em straight out, they let Crutchie go or they keep getting pounded!" Davey speaks up.

"Dave! What the hell!? Did they bust out ya brain or something? As I recall dave we all got our asses kicked! They won!" Jack says, also singing this time.

"Won the battle." Davey simply says. "Oh come on!" Jack yells into the air, trowing his arms in the air.

"Jackie think about it, we've got them surrounded." Davey sings, ignoring Jack. "Here's what I think! Joe's a jerk! He's a rattle snake!" Jack sings.

I turn towards the girl again. "Who is Joe?" I wisper to her. But she ignores me as she watches the boys. "Oh come on are we in some sort of Dinsey movie or something!" I say to myself.

The small boy snickers but then looks back at the scene infront of us. "You're right! And you know why a snake starts to rattle!" Davey yells out.

"No, why?" Jack asks sarcastically. "'Cause he's scared!" Davey yells. "Oh, suuuure." Jack says.
Go and look it up the poor guys head is spinning! Why would he send for the goons an entire army! Thousands of cops and the goons.." Davey sings.

I frown as I bow to the small guy. "Is he some sort of snake expert?" I ask. But as normally I am getting ignored.

"Ya know, you maybe right." Jack says slowly. Everyone starts cheering. The girl and little boy step forward and before I know it everyone is singing.

I just stand there, in the doorway, blinking a few times as I watch what's happening. After the song everyone turns towards me.

"So everyone is done singin'? Fine! 'Cause I really wanna know what's happening here!" I say to them. They all start laughing as we sit down on the floor.

Ten minutes later and I'm fully informed. "That's.. incredible." I say under my breath. "I didn't know you all had it so bad." Jack smiles sadly. "That's the only thing God has for us."

"But know it's your turn to explain some things." Katherine says to me. I nod. "Ofcourse. My father is an alcoholic. He kind of abused me and my brother, even hurt my mother when he wanted to. My mother tried everything to protect me and my brother, but she couldn't do anything when she was working. After a while it became pretty worst. My mom wasn't home, and my father became really really aggressive. Sean, my brother, tried to protect me. But my father punched him so hard that he became unconscious. After that my father punched and kicked me for about an hour before the alcohol kicked in and he fell asleep. That night when my mother came home my brother trew me out of the house, and he stayed there to take care of my mother. I haven't saw any of them ever since." I tell the others.

Everyone stayed silent for a while before Davey decided to break the silence. "You had it pretty bad also, do you know how your brother is doing?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I don't even know if he's still alive." I say slowly. "If you want you can stay with me and the other boys. You can become a Newsie." I heard Jack say.

"It would be suicide to become a Newsie when you's in Strike." I said slowly. Everyone looked at me for a few seconds before I started to grin.

"I'll do it."

Words: 1042
Since when are my chapters this long😅🤣
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