Chapter 26

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I didn't know where I was going, but I found myself sitting against a tree as the sun was setting. Leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I sigh as I look up at the sky. I know that this child will always remind me of Mike.. But starting a family with Race sounds so lovely.. it wouldn't exactly be his child, but I know it will feel like it is to him. At the same time it sounds frightening to be with Race my whole life. To know he will be the one I grow up with. Gonna have a baby together is like marrying to each other... What would be a nice name for the child though?

I laugh to myself as I find myself already starting to love the small child inside of me. I look up when I hear someone running towards me and smile as I see Race stopping infront of me.

"Don't ever do tha again! What if ya got hurt again! Or what if ya got thrown in tha Refuge again! Especially now!" I let out a small chuckle and Race sits down besides me.

"I see ya smiling..." he says slowly, not really trusting his own voice. "I decided to keep it, and I wanna keep it with you Race." I say, looking at the boy next to me.

"Really?" He says, his eyes sparkling as he looks at me. I nod and he grabs my hand. "Oh Howler that's wonderful!" He cheers in excitement, pulling me in a hug before pushing his lips against mine.

I happily kiss him back, already knowing that after these 9 months, we will be the happiest. Race get's up and takes my hand, helping me up.

"Shall we go home?" He asks. I nod happily as we start walking towards the Manhattan News lodge.

As we walk in everyone stops what they're doing to stare at us, Race and I just smiling brightly. "And why are you two so happy?" Albert asks, his arms crossed.

"That's our little secret." I say to Race as we head up. "Hey wait! Ya can't just walk upstairs after not seeing us for a week and thinkin' everythin' is okay!" JoJo says. Both Race and I slowly turn around as we're engulfed in Newsies hugs.

"I missed ya guys to." I say with a laugh. Hugging Elmer as I pat Crutchie on the head.

"Is it okay ta start thinking about names?" Race whispers to me as we lay in bed that evening. In my own little bedroom. "Ofcourse it is." I respond with a smile.

"Well, I was thinking of Anastasia for a girl and Clover for a boy." Race says as mather of fact. "Anastasia?" I say with a laugh. "I was thinking of something smaller.. like Alex?"

"Oh I like Alex!" Race says interwining his fingers with mine. "But is it good enough for a child?" I say, still thinking about a name. "I think it's wonderful Mads." I smile at Race before looking at the roof again.

It stays silent for a few seconds before I feel Race looking at me. "Griff? For a boy?" I smile and nod, Race happily smiles back before we both fall asleep.

The next morning I wake up by Race gently shaking my shoulder. I groan as I turn back around, pulling the blankets further over me. "Come one Howler! It's already 30 minutes past circulation bell!" I chuckle as I turn towards Race.

"Which means we's already to late ta do somethin'." I say, not expecting a response. "That's not how it works."

"Listen Race, the whole Lodgin' house is already empty!"

"Oh really?" Race says with a smirk. I nod and Race walks towards me. He sits over me and as I lie on the bed I look up in Race's eyes.

"Which mean they can't hear ya begging for mercy!" He says before starting to tickle me. I burst out into an uncontrollable laughter, begging for Race to stop.

And he did, eventually. I look back up at Race and see him slowly leaning in. I smile at myself as I press my lips on his, making the last air between us disappear.

I feel Race smile before he kisses back. The soft, innocent kiss turned into a more passionate one. I feel Race softly biting my bottom lip. I slightly yelp before opening my mounth a little bit, letting him in.

I feel his tongue exploring every corner of my mounth as I start fidgeting with his golden curls. Races hands finds his way under my shirt, slowly rubbing circles over my ribs.

I let out a small moan and quickly pull away, slamming my hand over my mounth as I look up at Race. "What was that?" I hear him ask. "Nothing! Nothing it was nothing!" I say, my voice muffled because of my hands.

Race grins as he leans in again. "That was the cutest thing ever." He says before pressing his lips against mine again, continuing what he was doing.

I also find my hands under his shirt and slowly take it of. "Stop that." I hear Race say. I frown as I look up at him. "Stop what?"

"With everythin' ya do! Tha innocent lip biting, the small moans, undressing me. Dam woman you's turning me on." I frown but start blushing as I see a small bulge starting in his pants.

"I just don't wanna over rush it.. I don't wanna hurt ya.." I hear him say. "You won't Race, I promise."

"But what about Mike?" Race says, fidgeting with his fingers. I think before smiling. "Do as if that never happens." Race's eyes grow wide as he looks at me. "I told you how I think about doing it with a virgin!" I let out a chuckle as I kiss Race again.

I feel him melt into the kiss and this time he does take of my shirt. His lips starts to move towards my neck as he starts sucking at some places. I moan again as he hits a certain space at my collar bone and I see him smirk.

You know, they continued, they did the doodleydoo, you get it.

Afterwards both Race and I fell asleep again, exhausted. I shot up as I hear someone enter the building, realizing both Race and me are still naked.

Words: 1100
Okay I did make a big change in this chapter, but I just wasn't comfortable enough publicing it.
~ Alex

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