Chapter 15

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The next morning I wake up by someone yelling through the 'room'. "Wake up scammers! That room is not gonna clean himself!" I hear Snyder yell.

I groan as I open my eyes and get up. Race growls something before sitting up next to me. "You's pretty dump ya know." I hear Race say to me. I rise my eyesbrows at him. "And why's that?" I ask him.

"If ya just stayed at tha lodging house we wouldn't both be trapped here." He says as mather of fact. "True, but who would look aftha our Racetrack if ya was here all by yourself." I say with a laugh.

"No one has ta look aftha me! I's more worried about wa Mike might do ta ya." Race says, getting up to put on his shoes. "Believe me, I will survive a little soakin'." I say with a laugh, also putting on my shoes.

"Soakin' maybe, but what if he does something else?" Race asks, his eyebrows raised. I stay silent while looking down at my feet. "Exactly."

We start cleaning up the room and I was almost done with my part as somebody trew a pile of dirt onto the floor. "Oops." The guy says with a grin.

I groan as I get up and look at the guy. "What's your problem! Evha thought about using that stupid head of ya and help us?!" I yell at the larger boy.

He punches me in the face and I stumble backwards as I look at the guy in anger. "Soek 'em Howler!" I hear Race yell.

"Nobody is gonna soak anyone!" I look up to see Mike standing in our doorway. "Maddison, I wanna talk to you." Mike says to me.

I stare at him for a while, frozen in fear as I feel Race grabbing my hand. I look up at him and nod before walking over to Mike.

Mike grabs my arm harshly and pulls me with him in a different room. The room has no furniture or windows, and the only thing that keeps away the black abyss is a small oil lamp.

"Mike, why can't you just leave me alone. Ya had ya revenge, isn't tha enough?" I ask him as he let go of me and closes the door behind us. "Ya don't understand do ya?" He asks, taking a step closer to me.

"If ya just explain it maybe I will!" I yell at hem, only to be greeted with a slap in my face. "This is were you shut it." I gulp and take a few staps back 'till me back is scratching the wall.

I don't know how much time had past, it felt for years but it was probably just 30 minutes. My throat is sore from the screaming and my body is covered in blood. Every movement hurts but I can't let Mike know that.

"Had ya play time?" I growl at him. "I shure did." He says with a smirk. I spit out some blood before looking back up at him. "Now ya gonna leave me here or are ya gonna trow me back in tha otha cellar?" I ask him.

He doesn't say anything and 2 minutes later I'm trown back into the room. I groan as my body hits the floor. The door falls into it's lock and within a second I'm surrounded by some of the boys.

"Jezus on a pig! Howler are ya alright?" I hear Race say. I look up at him as tears finally start to fall. I grab my ankle in pain as I wipe away some of the blood on my face.

"Oh, just wait 'till I get my hands on tha guy!" Race says before tilting me and lying me down on the bed.

"I need some water and a cloth." Race says as he inspects my body. "Race, leave tha work. I'm alright." I say in between my tears to the boy.

"Howler, you's covered in blood, bruises and cuts. And ya ankle is all swollen and purple, you's definitely not alright." One of the boys comes back with some water and a few clothes and Race begins to wipe away all the blood and clean up the cuts.

"We need to stabilize that ankle and cool it." A boy says. He softly grabs my ankle and lie it down in a proper position. He grabs two old wooden sticks and bind them to my food with some old shirt.

I cry out in pain as the boys keep taking care of the cuts. "All done." The boy says, lying down the blood covered cloth. I breath heavily as I try to sit up straight. "You know, you can also just lie down and rest for a while." The brown haired boy says.

"I can't lie down and do nothin', I have to search an escape." I say to the boy, still trying to get up. Race lies down a hand on my stomach and pushes me back into the bed. "Maybe you's should listen one time. We just listened for 45 minutes to your screams without being able to do somethin'. And stayin' one day longha in tha room isn't tha end of tha woild." He says, pulling a cigar out of his pocket and sticking it in his mounth.

I sigh and nod, lying down on the bed as I try to sleep.

A week past as Race and I are still locked up in the room. Most of my bruises are gone, my cuts are still healing and my ankle still hurts like hell. One of the guys tried to climb out of the window but was shot as soon as one of the Bulls saw it.

I looked over at Race who was gambling with some guys over his food. "Can you tell me a bedtime story?" I hear a small voice ask.

I look up and see 2 boys around 7 years old standing infront of me. "Ofcourse." I say with a smile, limping towards the boys bed, motioning them to follow me.

Words: 1018
New chapter! Please leave a comment or vote and see ya in tha next one!
~ Alex

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