Chapter 22

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Race's POV
I walk towards Howler's room, putting a cigar in my mounth doing so.
I knocm on her door, telling her to get ready because we're already to late, but no response.

"Hey Mads, I's coming in. If you's naked it's not my problem!" I yell before walking in, only to find a empty room.

I frown but don't think much of it, maybe she's already at Newsies Square. As I arrive the other boys are already there.

"Howdy Jack. Have ya seen Howler?" I ask the boy. He frowns as he looks up to me. "Howler hasn't come out of her room yet, I thought she was with you." He says.

I slowly start to panuck as I look around, trying to find Howler. "She wasn't in her room. I thought she would be here." I say, running acriss the Square. I look up at the Dlenacey brothers and walk straight towards them.

"Where's Howler!" I spit in their face. "You think we know? If we'd know we wouldn't be selling papers to shitty Newsboys because of that reward." Morris spits back. "They's right Race, Howler has ta be somewhere else."

And soin enough every Newsie in Manhattan stips what they were doing and started searching for the girl.

That evening I walk into the lodging house, still having no clue where Howler could be. I look up to see all the boys sitting with long faces.

"What's tha bummer? Maybe she's just visiting Brooklyn and does she walk into this building any moment." I say to the boys, not really believing my own words.

"She left a letter on the kitchen counter for ya, Race." Albert says, holding a piece of paper out for me. I snatch it out of his hand and head towards her room to read it.

Dear Race,

I didn't want to loose you or any of the other boys. I didn't want to hurt you or any of the other boys.

Yes, I's scared. I really am. I's not gonna tell you where I headed, but if you think about it you should already know.

Please don't come and search me, I'll survive. I have for the last few years. Besides, Mike isn't going to lie a hand on me at all.

I love you,

I see a tear falling on the paper and soon realize I have been crying. I groan as I toss the paper trough the room and start lunching the wall.

"How could she be so fuckin' stupid! She told me we would talk about it!" I yell trought the room, punching the wall another time. "Are ya alright?" I hear someone say. I look up to find Elmer standing in the doorway and groan.

"Do I look alright to ya?" I spit at him.

Howler's POV
It has been one day and I was already covered in bruises and cuts. I have cried in my room several times, only to be covered in more bruises.

I was currently sitting on my bed, tugging my knees to my chest as I stared into the distance.

My bedroom door opens and my body freezes, thinking it's my dad again. But instead of feeling another punch against my jaw I feel someone pulling me i  a strong hug.

I look up to see Sean sitting next to me, softly rubbing my back. "I came to say goodbye, Snyder is almost here." My brother whispers into my ear. I nod and start crying again.

"Why did you came back in the first place?" I laugh softly at myself as I pull Sean off of me. "Well, I didn't want tha Bulls ta hurt my friends, just so they could get a hold of me. Besides, why givin' anyone money for my head if I could also just walk into here." I say with a small grin.

I grinch as I try to shift, making my whole body hurt. "But why? You elft evrything behind, you could also just stay there. Hide. I just don't get it, after everything mom and I did..."

"Let me explain. If ya had tha option ta walk away, leave evrythin' behind ta make sure I got save? Would ya do that?" I ask my older brother.

I seems hesitant at first before nodding. "I sort of did, didn't I." I smile at him. "And I would always be thankful 'cause of tha. But I's older now Sean. I have tha figure this out myself."

My brother smiles at me before kissing me on the forehead. My bedroom door burst open and I look up to see my father and Snyder walking up to me.

I look at my brother one last time, tearing up when I see him cry. "I love ya." I say before I got dragged away.

Race POV
"And what do you want to do Jack! Sit down and watch as Howler got beaten to death! Raped!" I yell at the brown haired boy.

"Race we can't jump into actions before even knowing what's going on." Jack says in respond, trying to stay calm infront of his friend. "I know dam well what's goin' on Jack! I's not stupid!"

"Just let it go for now Racer, we'll see what we can do in the mornin'."

"You's unbelievable. She could be already dead in tha mornin'!" I yell before walking away. "Where are ya goin'!" Jack yells after me.

"Goin' on a walk to Brooklyn!" I say as I pull a cigar in my mouth before starting the trip towards the king.

Words: this one is a little bit shorter but I hope you don't mind...
Love you!
~ Alex

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