Chapter 8

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"Absolutely." He says in respond, also getting up before we walk towards the Deli together.

10 minutes later Crutchie and I walked into Jacobi's. And without having time to blink another time, Jack, Race and Finch were all standing around us. Even Katherine came walking towards us.

"Where have you two been!" Jack says to us. "Yeah, we were worried sick." Katherine adds to that. I look over at Crutchie, thinking he would ignore them. But instead he looks at them and give them one of his smiles.

"We were just, talking, for a bit. We hadn't met each other yet.." he says. I nod and look around. "Were are Davey, Mike and Les?" I ask, not noticing them.

"They went home, folks is waiting on them." I nod and sit down with some of the boys. Race sit down with me and took a sip of his drink. He actually menaged to purchase anything with alcohol in it.

I laugh as we just talk and sing for a while. "What time is it anyway?" I ask the boys as I remember I'm wearing a watch.

11:47 PM

Shit! "I have ta go! It's almost 12.00 PM! And it's monday!" I suddenly yell as I get up and run towards the lodging house. I climb onto the roof as I watch my watch. (That isn't right..?)

And then, at exactly 12:00 PM. I look up at the sky and start singing.

"I still search for you in crowds, in empty fields and soaring clouds.

In city lights, and passing cars, on winding roads and wishing stars.

I wonder were you could be now, for years I've not said you're name out loud.

And longer since I called you mine- time has past, for you and I.

But I have learned to live without. I do not mind- I still love you anyhow."

I sing into the sky. "That's beautiful." I hear someone behind me say. I look up and see Jack sitting down next to me. "I saw you ran away suddenly, so I followed you. What was that song?" He asks.

"My brother learned me tha song a few minutes before he trew me out of tha house. We promised each other to sing it every monday at exactly 12 o'clock, midnight. And it didn't matter how long we would be apart, we wouldn't stop doin' tha." I say with a smile, looking up at the sky.

"And you's sure he's also still doing it?" He asks. "Knowing my brudha? Yes he is, unless he died in the two years I didn't see him.. but he's a tough guy."

Jack nods. "Alright then." He says. I smile and lie down on the roof. I look at the sky for a few more seconds before slowly falling asleep.

The next morning I wake up by the morning clock. I groan and turn around again. "Howler, don't ya dare fall asleep again."

I turn back around and watch Jack as he put on his Newsboy cap. I growl some more before sitting up. "Is tha why ya named her Howler?"

I hear Jack chuckle at Crutchie's comment before shaking his head. "Not exactly." He says, grabbing his back before walking towards the fire escape.

"Yeah, why did ya call me Howler?" I ask him confused. "Ya will find out." Is the only thing he says before winking at me and climbing down the fire escape.

I look over at Crutchie. Apparently my face was hilarious 'cause Crutch bursted out in laughter. I pout as we both climb down the ladder.

We walk towards Newsies Square to buy our papes. "Maddie!" I hear someone say. I look up to see Mike walking up to me.

He pulls me into a hug. When we pull apart I frown at him. "I appreciate tha, but what was tha for." He looks at the ground, avoiding my gaze. I start to become serious when I see his expression.

"Mike? What's wrong?" I ask him. He grabs my wrist and takes me with him. I don't say anything, I just let him take me with him.

After a few streets we arrive at a abondend building. Mike quickly looks around before climbing into the building. I follow him quickly inside.

It's dark in the building, except from the few openings in the window were the sun shines trough. I see a shadow figure in the dark and smile.

I walk towards Mike. "Mike I's getting concerned." I say to the boy infront of me. "My dad is out of prison Mads." He says, his voice cracking.

"Oh Mike." I say while pulling him in another hug. "What if he asks custody over me Maddie." I shake my head softly ad I lean on his shoulder. "He can't. And if he does, I won't let him." I whisper.

I feel Mike shaking and I sigh, hugging him tighter. "Hey Mads?" He says. I hum in response, not letting go of him. "Were you mad at me yesterday?"

I frown and this time I do pull apart. "Why would I be mad at you? You're my closest friend."

"I yelled after you. You suddenly walked away yesterday evening, while we were still cheering at Newsies Square. 'Leavin' you guys' is what you yelled back, kind of angry. I thought I did something wrong."

"I didn't know ya were the one calling aftha me. I had to know tho, you's one of the only ones who knows my real name. I was angry at tha otha Fellas, for ignoring Crutchie."

He nods and smiles softly. "Thanks Mads."

"For what?" I ask him confused. "Listening to me. I'm really afraid of what he will do." I smile at him in return. "I will be right by your side, always."

We sit down on the ground and just stare into the dark. Not wanting to say anything, not needing to. Eventually I lie my head down on his shoulder and fall asleep.

Words: 1012
I'm back! Not that I was gone..but still😅😂
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