Chapter 16

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The boys cuddled up against each other as I start telling them a small story. Only 10 minutes later they were in a peaceful sleep. I smile at the two boys before limping back to my own bed.

"Hey Race, I'm gonna sleep." I say to the boy on my way there. Race nods, and half an hour later I feel him lie down in the bed next to me. I smile softly to myself before falling asleep.

I wake up a few hours later by Race shaking me by the shoulder. I frown as I open my eyes and realize it's still midnight. "Race? What a-" I was cut of by Race slamming a hand against my mounth and motioning for me to be silent.

I frown again as he walks towards the window and waves for me to follow him. I carry myself out of the bed and start limping towards the window. I hear the window softly creak open.

I familiar face appears in the window with a smile. "Somebody needs to help Howler down, she can barely walk." Race whispers to Jack. Jack nods and grab both of my hands to help me out of the window.

I bite my underlip as I look up at Race, looking trough the room one last time before I let Jack help me. Next to Jack is standing Albert. He helps me towards a rope before leaning into me. "You have to try to go down as fast and softly as you can, downstairs somebody will help you walk away from here." He whispers.

I nod and slight downstairs. I land on my feet and I gasp as the pain spread trough ny body. "You alright?" I hear Davey who is standing besides me say.

I shake my head as I bite my tongue to hold back the tears. "Let me help you." Davey whispers. He trows a hand under my shoulders so I can lean on him and helps me towards some bushes at the edge of the small area.

I let myself fall on the ground as I look up to see Race also landing on the floor. Jack and Albert follow suit and soon the four boys are running towards us.

"We have to hurry, our distraction will not last any longer." Jack whispers. We all nod and Albert picks me up bridal style as they start running towards the lodging house.

As soon as Albert lies me down on my own bed I sigh in comfort. I was too tired to really listen to what the guys were saying to me, and within a few seconds I fell back asleep.

The next morning I woke up by the morning bell. I yawn as I open my eyes and see all the boys slowly waking up. I tried standing up, but the pain didn't make it easy for me.

I looked up to see Crutchie walking towards me with one of his old crutches. "Use this, it helps ya walk." He says, giving me the crutch.

I smile at him and put it under my arm. "Thanks Crutch." The boy smiles before tunring back around to find something to eat.

I feel someone lying a hand down on my shoulder and when I look up I see Race standing behind me. "How's ya doin' Howler." He asks me. "Betha then a week ago." I say with a small laugh.

Race looks at me for a few seconds, not happy with the answer before laughing softly and grabbing my hands. "Let's go sell some papes, shall we?" I smile and follow him to the World, the other Fellas behind us.

As I buy my papers I see the Delancey brothers glaring at Race and I. I gulp as I feel someone lying a hand down on my shoulder. I look up to see Jack standing right next to me.

"Don't worry, they's not gonna get ya anotha time." He says with a grin. "Thanks Jack." I mumble before walking away.

"Hey Howler!" I turn back around to see Race waving at me. "Ya wanna sell with me today? Albert ditched me." Race says, pouting. "Oh, uhm, sure." I say before we both start walking towards the Sheepshead.

As we arrive I had to sit down for a while to catch my breath. Selling wasn't easy either, I was quickly exhausted and memories of the refuge keep slipping trough my mind.

I stared in the distance, seeing Mike's face again, that grin when he snapped my ankle. I shake the thoughts away and look up to see Race walking up to me.

I frown as he grabs my hand and pulls me into an alleyway. He pushes me against the wall, his hands besides my shoulders. "R-Race? What are y-ya doing." I stutter as I feel my cheeks light up.

Race grins at me before taking something out of his pocket. "Ya seem a little bit off today, ya know what helpes? A good cigar." He points the cigar at me and I laugh.

"Really? Ya want me to smoke while we're selling?" U ask him. "Ya still have ta do tha dare." Race says. I sigh as I grab the cigar and push him off of me. "Give me a lighter Racetrack." I say as he trows the lighter at me.

I quickly light the cigar and take a small puff. I start coughing badly and Race burst out in laughter. I glare at Race and he points at the cigar.

"Try it anotha time." He says. I groan but after a few puffs I get a hold on it. "Race this is absolutely disgusting." I say to the boy.

"Hey! Don't insult my Coronas." I laugh as I take the cigar out of my mouth. "Here, ya can have it." Race takes the cigar back from me and put it in his own mouth.

"Shall we go back? It's not like I can sell really good at the moment." Race nods and we start heading back to the lodging  house.

Please leave an idea, I'm open for suggestions! See ya next chapter!
~ Alex

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