Chapter 20

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Tw: mention of sex, and the most annoying word in the world.

"Leave 'er alone Micheal." I hear Jack say. "Do you want me to soak your ass to?" Mike says, turning his head towards Jack. "I want ya ta soak no one's ass, and let 'er go." His voice a little bit more threatening this time.

"Please let me go." I say to Mike, shutting my eyes tight when I hear my voice crack. I feel Mike slapping me across my face and I feel my breath hitch.

I hear some of the boys around me gasping and when I open my eyes I see Race trying to get to me, but Oscar was holding him so tight that he couldn't move at all. Morris was looking at the guys threatening, and Jack was to afraid that Mike would hurt me to do anything.

"Mike.. what are ya doin'." I hear Crutch say with his small voice. "Oh shut up crippled fag." Mike spits at him. I feel rage filling my whole body as I try to get free again. "Mike it's over between us! Let me go!"

"I will let you go, but remember this, I'm the one who's gonna take your virginity." He whispers into my ear before letting go of me.

I feel myself going pale as I fall on the ground. The Delancey brothers grin at me before leaving the others alone, which causes Race to immediately run over to me.

"Are ya okay?! What did he say?" Race asks, lying a hand down on my cheek to softly toutch my upcoming bruise. "N-nothin'." I stutter, not looking Race in the eyes. "I don't believe ya." He says, letting go of me as he glares me into the eyes. "It's just M-Mike, it wasn't important."

"Yeah, sure. Say tha again but this time lookin' me in tha eyes." I hesitate but look up at Race's eyes, only to stay silent. "I thought so." Race got up and walked towards Mike, punching him really hard against the nose. "Leave my girlfriend alone or ya gonna have me and tha Newsies goin' aftha ya." Race says, shoving Mike away before buying his papes and walking away.

I stare after him, not sure what just happened before I turn towards Jack. He sighed and walked towards me, trowing an arm around my shoulder. "Wanna sell with me today?" He asks as we walk towards Weasel. I nod and we walk away to sell after buying our papers.

That evening Crutchie, Jack and I are all sitting on the rooftop, waiting for Race to come home. I look over at Jack, slightly starring at Crutchie.

I smile softly at myself before realizing the sun is already going down. "Jack, would Race be okay?" I ask him, slowly getting worried. "You's talking about Racetrack, he would be fine. He's probably at Sheepshead, gambling away his earned money." Jack says laughing into the air.

"Hey, what day is it?" I ask, still looking up at the sky. "Monday." Crutchie says, looking at Jack's hand. I smile and look down at my watch, almost 12 AM. I smile again and start singing my song again, and this time not only for Sean, but also for Race.

After I finish the small song I hear starting rumours in the room underneath us. I look at the two boys behind me and smile at them. Curtchie smiles back before getting up. "I's gonna see what that's all about." He says motioning to the rumours before heading down.

I see Jack also getting up, wanting to walk after him, but I hold him back. "Jack, can we talk?" I ask, looking up at him. He frowns, but nods and sits down besides me. "What's wrong?" He asks, sitting next to me on the edge of the rooftop.

"I saw Katherine yesterday, she said ya guys broke up, why?" I ask the boy next to me. "I just didn't love her anymore." He says slowly. I look at him for a few seconds. "But ya two loved each otha head over toes."

Jack laughs softly before turning towards me. "Stop doin' like ya know nothin'. Ya said from the beginnin' that I was bein' stupid." He says. "So it's about Crutchie?" I ask him, already knowing the answer.

"I really love 'im Howler..." Jack says slowly, first making sure nobody can hear him. "I'm glad ya finally found out yaself, but ya gotta tell Crutch."

"I can't, he probably isn't even gay. Besides, if someone finds out, we end up in tha refuge. And I can't let tha happen. It's tha best like this." I sigh as I grab Jack's hand.

"Ignorin' tha things ya feel," I say, placing his hand on his heart, "will only make things worse. Ya gotta tell Crutch, I promise he loves ya too." Jack smiles at me before pulling me in a tight hug. "You's the best sistha tha boys have. I don't know what I or them would have done without ya." He says in my shoulder.

I hug him back before we get up to walk downstairs. I say Race standing in the middle of the group of Newsboys. I take a sprint and trow myself in his arms. "Where have ya been!" I say, letting go of him to see if he's alright. "Yeah! We were worried sick." Davey says, standing besides me.

"Brooklyn, I needed some time ta think, sorry mom." He says to Davey before turning towards me. "We need ta talk." He says, serious. I nod and let Race taking me with him to a separate room. "Oh! They're gonna have tha talk!" I hear Albert say behind me.

He sits down on the bed standing in that room and motions for me to sit down besides him. "Race what's wrong? You's scarring me." I say, sitting down besides him.

"I talked ta Spot.."

Words: 977
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